
The Billionaires´Redemption: Starcrossed Lovers

friends to lovers
office/work place
coming of age
self discover

Since infancy, I have always looked up to him. He has been the man of my dreams, my secret love.

When I headed out to University I believed to be on my way to finding happiness, only to be met by his fiance and to have my heartbroken.

Life threw us a curveball, and we again met under different circumstances, binding us together. Would we be able to make it? Would MIke Astor and me, Jewel Cox be able to find happiness? Would that happiness be together or apart from each other?

I hope we can ake it, because my twin sister, Joy is on a journey of her own. Joy, my ever artistic sister, got accepted into the Royal Arts Academy in London, and while abroad she would meet the love of her life, or s she thought. Would her unbreakable spirit be able to forgive him? or Would revenge get in their way'?

Our lives will be taking turns that will lead us to unsuspected paths, only to realize that the main question remains "Would we be able to be happy?"

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Chapter 1- Going Away
Jewel POV “Joy, are you taking with you the cute top that you haven´t used and that I loved?” I asked my twin sister for the nth time. She looked at me with annoying eyes. Yes, we love each other, but she can barely keep up with my energy. I am super excited, to say the least. We will finally be living out of our home, we are heading to university, and nothing can beat the feeling of freedom that I have. My parents are adorable, super nice and we get along just fine, but being away from them is going to be something different and I can't wait for it. My dad, Jason Cox, is a multi-billionaire. He has Cox Enterprises, a media, and entertainment company. He also has a bunch of investments here and there, so we were raised with every comfort available to humankind. My mother, Rachel, is a renowned artist who had a rocky start, but in the end, her work sells like crazy. My mother came from a regular household in England, with a big close extended family, way different from my dad´s. He was tossed away at a boarding school when he was a kid. He didn´t have any siblings or extended family, and as far as we know, his family was all f****d up. So, the bottom line, is we grew up in a loving environment, mostly provided by my mom, with an awesome dad and younger brother Joshua. Dad always treated us like his princesses, but mom always pushed toward a life full of normalcy and responsibilities. That meant, despite being filthy rich, we had chores, responsibilities, academic performance prizes, we got grounded and took the trash out, like normal kids. In the end, I have to thank mom for raising us that way. We know how to earn our way, work and fend for ourselves, and this first experience will prove how ready we are. Today we will be hosting a farewell party with all our friends and family. And tomorrow mom and dad will be taking us to Boston, to drop me off, and then they will go to London, to drop off my sister Joy. I am going to study engineering at Harvard and Joy will go to The Royal Academy of Arts in London. She is so much like mom, while I have my dad´s temperament. “Yes Jewel, I am taking my nice top with me. You never know when it will grow on me, and I will want to use it.” Joy yelled at me and I pouted. I loved that silky red top of the shoulder. We share a lot of things, but Joy is super special about her clothing, so whenever I ask her for some clothing, she just tosses it to me and gives it away. She won't use it after someone else has worn it. That top is brand new, and if I had spotted it at the store, I would have bought it. I was defeated. Joy was not giving me the top, so I let out a sigh. Then my sister said, “Why don't we ask mom to take us shopping, I will tell you where I found it?” She wiggled her eyebrows and I clapped in excitement. “Sounds like a plan.” I yelled, and we ran toward my mom's studio. We knew she would be working there, either painting or doing some craft for our party. Joshua, our younger brother, met us halfway. “Where are Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum heading?” He asked and we rolled our eyes, Since forever he has called us those stupid nicknames. He is almost two years younger, super handsome, lots of girls chase him, he is super good at sports, so he is the kind of guy that can be the epitome of a jock, but with the kindest heart and the most level head that we have known. “Mom´s studio, we want to go shopping with her…” Joy replied and he shook his head. Following us along. Joy