Ch. 17 : Bitter Reminder

1894 Words
The first week of the challenge was finally over and I was already expecting another visit from His Majesty in my room. So I picked up the pace as I walked out of the library, having spent my morning skimming through the many books that Lanalee looked after while Calix kept me company. I was alone for once in what felt like a very long time. With Ivy in the Palace kitchen gathering everything she needed for dinner and Arden taking his turn to stand Guard at the front entrance of the Queeness Palace. I was enjoying the peace as I made my way down a shaded walkway that connects the Central Palace and the Queeness Palace. The breeze was wild and ruffling the skirt of my dress as well as my hair that Ivy had worked hard in styling this morning. With my hands holding down my brown locks to my shoulder, I neared the side entrance to the Queeness Palace… and so did someone else. I wasn’t paying attention as their hand overlapped mine on the door handle, stunning me. I looked up and my heartbeat stuttered, my body growing cold as I stared into a pair of jade green eyes. Kaliden. I tore my hand out from under his, jumping back a step as if I had been stung. He stayed still, watching me as I clutched my hand to my chest, my body and mind struggling to put up that blank mask over my face. We stood there silently, staring at each other as another gust of air blew by, kicking up pebbles and leaves. He let go of the door and turned to fully face me, his eyes searching me as they looked over every part of me. “I’ve been wanting to see you.” He says softly, those poisonous green eyes settling on mine. “Since I got back to the Du Pleasant estate three months ago… but it seems that you’re avoiding me.” Red hot anger spilled over me at his words, my eyes narrowing as I looked past that pathetic longing in his gaze. “There is no reason for you to look for me.” I straightened my back and raised my chin a little, glaring at him as though he was nothing more than a speck of dirt on my shoe. “I have nothing to say to you.” I moved to reach for the door and open it, but he pushed his body forward, blocking me from the door handle. “Amara--” He started, but he stopped himself, his words dying out as a heavy, looming presence manifested behind me, growing closer. “Is there a problem?” I turned and sighed, actually grateful to see His Majesty appear from around the corner of the building. “Dorian, you surprised me.” I muttered, flinching slightly when Kaliden stiffened in my periphery. “Forgive me.” He says softly, that easy smile of his making an appearance as he stood close behind me. “But is there a reason this Guard is stopping you from entering?” I looked up to find His Majesty staring down at Kaliden, his expression calm. But the aura around him was anything but, swirling and expanding around us like an out of control blaze that was ready to consume and destroy. “No, he was merely asking me a question.” I said, pointedly looking at Kaliden, urging him to move aside. I didn’t want to stand here in this tense and thick tension that was making me nervous. Kaliden rudely ignored His Majesty, staring at me silently before taking a few steps back and away from the door. My body stiffened even more as the Prince let out a very faint growl, eyeing Kaliden who was still looking only at me. I glared at him, questioning why he was being so obvious and stupid in front of a dragon. Thankfully, Kaliden seemed to get the message and finally turned, walking back down the shaded walkway. Dorian and I stared at his retreating form, silently drowning in our own thoughts until we couldn’t see him anymore. A little yelp escaped me when I looked up at His Majesty, getting ready to say something to kill the lingering heaviness in the air, but he was already looking at me. My eyes fluttered for a moment, my breath leaving me in a long exhale as I felt myself being pulled into his crimson gaze. “Let’s get you out of this wind.” His words were soft yet slightly strained, his hand coming up and plucking a leaf from my hair. I nodded, too overwhelmed to say anything as He pulled the door open for me. We walked to my room that was thankfully close by, finding Ivy already inside. I smiled and relaxed some more, thanking her and taking a seat on the dinette. His Majesty looked to be a lot less stiff as we sat across from each other, his back and shoulders relaxing against his seat while he smiled at me. That damned piece of myself that craved this man was itching again, wanting to help erase the last of the tension. And against my better judgement I began to ask him about his day and brought up the investigation again, openly wondering if anything new had been found out. He looked grateful for the distraction and we easily drifted off into conversation for the rest of the evening. Sadly, after