Chapter 4

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Star P.O.V.   After everything that happened in my fathers office I went to bed. I hardly slept after everything I learned. While laying in bed I am thinking about all that has happened in the last 8 hours. It's hard to believe that I am the lunar princess. Dakota has been telling me why I was chosen to be the lunar princess and why it is important that I am. ****Flash Back**** 'Dakota what is so special about me?' -S 'Your a descendent of the first royal family Star.' -D 'Thought that the first royal family all died, so the Stones took over.' -S 'Star why do you think your last name is Sky?' -D 'That's the name of the Alpha who created the pack. What does that have to do with this?' -S  'The first royal family name was Night-Sky' -D 'How is that even possible? Everyone thought the whole family died?' -S 'When the royal family was attacked the crowned prince at the time took his mate and changed their name so that no one would find them and started this pack. This is the secret that your ancestors have kept from your pack and only the Alpha is told once he becomes Alpha.' -D 'Wow' -S 'We are meant to help the werewolves all around the world and bring peace among us.' -D ****Present****    Katy comes bursting into my room at 9 o'clock to get me ready for the  party at 4. She jumps on me and I push her off my bed while laughing at her. She gets up playfully glaring at me and walking into the bathroom turning on my shower for me. "Get your butt in shower , birthday girl. We don't have all day." "yes ma'am" I saluted her making her laugh. Then I run into the bathroom to do my business and shower.   After getting out I wrapped my fluffy blue towel around me and came and sat at my vanity so Katy can do her magic. Sara, our pack cook, brought me blueberry pancakes, yogurt, and orange juice for breakfast and wished me a happy birthday on her way out. It took Katy 3 hours for her to get me ready so that we can head down stairs to have my party with the pack.    She picked out a royal blue strapless dress with a sweetheart neckline, my necklace from my parents, Gold strappy sandals and with gold and blue make up. Sammy and Mat came into my room with a few wrapped presents and sat on the couch in front of my 50 inch tv. Katy and I come over and sit on the other couch and I ask them why they got me gifts and are giving them to me so early. Mat said "We know you asked the family to not get you anything but trust us you will love them." With that said I opened them up. The first one was a picture of Dakota's form. "When did you get time to take this?" I ask. Mat told me while I was talking to her for the first time. The next one was a gold bracelet with black, white, and silver wolves on it. The last one was a photo album of Mat and me growing up. It even had the picture of the first time Mat let me ride on his wolf Jacks back after he shifted, I had the biggest smile on my face as I sat on his jet black wolf.    Once the party started I walked around and talked to the pack members and looked to see if any of them were my mate. After I realized that Ben nor Cameron were not my mate I felt sad because that meant I was going to leave my pack to be with my mate. 'We will find him Star. Just wait you will see. So keep your chin up and smile.' -D 'Thank you Dakota. You know just what to say don't you? I love you Dakota' -S 'Yes my dear Star I do. I love you too' -D Maximus P.O.V.   It's finally the day of the ball. I'm ready to get this over and done with, and hope that I find my true mate tonight. I've been getting ready since 10 this morning and it's finally just an hour till the guest start to show up.  'Max please come down to the ball room when you are ready. Some of our guests that are traveling really long distances will be here within the hour.' -My dad 'I'm on my way down now. Is mom there or do I need to get her on my way?' -Me 'Will you please bring her with you. She should still be in her office.' -My dad  'Okay' -Me   I knock on my mother's office door then stick my head in. "Mom it's time to head down. Dad said that a few of our guest will be early." "Okay Max. Walk your dear mother down to the ballroom will you." she says. I chuckle and link her arm with mine and we head down to the ball room together as some of our guests start to come into the castle grounds.   Once in the ball room my parents and I are sitting in the thrones welcoming our guest. After the first few packs arrive  Christian starts pacing and giving me a headache. ****(Maximus is Max and Christian is Chris)**** 'Man what is your problem' -Max 'I'm not sure I just feel funny. I can't really describe it' -Chris 'Well stop pacing your giving me a headache. I still have to great guest as they come in and your making it hard to pay attention to them' -Max 'I'm sorry I'll try to stop'-Chis 'Thank you' -Max   "Are you okay?" my mother asked me. "Yes, I was just having a conversation with Christian." I told her. "Okay" was all she said. We go back to greeting our guest after that.
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