turned around and looked at him. “What are you doing?” She asked, annoyed. “I am looking for dad, so I will start looking for him at the most obvious place…” He rolled his eyes and all three of us mumbled “Mom's studio.” We all knew that when dad was at home, he would most likely be with mom, and if mom was at her studio working, dad would be there for sure. We stopped at the studio threshold when we saw the image in front of us. Dad kissing, almost eating our mother, they really need to start keeping it together, or at least lock the door. “Yuck Dad!” Joy yelled and my parents laughed at our faces. Joshua wanted to talk to dad, and we tried to convince mom to come with us. Dad gave us his famous speech about being responsible with our money and then transferred another thousand dollars to our accounts so we could go shopping without mom. They are like horny teenagers, every chance dad has to get rid of us, he will take it. We headed out and went to the shopping mall again. Joy and I were having a blast when I saw him. The air in my lungs suddenly became too much to handle. Last time I saw him was three years ago. Mike Astor, our Aunt Gianna and Uncle Tony´s oldest son. We grew up together, we are neighbors even, and from the time we started liking boys, he has been in my heart. Call it a sick infatuation, but I secretly love him. Three years ago he left his home to go to university, and if you are wondering where he is studying, well, of course, he is attending Harvard. I chose that university because it is my dad's Alma Mater, but the determinant factor was that I would be close to Mike. I knew that Aunt Gianna would ask Mike to help me and show me around, and I intended on taking every single opportunity for him to notice me, not like his sister´s best friend or the daughter of his Uncle Jason, but to notice me as an independent, sexy, confident woman. I am so ready. Vivian spotted us and she waved. “Joy, Jewel… I thought you were all packed up! What are you doing here?” She walked toward us, with Mike slowly following her with an annoyed face. “ Well last minute shopping, of course, and we are not even close to being all packed up for tomorrow!” Joy answered and at that moment Mike reached our little group. “Hi girls..” his sexy deep voice filled my ears, and I swear my heart skipped a beat. “Hey Mike… ready to go back to Boston?” Joy asked and he nodded. “As ready as one can be, I might do it if Vivian decides to finish up with her ´shopping´” he stressed the word shopping and Vivian laughed. “Oh Mike, since when you became such a grumpy old fart. You are enjoying every minute of it”, Viv teased, and Mike rolled his eyes. I wanted to say something smart, but words were missing from my brain so I just stood there like a statue admiring him . He is tall, over 6ft 2in, he looks like a younger version of my Uncle Tony, who by the way, in his time, was named one of the most handsome bachelors in New York high society, so yeah, Mike was handsome as hell. Manly features, dark hair, dark eyebrows, straight nose, well defined jawline, and plump luscious lips. The only difference between Mike and Uncle Tony, besides age, is that Mike has Aunty Gi´s eyes, deep green. I zoned out, and suddenly felt someone pulling me around. Joy was taking me to another store when I saw Viv and Mike walk away. How did that happen? “Jewel what the hell, you just stood there, gawking at Mike!” Joy whispered-yelled at me, and I flushed red. “Was I that obvious?” I blurted out and Joy laughed at me. “Not really, I noticed it and cut the conversation short, Your Welcome…” She blurted and I gave her a big smile. My sister has always been my lifesaver. “But seriously, you need to step up your game, because if you plan for him to notice you among all the student population by playing mute, I just don't see it working for you. Luckily you will have a couple of hours for a do-over” Joy winked at me. “What do you mean?” I asked and she laughed. “Seriously, Jewel, where do you live?” She rolled her eyes and I stuck out my tongue at her in a childish demeanor. “Yesterday at dinner, mom and dad were talking about it. Uncle Tony asked dad to take Mike and Vivian back to Boston and London. Something about him and aunt Gi having to travel, and their plane not being available, and since we are heading pretty much to the same places, and we have extra space on our plane, well…” she paused and I smiled. “Yeah, I can do the math better than you, Sister.” I replied to her and locked my arm with hers, walking cheerfully to our next stop. Victoria's Secret.

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