After Party Chaos

1028 Words
Hawk's POV Pretty much after the talking see-through head appeared the party was over. The people lost their minds and headed as far from the place as possible. I had to chuckle have feared was supposed to keep you alive. but most times it was the not clear thinking that got people killed. I was a prime example of that. They would run I could walk until they got tired or made a bad decision. Then it was easy pickings. Fear without courage is what happened when you made someone panic. Right now I was watching all of that happen with the crowd who had been at the ball. People scattered without thought, trampling and hurting others to get out of the way. This was how Athens and I managed to kill everyone in the lab. This was how it was so easy to kill at any point during his time of hunting. The churches where I made my mark, the leftover empty and blood fill halls of houses where he wiped put whole clans, or the village of black witches killing children for their gains. This was the scene as it played out. I shook my head people would never change. Looking to my group of people who accepted me as part of the family stood in the corner heads together trying to sort out what just happened. He noted that Lory was clinging to Mike's side. That was good she trusted him enough to hold on. "What are your thoughts, Hawk?" King Joe's voice hit my ears as I watched the people leave through random doors. "I think Velito wanted to stir up a mess." I shrugged wrapping an arm around Amber. "And those men?" It was Lory's words that shivered. "His henchmen if you will. The little guy a rat and the other makes the toys they use." I spoke off handily. I was not bothered at all. It had my beast had wanted to come out and chase. I did not allow it. The scene would become by far way worse. Lory nodded, as did the rest of the group. "Well since the party is over how about we continue with an after-party in our sitting room?" Athens chirped. There was an eagerness in his eye that told me he was up to something. "What type of after-party?" I raised a brow. "The kind we all get drunk and naked at," Athens snickered like a teenager. "I remember Roman ones!" He smacked his lips and rolled his eyes up to the sky. "Absolute bliss it was." Athens gave a heady sigh. "And they say I have issues," I shook my head and buried it into the crook of Amber's neck where my mark lay. She melted into me as she always did. "How are you doing Ma Cháñte?" I cooed in her ear. "Fine my beast," She purred rubbing her body closer to me. Simple words and touch could light my desire faster than anything with this woman. I could want to kill and she could just place a hand on my arm and I would want to rip her clothes off and ravage her until she screamed my name in pleasure. "I think we should move this to the sitting room." Maya stood, looking around the group. "Have Logan and the others come to the room as well." She started straight to the other room. That seemed to be Maya when it can to decisions she would just click and it would be done. ********* Maya's POV ********* I was not expecting to see Velito or his henchmen as Hawk called them so soon. Worry and panic flooded my senses As I listened to each person chatter. Watching the complete chaos that ensued and people getting hurt because of it hurt my heart. These things were happening because we were here. If we weren't here then it would not have happened. Get a grip, my wolf Reina said in my head. That's harsh, I hissed back at her. Any supernatural, that is not harmed or has not been harmed by him in a long while is in league with him. Reina snapped back. I paused a moment that did make sense. he would need them to do his bidding. Duh, Reina snorted. Walking into this side of the world had basically been us walking into his lair waving like we were willing to jump right into his dungeon so he could kill us. I wouldn't go that far but yes we are on his turf right now. Trust nothing and no one. Reina sneezed, going back to lay down in my mind. We were in the sitting room, as Athens and Joe were settling everyone with drinks and snacks. I watched the people around me. They seemed unfazed but the events that took place. Lory has plastered herself to Mike's side a distance from the rest of us. I noticed all eyes turned to the door, Logan came in with a huge grin on his face and a blonde-haired woman in tow. Both of them disheveled in appearance and glowing. Lory's eyes lifted as she saw her, surprise showed in her eyes as they both squealed and ran to each other. "Guys," Logan looked at everyone. Before grabbing The blonde's hand and pulling her to his side. "I met my mate," The smile he wore was nothing less than an absolute joyful one. Congratulations started as everyone cheered. Mike and Lory both chatting with them excitedly. I noticed that Logan had already marked her and she had marked him. "I have never seen a wolf and bear mated," I mentioned to Athens. "Because I believe this is the first," Athens mentioned quietly in my ear. "What does this mean?" I looked at him with surprise. "I do not know, I am going to go chat with Shaman and see if he has any ideas," Athens spoke with interest. "I am curious to see what he says," I said just before Athens left. "I think we have some celebrating to do," I announced loudly. "In honor of newfound mates!" "New mates!" Everyone cheered back.
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