Chapter 2 - Someplace Safe-2

2001 Words

Topher was entirely amazed. Saanvi did this. Saanvi, who didn’t even like to be looked at. Saanvi, who leaped as if stung if anybody accidentally grazed her skin. On the evening of the third day, Topher realized that he wasn’t getting any stronger, and that he might have made a mistake by waiting so long. He told Zorn and Isa that he wanted to leave as soon as he could. “When?” Zorn asked. “Now?” “I need the night. Just the night.” “I’ll get the horses ready.” “No.” “Why not? It’ll be faster, and you won’t have to walk.” “We can’t spare them,” he said. “What’s the worst that can happen?” Topher didn’t reply. “Okay,” Zorn said. “We can ride as far as city limits. Someone can come with us, take the horses back.” “Who?” “I don’t know. One of your men? Saanvi?” But Topher was al

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