
Demon of Riddlemaster

contract marriage
love after marriage

Due to the health of her mother, she accepted to marry a multi millionaire who does not have any interest on Love, Marriage or Girls . . She had to sign a contract to marry him for the huge amount which she wanna needed it for the surgery of her mother's heart transplantation . .

But she did not know how the life is going to be after the marriage . . just because of her mother's health, she accepted the deal and signed the contract with out studying it as she had no time . .

What happens next ?, how her life is going to be ?, how did she overcome the situation ?, What is the contract for ? . .

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Chapter 1 - Kiara
Kiara is a very beautiful and gorgeous girl living happily with her family . . Her sweet family consists of three . . a short and cute family . . everything is going very well until she turns 21 . . On her 21st birthday, she had a very deep sorrow that she heard bad news when she was waiting for her father to come and enjoy the party . . The phone was ringing and she got up to get the call thinking that it was her father . . as usual, the same old sentence - coming home late my dear child . . you enjoy it for today . . with a lot of disappointment, she picked up the call . . but . . unfortunately the person who is speaking from the other side is the doctor . . " Hello miss . . I am the doctor of King George Hospital . . Your father has been admitted to the hospital for a major accident . . can you come here soon ?" the Doctor asked. " Oh my god !!, what happened to him ?, is he fine now ?", Kiara asked. " You please be here. Later I will explain to you the problem. I have no time to explain on the phone ", The Doctor said. " Sure Doctor . . I will be there in 15 minutes ", Kiara said. Kiara explained the problem to her mother and went to the hospital in an emergency. The two met a doctor and asked about the problem and the well-wishing of her father. The doctor had been in silence for a while and asked them to wait in his room . . A few minutes later, the doctor visited his room and started speaking out about the problem which Kiara's father was suffering with. " Sorry to say this, but your father had a major accident and needs to be operated immediately, that is in 24 hours. Otherwise, we could not save him from the danger. ", the doctor said. " How much would it cost for the operation sir ?", Kiara asked. " Approximately 20 lack ", the doctor said. " Oh my god . . 20 lack ?, but how could I arrange such a huge amount in a very short time . . Please help us with this, sir ", Kiara asked. " How could I help in this situation? It's purely your problem . . arrange the money by tomorrow morning and I will arrange the operation as soon as I receive it, because we have a lot of formalities to do and there would be a lot of expenses for an operation ", the doctor said. Kiara and her mother left the room without being able to do anything as they were very near to the poverty line. If there is any money problem, then her family need to arrange it for them. Kiara is still a teenager and could not arrange such a huge amount for the operation . . Kiara's mother started visiting friends and relatives for help, but no one helped them as they knew that the family would not be able to give it back. So everyone rejected the two and finally returned to the hospital with a lot of disappointment and worried in their hearts about how to save him . . . But only disappointment filled their hearts and they prayed to God very sincerely. But the two did not know what was going to happen in their lives in the future. The two waited outside the ICU for him without having the sleep to meet him when he became conscious. As far as the two see him from the outside, the sun is going to rise without knowing them. In the mean while, the nurse came out of the ICU, rushed to the doctor to call him immediately for an emergency . . The two who were standing outside and watching the situation did not get what was happening inside the ICU room . . A few minutes later, the doctor came out with a dull face and informed them that "he is no more". Kiara and her mother started crying like their hearts were going to break down. "I already informed you both to arrange the amount as soon as possible, but you have not done it and now see what happened ?" "But doctor, being a girl, how could I arrange a huge amount without a father or husband?" Kiara asked with a very low voice. "I can understand your situation, but I am not in a position to help you, my child. I am really sorry for what happened to you", the doctor said. Kiara and her mother continuously cried without any break. " OK Miss. you can collect the body from the mortuary. ", the doctor said. Kiara and her mother moved towards the mortuary, collected the dead body and left the place . . They took the dead body to their house, called all their relatives and finally completed all the formalities of the funeral. A few months later, her mother too got sick by remembering and anxious about her husband and fell in bed with sickness. Kiara was very disappointed about her mother's health and took her to the hospital for a check-up. There again her heart was broken by the words of the doctor. " Your mother was suffering with a severe heart problem and needs to be transplanted . . without an operation, your mother would not have been saved.", the doctor said. "How much would it be, doctor?", Kiara asked with a very low voice. "Sorry to say this my child, it costs almost 50 to 90 lacks " the doctor said. Kiara was shocked to hear the figure and left the room in silence. She then went towards her mother who was admitted to the hospital for treatment and said " Mom, nothing to worry about, there is no serious about your health. I will take care of everything and you please rest peacefully" Somehow, Kiara comforted her mother and left the room without knowing what to do now. She had already lost her father and now it's her mother's turn . . but she is not in a position to take care, nor operate on her mother's health. With a heart-breaking situation, she went out of the hospital and crying a lot continuously by closing her face with both the hands forgetting about the world. Because she left with only one companion for the rest of her life.

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