
Mated to Alpha


Fiona whimpered a little and opened her eyes to welcome a heavy accent. “What’s your name blue-eyed?” Fiona gasped pulling the sheets to her chest.

“How?…” but those eyes held her breath. She shivered when he raised her chin up. “Congratulations, Goddess of the moon has blessed us with a mating bond.” His voice got a little husky at the end. Her mate leaned down craving the sweet warmth his mate was to offer him.

Shaking her head slowly Fiona had her soul leaving her body. The tattoo on his bare arm was telling her that she was looking at a royal breed. Her fate couldn’t be this cruel. Her eyes were filled in an instant.

Fisting her hands she tried to whisper, “I…I reject…” but welcomed a hard blow across her jaw that landed her on the floor.

Aiden looked at his hand before he looked at his mate again. “What a shame!”


Keeping the head low, not talking much and staying away from the superior breed is all Fiona had been doing growing up. She has a past that can’t be said aloud. No matter what she was to never draw any kind of attention for any reason. Everything was perfect until one night she found herself in a strong haze. She wanted to run but those eyes got her fixed.

He is impulsive, inflexible and known for his temper that no one wants to witness. There is hardly any rule of blue moon pack he had not twisted for his own cause. Losing his mom, and being the only orphan royal he had got the attention of the masses. They say only the moon goddess can save the soul that would be fated to him. And, that’s the only thing he disagrees with the media. He knows his mate will be the luckiest one. She only has to accept his every whim and how hard that could be?

