
2741 Words
I had awoken not too long ago, I just laid in bed looking at the ceiling, Derek was gone. I wanted to run but something was holding me back. Maybe it was because a part of me wanted to believe him but the other part told me he was lying… “He’s not lying darling” Confused, I looked around to find the source of this voice. Nothing. “I am your wolf. He isn’t lying.” The wolf said “How do I know if I’m not going crazy? “ I asked “Well you seem to be having a normal conversation with me darling” she said “Well.. Please go away. I don't want to be crazy.” She whined but she went quiet. Annoyed, I got up and went to explore. I might as well see what's around here anyways. When I walked out of my room I came out to a long hallway with a bunch of doors. This place was huge, as I was walking around I smelled something. It smelled good, like it was fruity and fresh , so I went to check it out. By the time I found where the smell was coming from, I had made it to the kitchen and found Derek. I was about to hide but I didn’t. I needed to know where that smell was coming from, it has gotten so much stronger since I walked in the kitchen. “Goodmorning Alice, How did you sleep?” Derek smiled My wolf started whining to me “Derek yay Derek! Go to him!” I quickly shut her down “Morning Derek, I slept fine i guess… say? Do you know where that fruity smell is coming from? …. By chance?” “Well. No. There isn’t anything in here that is fruity? Sorry darling.” But suddenly he looked up at me, eyes wide, and asked “Y-you can smell me.. You can smell me!!” he ran over to me and hugged me. He was right. I could smell him and… HE SMELLS SO WONDERFUL!! My wolf purred while he hugged me, when he went to let go I grabbed him and hugged him again. My whole body was on fire. My wolf was happy. I needed this. His scent was amazing. I just wanted to bury myself in his chest but I forced myself to let go. “Well you seem to feel better.” He smiled “So how about breakfast? Anything you want” My eyes widened,I haven’t been out to eat in forever, “Well… I don’t know… What do you have around here?” He smiled and said “I know a place…. Come on!” then proceeded to rush me into the car and was eager to get somewhere. We get in the car and start to drive. I wanted to ask where we were going but I couldn’t find my voice. I looked over at him and he turned to smile at me. What a beautiful smile he had. “We’re here!” Derek exclaimed “What is this place..?” I asked “It’s the town's breakfast cafe.” He told me “Well what are we waiting for? I’m starving!” I told him We walked inside and it didn’t look so bad really. The soft pinks and blues made it look like a sunset in a whole cafe. It was beautiful. I wonder what the food tastes like. We sat in silence for that whole time really. I ate some pancakes, eggs, and bacon. It was so good. I have already caught him staring at me while I was eating. I blushed everytime. I haven’t been around anyone this nice in a long time… but can I even trust him? He might be dangerous. “Nooo ..” My wolf wines at me “He isn’t dangerous.. He is our mate…” “That's nonsense! Be quiet.” I told her “Huh?” Derek asked me, I must have said that outloud.. f**k okay well i cant hide in now “Derek..” I started “Can we go back? Im full.” I lied “Sure!” He smiled at me “Let’s get going. There's a bunch of things we need to catch up on.” I looked at him curious but he didn't tell me anything else. I wonder where that's gonna lead to… When we got back to the house, We went inside and to his room. It was much bigger than the one I was in before. I sat down in the chair that was in the corner because I didn't want him to get mad at me if I sat anywhere else. I watched him go to his closet and pull out a few things of clothes, and then he changed right there, I turned away and blushed. “You don’t have to hide your face. I know you like what you see.” He smirked at me when I turned around, He had a tattoo on his right arm of a wolf with a skull on top of its head. I wonder what that means. He followed my eyes to his arm and smiled “Do you like it?” He asked “Yes.. I do.. It’s a nice tattoo. What made you get one like that?” I questioned “Well…” He started “My father had one just like this… He died when I was 16. I didn’t have a chance to say goodbye… By the time I got to him…. He was already gone…” He had gone quiet “Oh.. I’m so sorry for your loss..” I felt like an ass “I mean I know how it feels tho.. I lost my mom.. I still don’t know what happened to her…” He looked up and tried to smile but failed “Your mother was a wonderful person… She would take care of us all here when we were young.. I remember her saying she had a hard headed little girl at home that always wanted to be right there next to her 24/7…” He laughed a little “Come to realize… You are the hard headed little girl she would talk about. I remember when I was younger I would always wonder what you were like and how you acted…” I remember now.. I would beg my mother to take me with her because I didn't want to be alone with my father… Every time she left he would beat me and tell me it was my fault that my mother was gone. I flinched when he walked up to me. “I-I-i’m sorry…” I said quietly “P-p-please dont hurt me… I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make her leave ….” “Alice…. You didn’t do anything wrong darling.. Your fine I promise you are..” He pleaded “No… I’m sorry …” I stammered out “I have to go… I’m tired…” I tried to think of a quick lie to get me out but I just ran for the door and found myself outside. Where do I go? I have to leave but i have nowhere to go. I have nothing. “Go back to him” My wolf cried “No. I’m leaving. I wont stay here and get hurt again. I wont!” I shouted I began to run, fast, I didn’t know where I was going but I knew I was leaving. “Derek wont let you get far.” My wolf said “He knows your scent. He won't lose you. Just go back now” “No. shut up! shut up! shut up!” I screamed As I was running my foot caught something and I fell, I looked around real quick and I had no idea where or what way I was facing. ‘f**k’ i thought to myself ‘now what do I do…? ‘ Before I could even get up I heard a noise.. I turne to find nothing.. Oh no this is gonna be when I die. I started to panic trying to keep my eyes on everything to make sure I had no surprise attacks. *crack* Oh f**k. Oh f**k. Oh f**k. f**k! Derek