
The Mafia Devil's Seductress


“I want you,” I whispered into his ears. “Take me as your w***e, and treat me however you want it. I'm all yours, master.” ********

Love was never on the agenda. All she had in mind was the mission until that unwanted feeling, called love, reared its ugly help up. Will she be able to complete the mission, or will she fall deeper in love with a man she intend to eliminate?

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I'm willing to be your slave
I shivered as tears fell from my eyes without stopping. My heart is beating miles a minute, and it feels like the organ is about to leap out of my chest. The other girls kneeling next to me seem worse off than I am. I can tell from the way, the tears flowed from their eyes, that they believe worse will happen to us —not that I blame them. If you have lived your entire life as a s*x slave, you will think the worst about life. Most of them have given up on their freedom — the freedom that was promised to each of them when they signed the contract, only to discover that it was all a sham. Once a worker of Sapphire, you will always be ..... Till death do you part. That's for the lucky ones. With our hands tied behind our backs, we had no way to untie the rope. I couldn't even properly move to check our location. Everything was just a mess, from the time we were captured, to now. No one suspected anything amiss until the sound of gunshots permeated the air, which was brimming with the loud sound of music. I sigh, releasing the pent-up frustration I feel. It's one thing not to know where we are, and another, not to know our fate. We are like pawns in a game of chess. None of us know the next move the players might make, and that's what scares us. The door to the room opened, and someone steps in. His footsteps are light on the tiled floor. “Who are these?” A voice asked. The voice didn't sound like those of the men who captured it. His voice sent a shiver down my spine. It sounds a bit dark and hard. It made me eager to know the person with such a voice. Could he be one of the men? Is he here to pick us up? Maybe, this is another hell like Sapphire, and we are once expected to serve the men. “They are the girls we got from the raid.” Another man answered. This voice sounds familiar —it was the voice of one of the men who took us. I tried to turn my head, to know who the first man that spoke was, but being tied to a chair made it impossible for me to do so. I can only sit there like an obedient slave as the men spoke in hushed tones before their voices became louder. “Why did you bring them here?” The first man asked, sounding pissed. I don't need to see his face to know pissed he is. It's in the sound of his voice. I suck in a breath, trying not to get their attention on me. There are still things I need to know. “We had to bring them here since you didn't ask us to get rid of them. We only took care of the ones you ordered us to get rid of.” The same man replied, this time, he sounded scared compared to the first time he said a word. I shook at the thoughts of what might happen to us should the man he was speaking to, decide it's good to get rid of us. “Take them out. Give each of them a wad of cash.” The man said in a commanding tone, which left no room for arguments. From the sound of the man's voice, I can tell he's someone who gives out commands and expects them to be followed to the least. “Yes, sir!” The men proceeded to untie the ropes we were bound with. I'm forced to stand with the rest of the girls, and I used that opportunity to glance up at the man. In front of me stood a man taller and more handsome than any of the men I'd ever seen. His green eyes looked so mesmerizing, they seemed to lock me in place. A scar ran from his right eye down his cheeks. It didn't make him ugly, if anything, it made him more handsome and formidable. His black mass of hair is cut in a long top short sides hairstyle, with the top tousled as if his hands ran through them numerous times, probably from exasperation. He's putting on a black tight polo that left little to no imagination. The tattoos peeking from his neck completed his bad-boy vibes. My eyes trail down to his tight slacks, which hugged his shaft like a second skin. I let my eyes go up until they stopped on his face. The man in front of me is like a god, cut out of stone. I've never met a man as handsome and deadly as him. He's like the devil, who lures you in with a smile, and gets you to sign a contract of death with him. There is no doubt in my mind that he's the one. “Let's go.” One of the men made to touch me, but I knelt in front of the man with a scar on his face, who was undoubtedly their boss. “Please.” I tugged on his trousers, with a scared expression on my face. One of the men who were leading the other girls out attempted to pull me away, but I held on tightly, not ready to go. “Please!” I cried out. “You b***h!” The man yelled. “It's okay. Take the other girls out. I will handle this one.” Their leader said in an expressionless voice. “As you wish, boss.” I heard footsteps before the door banged close. Yet, I didn't look up. I kept my entire focus on the man's feet like they housed all the answers in the entire world. “What's wrong?” Though the question was gentle, his tone sounded harsh, even to the ear. “I don't want to leave.” I held him tight as I sobbed my eyes out, not ready to let go of my hold on him. “You are free.” This time, his voice sounded a bit gentle. “With the money you got, you can go anywhere you want. You are no longer under your former master.” “I don't have anywhere to be,” I strongly held his trousers. “There is no one for me to return to. All my life, I grew up in a bar. I've not left there. I'm afraid.” “I will have the men take you to a safe place.” “But I don't wish to leave. Please take me with you. I can clean, I can cook. I'm good at most things. Please allow me to serve you. You can treat me like a pet.” I begged. The man chuckled at my words. “You don't seem to understand something, love.” He squatted in front of me, and placed his hand under my jaw, lifting my face to look up at him. “I don't need a damned cook. All the women who enter my home only have one job, and that's to pleasure me.” I shivered at the dark expression on his face. “I will do anything you wish for me to do. You saved me, so I owe my life to you.” I made to lower my head, but he prevented me from doing that, by strongly gripping my jaw. “You were saved from a s*x house. Are you willing to remain one even after your freedom has been given to you?” He looked shocked. “I will do anything for you, so long as you don't ask me to leave. I will serve you well, master.” “Then, I will have you know, little pet.” He lowered his head, so he was almost nose-to-nose with me. “I f**k women hard.” He tightened his hold on me, “I'm worse than the men who frequent the bar. I'm a beast.” I gulped as I tried not to let my fear show. “You can treat me anyhow you wish, master. My life is all yours to do as you please.” I peered into his eyes. “I'm willing to be your w***e, master. I'm nothing but a pet to you,” I bit my bottom lips. He let go of his hold on my jaw and rose. “Strip.” Just one word, but it was enough to send my heart racing. “Pardon?" “Didn't you say you were willing to be treated like my slut? Strip.” He said once more, with his dark gaze levelled solely at me. Without waiting for him to repeat his words, I rose from the floor, and slowly ran my fingers through my blonde hair before I did what I asked.

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