Chapter Three

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Chapter Three  Soon it was time to pick the girls up from school, but before we left, Danni got a call from work. There was some kind of emergency and they needed her. It wasn’t a problem, i told her I’d get Anna-Lin from school.  Pulling up at the school, I got out and waited. One by one all the kids came running out the school and the cars slowly started leaving, until it was just me.  Where were the girls?   Confused, I headed in side to talk to their teachers. I wasn’t worried that some thing had happened because we made sure this was the best pre-school and the safest in the state. I passed Anna’s class room on the way to Rorys, but they were both empty.  Strange.  As I turned to head back down the corridor, Mrs Nelson, Rory’s teacher came walking towards me.  ‘Mrs Andrews?’ I smiled at her. ‘Is every thing OK?’  ‘Yeah, I was just looking for Rory and Anna-Lin, They didn’t come out with the other kids’. Her smile faded a little, which made me worry.  ‘Oh? Well, Rory left the class room. I’m sure their around some where’.  We searched through all the class rooms, but there was no sign of them. Panic was starting to set in now. Where were they?! I was about to give up and call the police and then Danni when I heard giggling.  It was Rory, I'd Recognise her giggle and know it any where, I followed the sounds and sure enough, found my daughter and niece right away. I was a bit more than surprised when I also found them playing with another little girl. She looked older than Rory, probably closer to Anna-lin’s age.  ‘Oh thank heavens, Sammy, where is your father?’ Mrs Nelson asked.  ‘I’m right here, Sorry I got caught up at work.’ A males voice erupted from behind us. I casually turned to look and had to take a double take.  The man running towards us...well, He was bloody beautiful! His skin from the neck down was covered in colourful tattoos, He had piercing green eyes and jet black hair.  Mrs Nelson apologised for not having kept a close eye on the girls, I told her not to worry, they were safe, and she headed back in side. It wasn’t until that moment, He realised I was stood there.  ‘Oh hey, I’m Sammy’s dad. Name’s Eddie’. He held his hand out. Smiling I took it.  ‘Hey, I’m Megan, Rory’s mum’. Our conversation sort of just flowed from there…  'So, what's it like being a businessman's wife?' Eddie asked as the girls ran around us and back to the swings chasing each other, When it was time for us to head home, Anna and Rory got upset, so me and Eddie decided to take all three of them to the park for a little while.  'A lot easier than being his girl friend. Except now, when things get tough, you can't run away from him.' He smiled. If only he knew how true my statement was. 'Yeah, I know that feeling.' He laughed slightly, with out humour. 'What you married to a businessman too??' I joked. He looked up, still smiling. 'I am one, but no, I’m not married.' I ohhh'ed. 'And, aren't you a little young to be married and have a nearly 4 year old daughter?'. I shrugged. 'How old are you?' 'Nearly 28. I met Adam when I was young, Got married and had Rory’.  'Wow, so, you really were young when your life properly started.' I nodded. 'Must have been hard doing it mostly alone?' 'It is some times. She'll ask for Adam or when he's coming home and I can't give her the answer I know she wants. It's just really hard on both of us. She needs her dad around, not just talk to him on the phone every other day.' 'Yeah, I'm the same with Sammy. She's a girl, I don't know about all the girly stuff you're supposed to teach them when they get older, that's gonna be a tough one.' I laughed out loud suddenly. He looked at me, arched eyebrows with a smirk on his face. 'Oh, sorry. That's just really funny'. 'Thanks.' 'Welcome'. We just started at each other smiling like idiots for a moment until the girls all ran over. 'Mommy, I'm hungry'. I smiled and bent down to pick her up. 'And me'. Sammy added, but obviously to Eddie, not me. 'Well, if you’re hungry that means its time to go home'. She frowned, as did the others. 'Well, if you ask Mrs Andrews nicely, maybe she'll let us take you and the others to get some ice cream'. She quickly smiled and looked over at me. 'Mrs. Andrews, will you and my daddy take me and Rory and Anna to get some ice cream'. I smiled. 'Yes, but only on one condition'. She nodded. 'Don't call me Mrs Andrews. Call me Megan or Meg'. 'Ok, Megan!' She squealed happily and grabbed Rory and Anna's hands and started running out of the park to the cards. 'Sammy, Be careful!!'. Eddie shouted after them. 'I hate being called Mrs Andrews by children. It makes me feel really old.' He leaned in, smiling. 'But you're not old?'  'I know' I lightly shoved him by the arm and began to walk the way the kids did. He quickly followed behind. ... 'Thanks for the ride'. I said as we pulled up to the house. I punished in the security code and waited for the gates to open.  ‘No problem’. When we went for ice cream, I dropped my car off at home, and Eddie drove us. We had been out for a few hours and all three girls were fast asleep.  Climbing out the car, I thought for a moment about how I’d get both girls in the house.  'Need a hand?' I nodded. Sammy was crashed out as well, She was perfectly safe in the car so, he took Rory and followed me into the house.  ‘Are you ok to bring her up stairs?' He nodded. We went up to Rory's room first. He put her down on her bed and put her blanket over her while I took Anna to her room, doing the same and left them to sleep. 'Thanks'. 'No problem'. We went back down stairs and over to the front door. 'So... Thanks for the ice cream'. He smiled. 'Don't mention it. Um...Maybe, the girls can come over to our house tomorrow after school. Sammy really needs some one to play with when I'm working'. 'Sure, I'll have to check with Danni about Anna but Rory can come'. He smiled again. 'Great. See you'. 'Bye'. He left the house and ran back to the car to check Sammy, before waving and leaving. I shut the door and went into the front room. The answering machine was flashing. I had a missed called. I wonder who that was. 'Meg its Adam. I tried to phone twice but you didn't pick up. Probably busy or some thing. Doesn't Matter, but um...Can you give Rory a good night kiss from me and I'll just talk to you tomorrow. Bye Baby. I love you. I miss you.' Oh crap. I forgot about Adam phoning.  Oh no. I can’t call him back now. I'll have to wait until tomorrow. That's not like me to forget about his calls. Weird that I would... 
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