I’m so sorry! I wished I would’ve stayed and listened to you! God I’m so f*****g stupid. “Alice.” I knew that voice when I looked up and saw my father. “Alice I told you… I need you sweetie.” “Y-y-you stay the hell away from me!” I shouted at him “Well your lost sweetie.” He smirked “How do you think your mate would feel if I left your blood on the trees?” I froze. How could he even know anything about what has happened? How does he even know about Derek? He smiled “You're just like your mother. Always chasing these damn mutts around!” “What would you know about my mother?” I sneered at him “You're barely a man….” “Well for starters…. You're not my daughter.” He had a cold look on his face “Your mother is a w***e. A liar. And a dead b***h if you ask me.” My wolf growled when he said that. I’ve never felt this much rage and hate towards the man I thought was my father. I once loved him. I really did. Him and my mother clicked. They were perfect together. Nothing seemed bad. Everything was perfect up until my mother started leaving from time to time. But she was my mother and I do love her. “You don’t know anything about my mother. Not shit.” My wolf was winning to get out but I shut her out as well. I was shaking and my heart was pounding. Tears were flowing out of my eyes but it wasn’t from sadness I was angry. I couldn't help myself but to let them flow. “Oh but you see… I do know quite a lot… and i sure as hell know a lot about your mate, Sweetie.” He took a step towards me. “Wouldn’t you like to know who he is?” *Derek's POV* “f**k…. MAKEY!!! Come here now!!” I shouted for my brother to come help me. Alice ran off and now I have to chase her down. I don’t have a problem with that, I have a problem with what lurks in the woods outside of my territory. “Holy s**t man….” Makey walked in rubbing his eyes “What bro I was having a really good nap till you yelled at me.” “My mate ran from me… It’s dark she could get hurt..” I said “Derek…..” He sighed at me “She’s a wolf. I promise she’ll be fine.” “NO SHE WON’T BE FINE!!!! SHE DOSEN”T EVEN KNOW HOW TO SHIFT YET!!!” I screamed at him and suddenly his eyes got wide “What the f**k Derek! Why do you have such bad taste in mates? Why me f**k man.” Makey sighed “Come on… Lets go before she really gets hurt.” We left the house and we both shifted so we could run faster. Almost instantly I caught her smell. Roses and honey are my weakness. I mind linked Makey. “I have her sent to follow me..” “Is she the one stinking it up with the honey smell?” He linked back “SHE SMELLS WONDERFUL” I growled “Okay okay. Come on let's go get your flower” Makey laughs before running towards her. We have been running for about an hour, that's only because we lost her a couple of times, but I found her. She smelled stronger than ever. I missed her.. She's my mate no one will take her from me. We came up on a patch of woods and when I crept up to it I saw my mate on the ground, exposted, and crying. I was angry, my wolf growled at the thought of someone hurting her. I saw a man standing over her about to do something… “You see sweetie…” The man said “Your mother will never be nothing but garbage. Even if she was still alive. She would never love you. Ha! She never loved anyone.” He laughed like it was funny to him. “So now…. I’m gonna do you have I did your mother…. And you're going to die!!” “I didn’t do anything to deserve this!” She shouted at him, My wolf howled when she did. I want to kill him. I mind linked Makey “Don’t do anything… He’s mine.” He nodded. “You know why I killed your mother, Sweetie.” He started “She just wouldn’t stop going to see that f*****g mutt. That f*****g mutt should’ve died right along with her. But I couldn’t get my hands on him. He ran. Your mother cried. You were just in the middle of all of it when I found out she had been cheating on me with that stupid dog. I can tell yours has already woken up. But what are you going to do huh? You might as well come back with me. I got something so perfect for you. You’re going to enjoy it as well... “ He grinded and started for her. My wolf growled “NOW!! KILL HIM NOW!!” I jumped out in front of her and him. She began to cry more deeply now that she saw me. “Derek!” She cried to me “I’m so sorry! Please don’t hate me…!!” She began to weep, and with that being said and done, I lunged for him and pinned him to the ground. “Stupid dog! Stupid f*****g mutt! I’ll kill you motherfucker! SHE’S MINE! YOU’LL NEVER HAVE HER TO YOURSELF!!” He screamed at me “Don’t kill him... “ Makey linked to me “But why? It would be so f*****g easy to snap his neck right now…” I linked back “We can use him for information about Lilyanns death..” He was right. We do need him, but I want to kill him. I looked back at Alice. I couldn’t live without her… She has to be protected more. I can’t lose her. Tonight has been long tho, so I told Makey to bring him to the cells and is to be held there until further notice. I linked a few others to come help with the garbage. I shifted back so Alice knew she would be safe when they arrived and that I knew them. I don’t need her running off anymore, She's gonna have to listen to me, or else she’ll end up getting hurt. I can’t let anyone hurt her. After this man was about to try and kill her over something I’m not sure about, it’s time to find out what happened to Lilyann. *Alice’s POV* Derek saved me. He put his life before mine and I don’t even know him like that. I was so stressed out I couldn’t walk. My legs gave out almost instantly when I got up. Derek carried me back to the house. I fell asleep before we even got there. I was so tired. At least that horrible monster didn’t kill me like he intended to. I knew Derek was upset with me and I knew I probably pissed him off as well when I ran from him. When we got back he laid me in his bed before I fell into a deep sleep after that it was dark. *Alice's Dream* “Mom where are you going?” “I have to go help some friends blossom. I’ll be back soon. I promise.” “Mommy please don’t leave.. I don’t want to stay with daddy.” “I know… I promise I’ll be back before dark, and then we can both leave, and we’ll be together forever… Okay?” “.....okay mommy… Please hurry tho.. I want to play dollie with you.” “Okay… I’ll hurry.” My mother's face looked sad. She looked broken. I miss her so much.
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