Her Eyes

3461 Words
Celena's Pov: "If not Friend, I think you should assign me as your bodyguard. It's a weird coincidence that I've come to ur rescue Twice a day sweetheart" She says with a charming smile. And there it is , those warm feeling of Waves doing somersaults inside my stomach.....do i have gastritis because it feels something's burning inside me n i like it. I push aside my feelings and hurriedly stand up, away from her touch. "I'm so sorry i wasn't looking and Thank You again , ummm.. r u hurt. umm...what am i even asking of course you're hurt ....lemme check you....take off your clothes " I blabber without even thinking what came out of my mouth. But i just wanted to check for bruises or some scratch injury or even worse....broken bones(٥↼_↼) She's smirking again....damn she smirks a lot....and why's she looking at me like i offered her million dollars instead of a genuine advice....maybe she's not hurt that much.....SLAP, "Ouch...!!" I feel a slap around my head. I look behind , it's my mom who slapped me, I'm pouting right now coz she hit me like a kid Infront of sky "Moooooooommm...!! why" i ask. "When will you grow up moon. You're asking our customer, who saved you ....to strip right Infront of everyone" She states and i blush ...."Ooh I'm sorry. would you like to join me in my room then (ー_ー゛) " i suggest another idea and.....slap....."Moooooommm stop slapping. You're embarrassing me Infront of my classmate" i whinne like a kid but it hurts. Yeah this lady here in her 40's has hands of steel. Sky end up laughing holding a chair nearby and i eye her furiously. This girl gonna have fly inside her mouth someday. And maaaan i have been stupid around her whole day , why wouldn't she laugh. "So you're celena's new friend" Mom ask sky to which she stops laughing and replies ...."Yes mam. My name's Sky Walker. Nice to Meet You. You look gorgeous by the way" She greets my mom and my mom gets shy. Ooooooo so she's a flirty kind to woooo people around her i see. "You're gorgeous too honey. Nice to meet you too. what a beautiful name you have by the way" My mom greets her back. "Thank You Mam" sky says to which my mom replies "Aw darling just call me Mrs. Smith or Regina. Mam sounds too odd. Well r you hurt dear. The impact was quite hard for you" my mom ask her in concern. "Mrs.Smith it is then. And I'm alright Mrs.Smith,Thank You for your concern. Actually i was here for something else though" Replies sky in awkward way fixing her t-shirt while running her fingers around her keyrings. I wonder what she has to say. Wait ..... what's she doing here ?? (・_・) how did she know my place, Is she stalking me?? Was Amy right all along......huuuuhhhhh this girl is a stalker i should call police right now (ノ゚0゚)ノ before she plans something evil about me or my people around us.....Smack..."mooooooommmm not my butt please. for god sake I'm 18 , stop treating me like I'm 8" I mop to my mom who's literally ripping off my image emotionally and physically Infront of this hot stranger/stalker/saver. "Where are your manners Celena ? First you bumped into her , second you almost stripped her then insulted her by offering to strip in a room with you and now that we know she's your friend. Instead of asking for water/coffee you're just looking at our faces turn wise like a puppy. Come on go get her some snacks and drinks while we talk baby" She scolds me in a gentle way making me realise my mistake. Yeah she's right, I guess i deserve the butt smack. Just that not the others. "Okay mama. I'm sorry sky.... for being a rude host. Please have a seat I'll get you something. And don't say no please the treat's on me to show you my apologies and how thankful I'm to you" I say in polite way with a smile. For a moment our eyes met. Have you ever seen someone's eyes which shine's like a star. There's this beauty in those pools which makes you feel warm and safe, that i what I'm feeling right now. From all the moment that we shared today , i believe this is the most beautiful moment that I'm sharing with her. No words spoken, No worries felt , As if world stood for a while when they brown star met mine black one's. As if she's embracing me with her soul. **cough cough *** My mom fake coughed to break our staring contest. Suddenly we both looked at opposite direction as if somebody shook us from our deep slumber. "Yeah snacks, I'm gonna get those" I said and rushed behind machine to hide my blushed face. My goodness what just happened ??.....That was weird I start preparing some coffee and snacks while mama and sky are talking together. I'm trying to listen but damn these murmurs around tables , I can't hear them properly. "Here's your coffee and our today's chef special pasta" I say putting snacks on table. "Thank You" she replied with a smile. "well there's a good news baby" mama said smiling to which i gave her a curious look. "Sky here would be working as a part timer. She says she's new in the town plus she needs money for her tuitions fee, Isn't that adorable, I'm so proud of you kids" Mama said looking adorably at us. "But mom we don't have vacancy here. Besides you always try to shooo me home saying you don't need help here" I try to argue because I'm shocked and I don't want her here. There's something about her that doesn't seem to feel okay now that she's getting closer. Or maybe Amy's words are getting me paranoid. "Parents always do what's best for their kids. No matter how much vacant this place gonna be. I would always want you to have a good happy life doing whatever you want instead of working here baby. All these pushing over is because i feel I'm stripping you over from your normal life. And yeah we do need extra working hands, So sky get ur documents to us by 2 days. It's just for formality but we do need to keep knowledge of your background" Mama Says with a soft voice to us. You can feel love and care in her soft voice when she's not grumpy or spanking me whenever she wants. "Okay Mrs.Smith, Ummm can i just stay here with Staff for a while please ?? Just to know their work and my