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Chapter 1
“Fiona! Wake up, darling…” Fiona yawned a little before she tried to focus on her babysitter who was trying to wake her up. “It’s today, honey. You will meet the royals. Don’t you want to look the prettiest?” Fiona hurriedly got up and was quick to ask. “Did you get my dress ready?...” but then without waiting for her reply she ran into her walk-in closet to look at her white dress. “I can’t wait to wear this one…” “Yes, my little one but we can’t stay here always. Can we? Let me give you a bath first?” “You know what gaga? The day I turn will be the last day I will bath in the bathtub…” Fiona ran to the other side of her spacious bedroom to open the drapes and looked over her beautiful island before she looked at the huge waterfall. “…I will jump from there just like Troy.” “It’s only until you don’t start going to high school. Because the day you got girlfriends you are going to be too careful about your manicure and pedicure.” Fiona turned to look at Troy and had her face dropped in an instant. “You are all ready to leave…am I this late?” Fiona gasped before she sprinted to hold Gaga’s hand. “Let’s go we are getting late. Troy, you better not leave me this time. Or I won’t talk to you ever…” Troy shook his head and was quick to gesture for gaga not to tell her. Troy was seventeen years old and was ready to see some executives who were coming to see his father in their pack house. He was the future alpha of the Redstone Pack. But if Fiona realized she had more time she was going to trouble her maid, gaga a little bit more. Troy left his sister’s room and was quick to spot his mother who was talking to her personal maid in the living area. “Good morning, mom. I didn’t see you at the breakfast table?" “Oh honey I was busy…uhh…it seems you can go to your sister’s and look for her but not your mother.” “Of course, I love you mom…you know how Fiona is…I didn’t want dad to get mad at her. It’s good that she gets ready on time.” He noticed his mother’s expression but tried not to take notice much. His mom had to accept Fiona. She didn’t have any part in his father’s infidelity. She was his sister and a Walter. Fiona was the exact replica of her mother. And, Troy believes that it only makes it difficult for his mother to accept her. Troy walks into their home office where his father was already conversing with Mr Thomas. Mr Thomas has his sister wedded to the Alpha king. His power and wealth knew no bounds for sure. He was interested in investing in Redstone pack for their perfect location to make more water reservoirs. And, had definitely come with an offer Troy’s father, Addison Walter couldn’t refuse. Thomas was to leave with them too for the royal celebrations that were held to celebrate King’s youngest son Aiden’s birthday. They were still talking when the door creaked open slowly and cautiously. “Troy…” Fiona’s trailing voice came and Addison was about to yell but then looked at how pretty his daughter was looking. No one could have the heart to tell her to leave. Addison had loved his daughter for her beautiful face. Though in the start he found her troublesome but now she makes their family picture perfect. She was a six-year-old girl but wasn’t allowed to look untidy even for a second. This is how her father wanted her to look all the time. “Come here, darling.” Her father asked her and she came into the room smiling and stopped beside Troy. “Good morning, Mr Thomas,” Fiona greeted and Mr Thomas was quick to come ahead and hold her hand to kiss. At that moment, Fiona felt as if she was someone royal and looked at Troy gasping. Troy only shook his head slowly and she rolled her eyes. “I can assure you, Fiona. No one coming there can match your aura and dress.” And, Fiona believed Thomas’ words because she knew he was a distant relative to the royal family. He was supposed to know better. Addison smiled nodding his head and was quick to add. “Of course, her dress had to be the most expensive one.” The mention let Thomas get the chance to stare at her dress and admire it. He could notice it had white gold and small diamonds in the embroidery. Thomas stared into Fiona’s blue eyes that were vibrant and could captivate anyone. She was beautifully carved he could tell. Finding his undivided attention Fiona tried to respond to his compliment. “But it’s my first time going there…I am very excited, Mr Thomas.” “Don’t tell me…then I have the responsibility to make sure that today is unforgettable for you.” Troy smiled nodding his head and was quick to break the moment. He didn't like it when she gets attention from Thomas. “Fiona, can you go out and see if Paula has arrived. And, if she is there…make sure you host her well.” Fiona gasped before she jumped in excitement. “I totally forgot about Paula. Don’t worry about her…she is in my hands.” Fiona showed Troy her hands but Addison was quick to grit, “Good girls don’t jump, Fiona.” Fiona stared at Troy as if asking him what to do and he was quick to say. “Leave Fiona.” Fiona tried to take soft steps until she didn’t close the door behind her. After that, she ran to the living area but there was no one. Holding her dress up she walked outside and was quick to notice Paula’s car coming. Paula was Troy’s mate and they found each other when Troy went on one of his vacations last year. Paula changed her school and came to live in one of the hostels in their pack. Though Troy had asked her many times that she could live at the pack house she didn’t want to yet. Paula was always treated carefully. And, it was not for nothing. She was to become the future Luna of their Pack. And, even Fiona knew how important she was to their whole pack. “Your dress turns out to be even more amazing on you,” Paula said the moment her eyes met Fiona. Fiona looked at Paula’s green dress that showed her perfect legs and was quick to return the compliment too. “But royals are going to have their eyes on you.” Paula smiled before she leaned down to share a hug with Fiona. “Aren’t you a perfect cute thing?” Paula told her and Fiona got her eyes on the little girl that accompanied Paula. Fiona looked at Paula expectantly with a smile but Mrs Walter entered the space. “Always the uncultured one…you didn’t even show her in.” Mrs Walter told Fiona. And, though Paula could tell that she has only arrived now she didn't. She knew Mrs Walter didn’t like Fiona and only added, “it's fine…she is still a kid.” “Welcome Paula…you look amazing.” Mrs Walter came to share a hug and Paula was quick to return the favour too. “But can’t match your vibe…” Paula smiled before she looked at the girl she tagged along with her. “…I talked about her to Troy…” Paula told Mrs Walter and she was quick to nod too. “Oh yes,…welcome little one…please make yourself home.” Mrs Walter said before escorting Paula and that girl in. Redstone pack was famous for having the perfect location for tourists and had the best hotels and resorts in the world. The island was huge and had six thousand members. But adding to their staff and people who come here for work made the population of the island twenty-five thousand. They were not only rich. Walters were also the part of the lower senate that makes their pack one of the most important ones. Fiona stared at the girl and only made her uncomfortable. “What’s your name?” Fiona asked but the girl remained quiet. Fiona could tell she wasn’t someone important. She didn’t have any kind of jewellery on. Even her dress was a common one. Or when coming to the pack house people tend to have their best outfit. Fiona didn’t try to converse with the girl who had almost the same height as hers. How she didn’t reply to her answer Fiona had already stricken her as the rude one... Paula was talking about that girl with Mrs Walter but Fiona didn’t pay attention after she comes to know that she was here to work in the pack house. “Rabbit!” Fiona yelled before she sprint towards the rabbit. She held the little creature between her fingers before she spin around, “This one looks so good.” only to hit into one of the maids who was coming with orange juice. The juice got spilt on her dress and everyone stood up. “This was worth more than you!” Mrs Walter yelled and Paula too only stared at Fiona’s soaking dress in shock. Fiona found her hair dripping with juice and had tears in her eyes when she heard her father yelling. “What the hell!” Fiona shivered and see her father storming toward her. She held the rabbit to her chest even more. “How the hell on the earth this rabbit got in!...” Troy was quick to stand between Fiona and his father and looked at the maid. “...and, since when your reflexes are damaged? How come you didn’t see Fiona?” Troy knew this maid was close to his mother and looked at his mother in the end. Mrs Walter was quick to look at her husband and whisper. “If you still want to take her it’s your choice. But this spoiled one is in no condition to introduce to anyone let alone the royals.” Addison only had his eyes for Fiona when he gritted. “This doesn’t end here, Fiona. You will pay for the damage. I am disappointed in you.” Fiona got her right hand on Troy’s wrist still hiding behind him. Addison stormed out and Fiona noticed how Thomas smiled at her as he followed Alpha Addison slowly. As if he was enjoying her doom. “You won’t leave me,…will you?” Fiona whispered and Troy looked at her. “You know I will have to leave, Fiona. Don’t make it hard for me…I will ask the security to get you to the meadows…do whatever that makes you happy…no, no, no, you will not shed any stupid tears. No one cares about tears, Fiona.” “not even you…?” Troy came on his one knee and held her hand. “I will not always be there…I want to see you strong. My baby is strong, right?” Fiona nodded her head and rubbed her tears away. “But I wanted to meet the royals too…and my dress?...” Fiona had her voice breaking and started sobbing. “They don’t really matter, Fiona. They are a bunch of power-hungry animals. Look…close your eyes…and, think about the person that matters most to you.” “It’s you.” She replied without closing her eyes and Troy smiled. “Believe me…one day…you will not be so obsessed about Royals. I too used to get excited when I was a kid. So, I can understand your situation…” But then realizing how he is not convincing his six-year-old sister he offered, “…what about you and I will jump from the waterfall the next time I will be here?” Fiona jumped in excitement and was about to hug him when Troy placed his hand on her head and backed off. “My suit, Fiona…sorry?” “You know…I am mad. And, this time nothing can make things right for us.” Fiona ran to her room holding her dress up but walked to the window to witness her family leaving without her. She had waited for this day since they got the invitation to this party. All the hassle she had to go through to get her perfect dress and look mocked her. And, now her chest was heavy as she tried to breathe and her vision got blurry with all the tears in her eyes. She looked at Troy and her parents and couldn’t help thinking if she is even part of this family.

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