
A girl who loses almost everything and has to strive to stay alive in her not so normal world.


A girl who loses almost everything and has to strive to stay alive .in her not so normal world. The only warning sign she has is her amulet... but is it that liable lets just take a more specific angle to look at this..

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Chapter One the beginning of everything that come to be my new life
It’s been three years ever since I lost both my parents to the cruel war. I wonder why me? When their remains were brought to my door step, I felt shattered broken in the most. I kept the amulet my mother gave to me when I was just a child, I have never removed ever since. She used to sing me this song that went like, “Somewhere up above a mountain top, there is a flame that never dies, my dear darling princess hold on to me, for cruel world, will try to take you away from me….” I loved this song, but I still don’t know what it means or if it’s supposed to mean something. She had an angelic voice, every time she sang it was like honey dripping from a bottle, me and my father loved her more than anything in this world. If there’s one thing I know for sure is that my parents died fighting for each other and protecting themselves and me. Where are my manners, I haven’t properly introduced myself now have I? My name is Angelic Halleck a, 18 years of age and I am 4.7ft tall, I have green emerald eyes mixed with a bit of aquamarine blue, I have rose red lips and beautiful clear light skin, I have long, black hair that has a few strips of white and I have an hour glass body shape, and yeah I know you’re wondering if I have racks, apparently I do actually on both sides. I live in Moscow, Russia with my grandmother Stephaney Hogan. It’s just us two against the cruel world, sometimes I can’t help but wonder if there is more to life than getting cooked up this little cottage. Apparently I am prisoner to my safety; my grandmother would never let me leave the house ever since my parents died. I am dying to get out of this devastating misery of mine. I just want to break free once and for all. I can finally say this proudly. I have had enough of this hell hole. “Angelic!!! Would you please come down here?” My grandmother shouts from the basement, I rush to find out why she’s calling me. I hate making trips to go down there. This place freaks me out to the max!! “Yes Nana, you called?” I respond to her call “My dear come over and take sit.” She says pointing at this little chair next to her. “There is something have been holding to for quite some time now, and, I think it’s high time I told you the truth about who you are.” She says in worried tone. To be honest she’s really freaking me out right now. “So what’s the story Nana?” I ask in suspense. “See you’re not what you think you are.” “What do you mean ‘not what I think I am’ nana” okay remember when I said this was freaking me out, scratch that thought, now this statement right here is the soul definition of freaking out. To make matters worse nana is wearing the same facial expression she was wearing the day she found out about my parents death. “Nana you’re really freaking me out right now.” I say to her in a worried tone. “Look my darling, this is going to be a lot for you to take in right now, but I want you to embrace it.” She continues with her resolution that seems to have no conclusion. “Nana will you just spill the beans already am getting really, really worried.” I say in a very frustrated and irritated tone. “Your parents didn’t die in a war for peace of the world; they died fighting for their love that was so dangerous and against our laws. See your mother was a vampire and your father was a wolf, the only reason why you’re alive right now is because your parents fought for your very existence…” I interrupt her by saying “So you mean the reason they died was because of me and they are both different animals and stuff?!” I speak out looking rather confused. “You, Angelic were a fruit of their unholy union and you needed to be destroyed that’s why I never let you out of the house ever.” “So that’s why I live like a prisoner, no offense nana, but…” she interrupts me “There is more!” she exclaims. “What do you mean more?” I don’t think I can take in any more. “See the amulet your mom gave you?” “Yes what about it?” “That’s the only reason why you’re still breathing and why you still appear normal.” “So you’re saying that without this amulet, am a goner? And I still don’t get the reason why am being hunted down by I don’t know who?” “Let me finish Ange! I thought I could keep you safe forever turns out I was wrong and now… now I know I can’t because I am dying… you my love are a Crystalphomia one of the greatest creatures of all time, stronger than anything in this world. You and I both know great power always has people threatened by it and what it can do and that it would destroy them, and they want to destroy you before you destroy the.” “What the fudge! No way, no way how come I haven’t experienced any déjà vu of late huh??” I am so pissed right now I could blow up a planet. “I told you the amulet is you’re only soul protection.” “And you didn’t think to tell me about this earlier?” “I did but you were much too young.” “I need a moment along to take in all of this fantasy.” I run out of the basement and into the woods where I later burst into tears. Right now I have hit rock bottom! I am so confused, lost, blinded and mostly I don’t know what to think, probably because am in denial of all this. I pull out my phone from my back pocket and plug in my headsets and select a playlist: PLAYLIST • Unsteady – ambassador X • Bruises – Lewis Capaldi • Writings on the wall – Sam Smith ------etc.--------etc.-------etc.-------etc.------etc.-------etc.----- *4hours later* After my four hour contemplation, I had back to the cottage, and just before I could reach out of the woods and into our territory, I sense something strange and weird. My amulet is glowing really bright, I guess that mean trouble. I climb up a tree and watch our little cottage for like an hour, and I notice two men leaving they have pale skin, I figured those are the vampires, but what are they doing here?

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