Ch. 16 : Nightly Surprise

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I was hoping for continued peace after the unfortunate run-in with the Duke and Duchess of Du Pleasant. But as the first few days of the challenge came and went, it was anything but peaceful. And the culprit behind it all was His Majesty, Prince Dorian. At first when he would visit me and wait in my sitting room I brushed it off as mere coincidence. Especially since all we talked about was the active investigation that sadly hit a wall. But when we had exhausted every facet of that topic, moving on to more personal things and tales of our past, I was beginning to question his reason. He would spend the day with whichever Noble Lady was listed as his companion for the day and then, around lunchtime, he would appear and Ivy would announce his presence. He would join me for tea, or maybe a walk through the library when I’d go and visit Lanalee and Calix. Then, after accompanying me for dinner, he would leave and the cycle would continue the next day. Part of me was fed up with his strange behavior and wanted him to leave me alone and pick some other Lady to spend his evenings with… but I couldn’t deny that a small part of me was enjoying his company, and that filled me with confusion. Why was this little piece of myself so adamant about being around him? Why couldn’t I simply crush this feeling like I wanted? And how do I stop this feeling from growing? That sliver of me was weak and pulled me along with it whenever he was around, making my heart race, my cheeks burn and my stomach burst into frantic flutters. I hated how little I was able to control myself when we spoke, opening up to this man about the little things about myself that only Arden and Ivy knew about. And I cursed myself every night before bed whenever I’d let him see or learn a side of myself I had managed to keep hidden from everyone else. Like when I had decided to go for a walk to the Knights training grounds to visit my brother and found Arden alone. He had been tasked with checking the quality of some new bows that had been delivered to the Palace Commander before they could be used during training. I stayed and helped him, picking up bow after bow and shooting arrows through them to test them. His Majesty appeared a short while later with Ivy beaming by his side and joined my brother and I in testing the weapons. I had managed to remain quiet for the most part, standing between these two men as they spoke and shot arrow after arrow at the wooden targets a few yards ahead of us. But when His Majesty, who insisted I use his name casually, began to talk about his mother, something in me shifted, and I lost control. “I’m sure most of you have heard how my mother struggled after giving birth to me.” He was calm and almost peaceful looking as he spoke, pulling the bowstring back and releasing it smoothly. “Many people in the Noble Court claimed that I was at fault for wounding my mother’s womb beyond repair at birth… that even as an infant I was somehow making sure that no siblings would challenge me for the Crown.” I barely registered that I had stopped shooting and was slowly turning to face him with the bow and an arrow still in my hands. “My parents never placed any blame on me even though I knew that they had wanted a big family… but the members of the Noble Court kept throwing out guesses and theories as I grew up, wondering if a miracle would happen and my mother would have another child.” I remember feeling a deep burning need to reach out to him as he spoke. An itch to comfort him and soothe the tiny hint of pain that I could hear in his voice. But I remained frozen in place, instead recalling a few rumors that I had heard while living in the Du Pleasant estate. Overhearing some of the maids and even the butler as they talked about how fast the only Prince was growing and how skilled he seemed to be for his age. People said that it was like he had the mind of a man within his young body with how quickly he moved through his lessons. Some of the servants had even expressed their fear for the Kingdom because of this, saying that the Prince must be something unnatural and dangerous, that he would take his people down with him once he rose to the Throne. "It was a bit of a struggle for me, keeping my mouth shut on the things I heard." He chuckled, releasing another arrow. "I knew my parents would turn the entire Noble Court into a pyre if I told them anything… but in a way, I'm glad to have gone through all that." He paused and turned to look at us, his deep garnet gaze flicking to me then shifting over my head to my brother. "It helps me understand some of what you two might have gone through over something you had no control over." A small moment of silence passed through us, the breeze whistling past us before I heard my brother speak. "It's pathetic, in my mind, that others can crave power so much to feel threatened by a child to the point that they turn their backs on their own moral compass." Arden scoffed, his voice soft yet bitter. "My sister and I didn't ask to be born to Nobility, we never wanted to join the Du Pleasant family, but we had no choice." My mind went blank for a moment, stunned that my typically antisocial and tight-lipped brother was behaving so familiarly with the Prince. And when I turned to look at him and found him looking at His Majesty with an open and friendly expression, my head nearly lost the ability to form thought. But I wasn't able to question and wonder how or when they had gotten close, because my lips began to move on their own. "Mother always told us that the thoughts and opinions of others could poison us if we let it." My body felt strangely foreign to me as I smiled at them both, feeling a deep seeded warmth spread throughout my body as I stared into those crimson eyes. "But I feel like their hateful words could be used as fuel that we could let motivate us to prove them wrong… making them swallow their own venom when we rise above their low expectations." Once those words left me I tensed and cursed at myself. His Majesty’s eyes nearly glowed even brighter, a soft and intimate look in his eyes as we stared at each other. It unsettled me and weakened me. Leaving me breathless and limp once he turned back to focus on the targets. I kept glancing at him throughout that day, my mind drowning in dozens of options behind that look he gave me. And as I looked he would catch me, making me blush and turn away as many different emotions flitted across his face. But I kept looking back at him even after getting caught red-handed. A part of me wanted to keep looking at this man. To stare into those deep red eyes of his. To urge him to tell me more about himself while I returned the favor. Of course, I struggled against this too. Every night that he would appear, I’d bite my cheek to keep from saying anything unnecessary. And every night I would fail and let something slip during conversation. The information was always something small or seemingly unimportant. But I knew that that didn’t matter. He was still learning about me, piecing together the many little facts, opinions, and quirks that made me, me. And though I never asked for information of equal importance, he would reveal bits about himself. Opening up to me and teaching me things that I didn’t want to know. Well, a part of me didn’t want to know. There was still that other half that was eager to learn more about him. To become so fluent in the type of man he was that I could blindly recite his likes and dislikes without fail. And this pesky, useless piece of me was growing. Those damned roots and sprouts that dug themselves into me, hanging on for dear life as I clawed, screamed and fought to uproot them. They slithered deeper into me, weakening me with each passing second I spent around him. Every word shared. Every heavy glance. Every puzzle piece of personality that I’d learn.
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