50. Hanging out

1649 Words

CHAPTER FIFTY Whoever thought us taking coffee together was a good idea, had to be definitely out of their minds. In this case, I was referring to Chase and Peggy. Right now, I was trying so damn hard to refrain from calling out Lucian and we had not even placed our order yet. Ian and I could barely get through one conversation without him interrupting with something stupid and very irrelevant to what we are talking about. “So now what? You are all friends?” How could I forget the very courteous Roxy? Her lips were pulled in disdain as she looked us her gaze falling on Ian’s arm hanging around my shoulder. “Roxy,” Ian shifted uncomfortably but was quick to cover it up with a smile. She ignored him, changing her focus only for a smirk to dance on her lips when her eyes fell on Chase.

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