role and also the cafe itself" Ask sky with a smile to which my mama says "Sure, celene here will show you around and how things work, if you need anything I'll be around cash counter, call me whenever you have any further questions" Mama left towards counter leaving me and sky behind. " Soooooo let's go around Celey, show me everything" Sky grins with a funny raised brows. I just glare at her because i feel she's constantly mocking me about something that I don't know......hmm i should ask amy about it. "Yeah Sure I'll show you everything around. But first let's get ur clothes off" I mumble to which our employee neil chuckles. You can see his face red because he's trying to hold his laugh. "What ? " I ask. He's just shakes his head with a slow "nothing mam" and doing his chores. Meanwhile sky is showing her toothy smile to me which confuse me further. "Let's go to staff room. which is our first location that you should know. There we change to our usual cafe uniform and you can have a personal locker to keep your personal belongings and no phones allowed while work. So either keep it in silence if you are expecting important calls or else inside locker" I explain while walking towards staff room while sky kept following me behind. "Here , take my shirt. Yours are dirty from falling earlier and also i want to see if you're hurt. I can't have a peace of mind if you're hurt somewhere. Soooo ?? are you hurt ?? you can tell me" I say with concerned voice. She's just staring at me and again those eyes which is making me feel warm. She gently take both my hands in hers, I let her ......she place my hands on her waist and whispers in a husky voice "You can check yourself moon" Damnnn that tone gets me shiver in my spines. I lift my hands up without breaking touch of her skin. Our eyes glued to each other without breaking intense gaze. I pull her further close to which she whimper a little. I put my hands under her shirt, I don't know what took upon me to have this confidence but this feels good, her hot skin under my touch, i gently massage her skin in different places, like her sides, her back. I take my hands off and raise it towards her shoulders and give a massage there too to which she close her eyes. She release a sigh while i gently let my finger trace down from her shoulders to her finger tips, Goosebumps form in her arms where my fingers traveled.Suddenly she grabs me by my waist , turns around and pins me nearby door. Shocked by impact and her act i grip her hard which results us look like we're hugging each other. "Either You're very good at teasing or You're too Innocent for your own good celena." She says sounding breathless. She grabs handful amount of my hair pulling it a little back. Her grip is not hard just bold enough to control my head movement. "Tell me what is it sweetheart coz you're driving me crazy right now" I just stare at her breathless and shocked. My heart is hammering inside me. I was just checking her body to see if there any pain around where she particularly hit earlier. I was being gentle with my touch , trying not to hurt and looking at her eyes to see if she feels any pain or she might be just lying about not being hurt. I don't know what teasing is she talking about. She study's my face while I'm trying to voice my thoughts which seems to stuck in my throat. I didn't realize when a single tear drops from my eyes. I feel her grip loose on my hair. " i..... I'm sorry moon. I don't mean to hurt you. I'm really sorry i just misunderstood your intentions" Sky apologize to me. "I was just trying to check if you're aching painfully and not telling us" i sob..... I don't know why I'm crying. it's not that big thing which happened. But i felt a little panicked. Sky hugs me again for the 3rd time of day. This time it feels good. Her hold on me is gentle. I bury my head between her neck. She gently rubs my back up n down following my spine pattern. I began to relax in her arms, those heavenly smell of her perfume calms my mind. She raise her hands on my head massaging my hair "You feel better now ??" She asks I nod my head but not Letting go. Sorry but I'm clingy when I'm panicked and my whole life is surrounded by family and friends who had always comforted me. I admit I'm a pampered big baby and I love good hugs. Sky is a good hugger i must say. Her body perfectly fits in mine. I wonder what Amy would say if she saw us like this....(⊙.☉) The thought of Amy push me off my weak state. How can i forget she doesn't like sky , she's gonna be mad if she knows about sky working here and worst seeing us. (●__●) I won't tell her about huggies but about work thing mama is at fault here , So m good i guess. I let go of her and sky retracts from me too taking my shirt. She's again looking at me as in amused. I raise my brows as in saying 'what'.... she makes a circle motion with her fingers to which i form O I get out of staff room giving sky privacy. "Why are you so flustered mam?? Did something happen ?? You're blushing" Ask our waiter neil.......uuuggghhh kill me for have white skin. No matter what happens, like even if I'm scared to death, i swear people gonna say why am i blushing. I just give him a sharp look to which he looks a bit intimidated but i smile instantly letting him know that I'm just kidding. "Nothing neil i just panicked a little. And nothing happened okay" I saw sweetly to which he replies "If you say so" he winks and continue doing his work . Sky comes out wearing my spare shirt Which looks good on her. Afterwards i show her kitchen, machine and introduce to other employees. Explaining about working rules and shifts. All the time she listens carefully and there's an awkward silence between us. We didn't speak much later, mama handed her business card which she gladly accept and wish us all goodnight. After Sky left Cafe I take a deep breath finally, feeling relaxed as if I've been holding my breath for a looooooong time. It's late so mama's wrapping things up where as i enter staff room to collect my stuff along with mom's thing. I see a note glued at my locker which says ......'thank you for everything, even if you don't accept my friendship right now I won't stop trying moon. And also sorry if I've hurt you in any way.... here's my number if you need my help.... I'll be there for you anytime...