
Sold to the Cursed Alpha King Williams

enimies to lovers

“You are nothing but another subject to me, Luna or not you must not step out of place.” He said as he looked at me with his fierce eyes.

Elena had never seen any better day in her life, the only hope she had in her life was the promise made to her by Edward son of the Alpha, that he would make her his mate. But then Elena is made a fool of in front of the entire pack as Edward rejects her to choose her step sister as his mate.

Elena thinks that she has seen the worst in her life until she is sold to the cruel Alpha Williams, the most feared being in the entire society. Will her life take a turn for the better or the worse?

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Chapter 1
Elena POV The winds blew as the entire forest was filled with the sounds of the birds chirping all around the trees. Everywhere was calm and quiet, the serenity of the entire place was to die for. I was waiting for Edward to show up. We had planned to meet here in the forest. After an awful day, I would always look forward to hearing from him. I just wanted to see him and know what his plan was for the mating moon. He had promised me that he was going to make me his mate that night. I can't wait to be with him. It was going to be a dream come true, and I was going to be with him finally and everyone could stop laughing at me. “Someone came here early.” A voice came from behind. My heart was leaping with joy when I heard the voice. I was filled with so much joy I could hardly contain myself. “You are late.” I decided to put it down a bit and make him walk up to me like he would do whenever he saw I was sad. “Well, I was making sure things were all put in order for the big night tomorrow. C’mon don't tell me you missed me?” He pulled me by the waist and brought me closer to his face. I looked at his handsomely chiseled chin and perfect jawlines, it was like looking in a sea of stars. “I did not miss you, I just wanted to know why you are showing up this late.” “You are sure that is all.” he smirked as his hands gently ran down my hair, he played with my hair gently. I knew he was doing that to get me to stop pouting, knowing that would make me pout more. “Yes that's all, it's not like I missed you or anything.” I struggled a little to make it seem like I was trying to break free from his grip. He held me tighter, looking me in the eye. He placed his hands right below my waist. “Oh, is that so? Why won't you mind if I do this?” He bent his face over to give me a kiss. I had been patiently waiting for him to kiss me. He used his tongue to run circles in my mouth, my mind began to go foggy as I tried to make sure I could hold on to the feeling I was having as he kept kissing me. He gently pulled off from the kiss and looked me straight in the eye with a smile on his face, “Now tell me, did you miss me?” “I missed you so badly.” I placed my head on his shoulder. Edward was the only person that showed me that there was still hope for me to be loved. Even though he was the Alpha's son, he would always be with me, someone the entire Pack resents like I am a plague. Even though my father was the beta of the pack, they believed the illness that took my father away from them came from me. I had been seen as nothing but a plague that should be avoided by all means, but Edward was entirely different. Of everyone in the pack, he was the only one who showed me that there was more to me than what others saw. I loved him for that and there was no way I was going to leave him. “I love you.” I muttered while I hugged him a bit tighter. It was my way of telling him I loved him to the end. “Huh? What was that? I couldn't hear what you said, please kindly repeat it.” “I am not saying it again, I know you heard it the first time.” I looked at him, I could see him holding a smile back. “Well I am not saying it again, you should have heard it the first time I said it.” I put my head back on his shoulder, he was laughing. “I love you too, Elly.” He whispered into my ear. I felt my heart skip yet another beat. It was the kind of thing I loved to hear from him. “I knew you heard me the first time, you just wanted me to repeat myself.” I looked at him, it was not clear what he saw in me that made him not want to change me with another girl. “Well, we have only tonight till we make it official in front of the whole world. I needed to know that you still loved me, you never knew you might have fallen out of love with me.” “Well, you're a dummy, I am never going to fall out of love with you. I will be yours and yours forever.” I smiled, Edward gave me a hug. “Tomorrow you will finally be mine and no one will separate us, you will be mine, and I will be yours.” He said as we hugged each other. There were no words to express the joy I felt that moment. I was going to be with Edward forever. *** Normally, in the pack every Mating Moon, wolves are supposed to come alongside the person they know they want to be mated to. Edward was the son of the Alpha, so he was going to pick his mate from the crowd in a grand style. I couldn't contain my joy, today was going to be the best day of my life. ‘Soon, I will be called Elena Valak, future Luna of the great Verain pack.’ I didn't know when I began smiling. It was so satisfying to know that I was soon going to be with the man I love. “And why is the Black Death smiling? I hope you haven't come here to cast your bad luck down on us. You shouldn't be allowed in here. I wonder why they allowed a low life like you to come in here,” a voice said from across. “What do you want, Victoria? I don't have your time right now.” I turned to walk away, she was like a pest to my life. It was bad enough that the entire pack saw me as a plague, but then my own stepsister was always trying to make sure she made my life miserable. “I am just saying what everyone else might be thinking, you know you are a pest, and you really need to understand that you are not wanted here.” Victoria always had a way of ticking me off, she was excellent at making sure I was not at peace. “I don't have your time.” I turned, trying to avoid any further argument with her. Victoria was not the type to let me walk away. She was going to make sure she made me yell or scream before she would even think of leaving me alone. “I don't know what makes you think that anyone in his right mind would want to take you as his mate, you will only fill his life with bad luck, so stop trying to disgrace yourself and have some shame for once.” Victoria’s poisonous tongue was arguably one of the worst things about her. I didn't listen to her taunts and quietly walked away waiting for Edward to come on stage and call my name. ‘Once he does that, everyone here will be shocked that he chose me as his mate.’ I looked up to see Alpha Valak and The Luna gracing us with their presence on stage. I kept looking around for Edward. I was so lost looking for him. “Can I have your attention?” My heart danced around when I heard his voice. I turned to see him on stage. He had a dazzling smile as always, it was intoxicating, and I was happy that I was going to finally be seen with him. “I have come here to show you all the woman after my heart, someone I have loved for years and I will keep loving her till I cease to exist.” He was looking into the crowd at my position, and I found myself falling in love with him all over again. “Someone that has supported me and made sure I was okay no matter what, I just want to tell you I love you.” He said with a calm voice, I couldn't help but tear up a bit. The crowd was touched by his words, “Who is the lucky girl? Who is she? Oh my goodness, she has stolen Lord Edward’s heart.” The crowd couldn't contain themselves. I knew the next thing he was going to do was to call me onto the stage. I prepared myself to make sure I was ready to march to him. “The name of this beautiful girl is,” I didn't let him finish. I slowly began walking to the stage, knowing he was about to call me to the stage. “Her name is Victoria,” Edward said with a smile on his face. I immediately lost all ability to move further . “What???”

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