
Short Stories - Romance

opposites attract

When it suddenly pours on her way to a crucial job interview, Linda has no choice but to dash into a stranger's open umbrella. And to say thanks, she sacrifices the last coins in her purse meant for one of those gross and cheap meals she's been surviving on to buy her savior a cup of coffee, praying for success at her interview. Little does she know that the stranger happens to be her future boss who sees her gesture as nothing more than a stupid bribe to get the job. Just like the many candidates who'd thrown themselves at him for a chance to work at Easton Corporation.

Ethan accuses her as much when he walks into her interview, making sparks fly and not the good kind. For a billionaire like him who is used to everyone falling at his feet, he is left stunned when Linda practically asks him to stuff the job.

Unwilling to work for a jerk like Ethan Easton, Linda thinks its good riddance even if the job was everything, so what happens when that billionaire jerk shows up at her door with an offer she never expected?

Experience this and more when mother nature decides to play match maker in this weather romance series.

Book 1- Heartstrings And Second Chances (Completed)

Book 2 - Trading Hearts- A Mix-Up At Midnight (Completed)

Book 3 - Tender Hearts, Tender Moments (Ongoing)

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Heartstrings And Second Chances #1 - Bad Luck
"Miss Bryson, why don't you begin by telling us about yourself." A stout man looking over thick rimmed glasses short me a sharp look, reminding me of my third grade teacher. I would have shifted under his gaze too, but I remembered that I wasn't in trouble this time. Well, I was, but not because I had muddled a fellow third grader’s paintings in our activity class. This was a whole different kind of trouble that I hoped getting this job would solve once and for all. And so with a deep breath, I mustered a confident smile and got ready to wow the interviewing panel with my perfectly rehearsed speech meant to sell myself. But then the door to the small boardroom flew open, startling me. "Sir?" The stout man sprang to his feet as a domineering figure marched into the room. "Mr. Easton, we were not expecting you–" "This interview is over. You are not hired, Miss Bryson." The figure all but growled, ignoring the stout man and I would have sneered at his insulting attitude, but his declaration had knocked all air out of my lungs. You are not hired… Everything happened so fast and as the words echoed in my head, I couldn't help curse the universe for my bad luck. "Wait, why?" My voice shook as I stared at my chance at a better life slip away. It couldn’t though. Not now. Not after I’d bet everything on this one job. I could already see George flashing me his rotten teeth while I begged him for my old job back. I couldn’t have that. I needed to fight…whatever this was. “Sir, Miss Bryson is one of our best candidates. You yourself approved her application and deemed her the perfect fit for this position.” The perfect fit… Hope bloomed in my heart at that, but it was snatched away just as quickly as it had come. “Well it’s a shame she did not consider herself worthy of the position.” “I did not?” I fully stared at the man confused while I wondered where in hell he’d gotten such a ludicrous idea about me. I’d practically dreamed of being their firm’s receptionist day and night. Not to mention the pay that came with it. “Wait, you are-” My eyes widened as I recognized the stranger whose umbrella I had invited myself into when it suddenly began raining on my way to my interview. I’d had no intentions of missing this interview not even for the sake of nature. So when it had suddenly poured I had slipped under the closest person to me who’d opened their umbrella. The person had not taken offence, hell, we’d even exchanged a casual conversation after. “You are Mr. Easton- as in ‘The Ethan Easton’?” I kept staring, eyes wide at the famed CEO and owner of Easton Corp…and also my future boss? How did I not recognize him? "Oh please. You didn't realize we were headed in the same place?" "Of course I–” I paused when I realized that he’d just thrown my own words back at me. “Wait, what are you insinuating?" Against my better judgement my temper flared. It didn’t even matter that it was my fault for crashing in his space. For not recognizing my future boss while I forced him to host me all the way into the intimidating skyscraper that apparently belonged to him? "Nothing. I prefer saying things as they are." A coffee cup, one I immediately recognized, landed on the table in front of me with a force that both startled and made me wonder why it didn't spill out. "I’m quite familiar with the stunts pulled by the likes of you, but I must say that this was by far the most stupid.” Was he calling me stupid? And what did he mean the likes of me? “Wait, you think I got you coffee because I was hoping to be hired?" I couldn't decide what hurt more between being insulted like this or the fact that I’d spent my last few coins on a coffee that was getting me insulted. "Well, didn't you?" He looked at me with one of those intense gazes I had thought looked cute earlier but only annoyed me now. "You know what?" I stood to my feet, choosing not to endure this humiliation. God knew I needed this job, but I had already decided long before today not to take such crap from anyone. My ex of an i***t was the last stroll. "Gentlemen, I regret to have taken up your precious time, but I'll be leaving now. Thank you for the opportunity and your consideration of my expertise.” The entire panel wore distressed expressions and it comforted me somehow. “Excuse me.” The jerk still stood in the way when I got to the door. “You didn’t answer my question.” “You are a brilliant man, Mr. Easton…” I hated how true that was. In the past years Easton Corp. had soared to impossible heights thanks to his leadership and business acumen such that ending up there had been a dream of mine. One that had made me not care about starting at the bottom even when I was qualified for a much higher position. “...you’ll figure it out.” He scowled at my statement, but moved out of the way eventually. “I’ll take that too.” I grabbed the coffee cup and walked out. I wished my storming out felt as satisfying as the day I walked out on my ex, but once I exited the room, the weight of losing that opportunity had me shaking and with each step I couldn't help the lump in my throat or the tears that finally fell. What the hell was I going to do now? “Are you alright, ma’am?” I’d been walking for…well, I don’t know long when a tiny polite voice invaded my thoughts and brought me to a stop. Whoever it belonged to also handed me a handkerchief, but instead of taking it, I sniffled before looking down. A pair of innocent eyes belonging to a boy of no less than ten were eyeing me thoughtfully. “I swear it’s clean.” His statement more than amused me and forced a smile out of me. "If I say no, will you do anything about it?" My question was totally rhetorical, but the boy’s eyes dropped to the coffee cup I held without blinking. "I'll buy you a fresh cup. I'm pretty sure that one is cold by now. And I swear I have enough pocket money for two cups." I couldn’t help but laugh “I swear you are the cutest thing.” “I’m Liam by the way.” The kid stood up straighter as if wanting to let me know that he was no kid to be referred to as cute. “Well, nice meeting you Liam.” "So are you alright?" "I am now." And that was the truth. Well, I was still jobless and still had debts to pay but the kid sure did lighten my mood. “Why don’t you let me get that coffee?” I was broke, but this was nothing that those fancy coffee machines one could make a free cup from could solve. Besides, I was pretty sure taking anything from a minor would be considered a crime and I was not about to add that to my whole host of problems. "So where are your parents, kid?"

Dreame-Editor's pick


The Luna He Rejected (Extended version)


I have 8 mates


Love Beyond Numbers


My Legendary Alpha Mate


Dominating the Dominatrix


Claimed by my Brother’s Best Friends


The Clawless Luna Wants Rejection


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