+1*********".... Now that I realized why's she Calling me Moon. (?・・) Did she heard mom calling me that earlier ?? Even if she did she's not allowed to call me that coz it's personal. Only mom and my friends call me that. But it felt good when she called me by my nickname. But it feels great to know someone who feels oddly good and familiar yet you don't know them. Have you ever felt like this with someone ?? Like you don't know them ,Yet you want to know. There's something about them which attracts your heart towards them but also scares you to death coz you're scared to get hurt. Those bunch of Emotions excites you, scares you, makes you feel funny inside but yet you don't dare to act upon it coz you're scared and you don't know why. We lock cafe securely. Wishing employees goodnight and head towards our home in mama's car. Well none the less My Day was a blast overall. I enjoyed it. Dear God Keep Everyone Safe and Happy. Sky's Pov: I didn't planned on meeting celena in cafe earlier. I just wanted a coffee after what i went through in college. It felt frustrating, and whenever I'm frustrated caffeine calms me down. I was startled & shocked to fall on my butt ....but it immediately changed into a good mood when i saw face of the culprit. I couldn't help but smile seeing how she rambles without thinking and when she suggested about taking my clothes off i couldn't help it. I burst out in laughter. Then her mother came slapping some sense into her, at first i felt stiff and intimidated by her presence. I've heard so much about her while doing research and also the way she was looking at me felt like she's gonna realize who i am. But i kept my calm. It didn't took me much to realise that celena has her innocence from her mother coz she sounds sweet and lovely too. The only difference is her mother's soft side is only limited to her. The Classic fierce 'Mrs.Regina Smith' once world knew is nothing to be seen in her demeanor. It felt like she's not the same person i had in my head. This lady oozed compassion, love and gentleness in her words and action. For a moment i felt myself loosing but then i had to remind myself what am i here for..... coffee ??..... naah .... something bigger than that . A sudden thought of working here popped inside my head. I found myself feeling proud of my own thought. This could be a better opportunity to get close to Smith's and get my mission done in smooth way. I will know her better and get closer soon. Luckily her mom agreed to my request to which moon doesn't look much pleased with and i wondered why ??.... why's she particularly cold towards me ?? ....is she like this with everyone or I'm a special case ?? i wanted to ask her that but i didn't because i want to win her instead of making things complicated. Thank god i get my coffee which subsided my headache. I felt even better savouring pasta which was delicious. I didn't know coffee and pasta get along so good. I'll make sure to try it again. After Some talks and Pouts (all by her) i requested to Mrs.Smith for look around which she agreed upon. In staff room though. I felt myself loosing at her touch. The way she pulled me close, i was instantly burned by the heat of our collided body, she seemed un effected which bothered me. But our eyes held so much intensity ,her touch felt natural to my body, she explored them taking her sweet time. Her touch gentle yet they created sparks wherever she massaged me. I felt a gush of wetness down there but I refuse to give in. I'm here to take control not give in to her magic that she's casting upon my heart. I instantly hold her body and reverse our position to take control. I need to know what she's trying to do, what she's thinking. Our body collided perfect in a warm embrace by my reverse role. She didn't speak a word but her hot breath near my neck wasn't helping to keep my thoughts sane. I want to capture her lips. I want to devour her body so bad but now is not the right time. So i grab her hair being careful enough to not hurt her. My father has always taught me that eyes are home to read emotions. They reflect emotions perfectly unless you're master of lies. I try to read those black orbs to find them glistening with unshed tears under room lights. Her eyes held innocence , curiosity and Shock. A drop of tear makes me feel guilty of my actions and drags me out of my lustful trance. Perhaps a sincere hug would help me to nullify my rude action to this gentle heart. I hug her with much love and care so she could feel my silent Apologies. After changing my shirt and knowing the place i take my cue to leave the place which suddenly feel gloomy without her smile. An awkward silence fall upon us but i know it won't be for long coz I'm gonna win her heart someday..... only to break..... On my way back To cousin's home. I find myself questioning all my actions and these feelings that are blooming inside my heart for my target. Although I'm very much determined to do what i came here for, but is that worth it ?? Will i be happy by breaking that innocent soul who seems oblivious to any of incidents that happened in past. She looks like a newborn baby who's unknown and protected from cruel reality of out world. I smile finding the only similarity between us. We were both protected and pampered by our loved one's , away from worldly eyes. My head's not straight right now but i have to get grip on my emotions. It's been just few days and she's affecting me more than i thought. I need to call her.....yes she knows what should i do.....she can guide me....I need to be reminded my purpose of being here. After all these mess i can be finally be able to be back where i actually belong. Note: All these places, event and people are imaginary. None of these are real.Thank You
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