
Lycan King Tyler's Mate

kickass heroine
enimies to lovers

Riley is a half-vampire who chose to remain in the human world, pursuing a career in literature and following her dream of becoming a writer. Every year, she celebrates her birthday on a secluded island where her parents—her mother, a vampire, and her father a human—reside in isolation. They live on the island to protect themselves from the Vampire Governors who want them dead. The island is also home to other half-blood vampires.

However, things take a dark turn when the Vampire Governors conduct a raid on the Isolation Island to capture the half-blood vampires and force them to act as spies for the Lycan Realm Unfortunately, Riley and her parents are among those captured.

To make matters worse, the vampires force Riley to stay among the lycan wolves disguised as a she-wolf. While staying in Lycans Realm, Riley’s feelings for the Lycan King, Tyler, slowly escalates.

Faced with the choice of betraying Tyler or saving her parents’ lives, Riley must make a difficult decision. Will she choose love or family? The stakes are high, and Riley’s choice will determine the fate of all involved.

(Content warning: violence, explicit scenes, abuse)

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Chapter - 1
Riley’s POV “Put the blonde woman away, and place their families in the other car. Find other mixed-blood vampires and report back,” commanded the head of the Guard. I stood right behind the blonde woman, bound by magical handcuffs that suppressed my powers. My vision blurred, but I could make out two figures carrying my comatose parents to another car. A sharp pain seared through the back of my neck, and I turned to see a soldier in a black uniform withdrawing a syringe from me. A soldier grabbed my arm, shoving me into a van crowded with other half-blood vampires. Some were knocked out, and some awake sat in fear. The truck’s engine roared to life, and I closed my eyes, unsure why the vampires were chasing us. My mother, a vampire, had found a human partner, my father. I was their only child. Human-vampire hybrids hid on a remote island because vampire governors wouldn’t allow them in their domains if they had human partners. My once-home, the solitary island, was gone. I wondered how the mystical barrier protecting our town had fallen, allowing pure vampires to invade. Could someone have betrayed us? “Brunette lady,” a woman sitting opposite me called out. I ignored her. “Can’t you see I’m talking to you, amber-eyed lady?” “What do you want, blond-haired lady?” I replied, scowling. “Do you know where our parents have been taken?” she asked, concern evident in her voice as she nervously chewed her lower lip. “How am I supposed to know that?” I frowned but saw her sorrowful expression. “Although I can’t be certain, I believe they didn’t intend to harm our parents. If they did, they would have shot them instead of moving them to another vehicle.” Others around us listened, hope flickering in their eyes. “You could be right,” the blonde woman said, joy lighting up her face. “What’s your name? I’ve never seen you in our town,” she asked. “Riley Laurier. I’ve been away at Cambridge University. I just returned two days ago to celebrate my birthday,” I explained, rarely speaking so openly. As I mentioned my parents, their beaming smiles from my birthday celebration flashed across my mind. “My name is Carol Collins, and I believe you assessed the situation well. I couldn’t figure out what was going on, and the vampires’ presence worried me.” I smiled and nodded slightly. Though scared, I remained an attentive observer by nature. The truck halted, and we were dropped off far from civilization. I glanced around, but there was no sign of the vehicle holding my parents, which alarmed me. They must have been taken elsewhere. Ahead stood a building with classic curb appeal. We marched in formation, flanked by soldiers. If we tried to escape, they’d shoot us, and the magic pellets were designed to inflict agony on half-blood vampires. We entered an old, musty crypt guarded by a battalion of vampires, and a man suddenly appeared. “Welcome, mixed-blood vampires! I am Nick, a member of the Vampire Governor. You are here for a reason. We are about to engage in a conflict with the Lycan Wolf Realm and need extra personnel. If you don’t cooperate, your parents will be killed. Think carefully before you act!” His words left the ten half-vampires stunned. “I’m going to choose five of you to be spies, each assigned a target,” Nick said, pointing at me last. Guards led me to a room, and an officer forced me into a cold steel chair. When the lights came on, I saw Nick seated opposite me. “Your glance tells me you’re a wise woman; you’ll be a valuable asset. No doubt about it, you’ll do it,” Nick remarked, smirking. “How did you determine that? Have you been spying on me?” His smirk grew more contemptuous, confirming my suspicion. “The task required ten individuals. The other half-blood vampires were released. Now, let’s discuss your target.” Nick pressed a button, revealing a picture of a man. He had green eyes, a strong jawline, and black hair that complemented his pale skin. He looked like a model, capable of making many women swoon. “This is Lycan King Tyler,” Nick pointed out.

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