that encounter with Kaliden, I’ve been seeing him more and more. He would show up at random, standing at a distance and staring before walking away. His green eyes would look over at the people keeping me company before settling on me. And he would stay and stare longer if Prince Dorian was among my companions. Arden had caught a few times and would stand there and glare, a growl vibrating in his chest as Kaliden turned and left. But when His Majesty would catch him, Kaliden would boldly stare back for a short moment before leaving. I tried my hardest to keep someone with me at all times, not wanting to risk being alone with him. But as the second week of the challenge came closer to the end, I found myself alone in one of the deeper corners of the library. “Amara.” My jaw clenched as I recognized the voice behind me, my hands softly closing the book of poetry I had been skimming through. I slipped it back into the little open slot on the bookshelf, taking in a deep breath to prepare myself. Once I turned to face him I gasped, stunned to find him so close to me. I stepped back until my back was pressed against the bookshelf, wanting to get further away from him. But he stepped closer, only stopping when I stuck my hands out, keeping him at arm's length. “Why have you chosen him?” he asked, his voice stiff as he glared down at me. “Is his title important to you? His riches?” My brows pulled together as I registered his words, filling me with confusion. “Do you really think he cares about you?... Or is this some trick to make me jealous?” “What are you talking about?” I snapped, glaring at him as a headache began to grow. He leaned in closer and looked straight into my eyes, my hands pressed against his chest to keep him from pressing into me. “Why do you call him by his name?” A low snarl rang out with his words, my fingers trembling along with his chest. “Why does he visit you every night?” He reached out and grabbed my chin, holding it tightly as I glared back at him. “Are you sleeping with him?” I felt completely lost, his words not making sense to me as the silence stretched on. But his questions slowly pieced themselves together, bringing up the image of one person that filled it all in. My body burned with anger as I realized why he was acting like this and his reason behind the interrogation. I turned my head away from him, ripping it from his grasp before shoving him away. He only fell back a step, his cold eyes still locked on mine. “What I do, who I spend time with, and who shares my bed are none of your concern.” I hissed, my hands igniting into violet flames that swallowed my fists whole. He chuckled darkly, his arms crossing over his chest as he glanced at the fire around my hands. “Enough with the show Amara.” His tone was mocking and patronizing, as though he were dealing with an unruly child. “We both know you’d never hurt me.” “If she doesn’t, I will.” We both turned and found Lanalee making her way towards us with a hostile look in her eyes. Calix ran up from behind her, still dressed in his Academy uniform. He darted past Kaliden and stopped in front of me, taking a defensive stance and looking up at the man in question. Lana stopped a short way from him, leaning against the end of a bookshelf. Kaliden glanced at her with a bored look on his face, his body displaying just how little he cared about their pointed hostility. He turned to me for a moment, his eyes letting me know that he wasn’t done with me, before he turned on his heels and walked away. After he was gone I relaxed and tried my best to calm Calix and Lana, both wanting to go after him and do who knows what. The rest of the day was spent in a much more relaxing way, talking, eating, and simply enjoying the presence of those around me. His Majesty managed to even make me laugh for once, easing the last of the tension from my body. But when everyone left and I was in my sitting room alone with Ivy, I was once again reminded of my encounter with Kaliden when someone knocked on the door. Ivy answered and took the single pure white rose and note that a maid handed her. I took the card and opened it, my hands quickly crushing it thick page before yanking the rose out of Ivy’s grasp. I threw the card into the waste bin, snapping the stem of the flower and ripping the petals out before shoving it in with the card. Ivy called out to me as I rushed to my room, needing to do something, anything to get those damn words out of my head. But they spun and echoed around in my mind, leaving me feeling suddenly exhausted and hollow. ‘Forget about the Prince and come back to me, I know you miss me. I know you can’t forget what we had. We can still have it Amara. We can go back to how things were. Don’t be stupid. He’ll never make you feel like I can.’ -K
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