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Aurora POV I wake up and I see that is almost 6 am. I sit up and I see that I am alone in bed. Cass must have put me to bed last night and left. He sometimes does that. I wonder where he went, maybe he is in the kitchen so I will probably see him at breakfast. I decide to get up and get ready for the day. I take a quick shower and at 6:30 I leave my room and join my family and friends for breakfast. As I walk into the dining room, I see that Alex and his friends, Jaden and Jeffery are also there. Jaden is Cassandra's younger brother and Jeffery is Sadie's younger brother. "Hey, guys. What's up?" I greet them as I sit down at the table. "Hey, sis. Nothing much. Are you excited for tonight?" Alex asks me. It is Friday today and tonight at midnight, I will have my first shift. "Yep. Excited to finally have my wolf." I reply. "Hey have you guys seen Cassius by any chance?" I ask them. Alex looks at me. "Why are you so interested in him all of a sudden? You two seem to spend a lot of time together." Alex says, clearly he is annoyed. Well, I don't know, maybe it is because I suspect he is my mate. I think that to myself but I don't say it out loud because I could be wrong. "He left and he didn't say anything." I reply. "I think he is with my dad, Beta Kade and Alpha King Damien in the gym." Jeffery replies. I nod and then I quickly eat my breakfast. I send a text message to Cassandra and Sadie, telling them to be ready and to meet me at my car at 7 am so we can go to school together. "I will see you guys later." I say to the boys as I get up and leave the room. "See you later sis." Alex replies. As soon as I am out of the dining-room door, I hear Alex whisper "I bet she is heading over to the gym" to the others. Damn, right I am. I walk down to the basement where dad has set up his private gym. Mom comes walking out. "Hey, sweetheart. How are you this morning?" She asks me. "I am fine thanks Mom and how are you?" I reply. "Oh, I am just alright." She replies. "Hey is dad in there?" I ask her. "Yes but I know that you are not here to see your dad now are you?" She says. "Damn it. I forgot that you can read people's minds." I say. She just laughs at me. "If You are looking for Cassius then yes he is in there too. I have to go. I will see you later when you come back from school." Mom says as she kisses me on the cheek and then she walks away. I turn around and head into the gym where I see dad and Cass using the treadmills. "Hey dad, hey Cass." I say to them as I approach them. "Morning Princess, what brings you in here?" Dad says as he gets off the treadmill. Cass gets off of his treadmill as well and he walks over to me. "I just wanted to see you guys before I head to school." I reply to dad. "Morning my princess. Sorry I left because you looked so peaceful when you were sleeping that I didn't want to wake you up." Cassius says as he kisses me on my forehead. "You spent the night in her room?" Dad growls at him. "Dad I asked him to stay until I fell asleep. Nothing happened. I swear." I reply and Dad still gives Cass an angry look. "We will talk about this later." Dad says as he leaves with Beta Kade and Gamme Jared behind him. "Don't worry. I will talk to your dad as soon as I drop you off at school." Cassius says. "Cassandra and Sadie are also driving with me." I reply. "That's fine. They can come with." Cass replies as he looks at his wristwatch. "Give me five minutes and I will meet you at your car." Cass says and I nod at him. He kisses me on my lips and then he runs out the door using his vampire speed. I also leave and then make my way to my car where I see Cassandra and Sadie are already waiting for me. "Finally. You're here so can we go now." Cassandra says as she looks to the packhouse where Reginald and some of the other warriors are coming out. Reginald greets us quickly and then he walks to his car. I guess he will be going with us to school today. I look back over to Cassandra and Sadie. Cassandra has a smile on her face but as soon as she sees me looking at her, her smile quickly fades away. It is not the first time that I have caught her staring at Reginald. I think that she maybe has a crush on him. "Almost. We are just waiting for Cass to come." I say to the girls. "King Cassius is driving us to school today?" Sadie asks and I nod at her. Just then Cass comes walking out of the packhouse and he looks amazing. He comes walking over to us. "Are you ladies ready?" He asks and the girls and I nod at him. We all get in the car with Cassandra and Sadie sitting in the backseat. Cass is driving the car and I am sitting on the passenger side. 5 minutes later we stop in front of Dark Moon pack high. We get out of the car and Cass walks around to my side. He hands me my keys back. "Princess, I might not be able to pick you up from school later today." He says. "That is okay. I will see you at training then." I reply, looking down at the ground. "Hey. Don't be sad. I have some work to finish for the Kingdom." He says as he puts his hand under my chin and he lifts my head, making me look into his beautiful golden eyes. I smile at him. I lean in and kiss him. "Promise me that you will be here tonight for my first shift?" I tell him. "I would not miss it for the world, my Princess. I will see you later." He says as he kisses me and then he runs back to the packhouse using his vampire speed. Reginald and the other warriors stop a few meters away from me. I turn around and I walk to join Cassandra, Sadie, Alex, Jaden and Jeffery. They must have arrived now as well. Reginald gets out of the car and tells the other warriors to do a perimeter check like they always do. Reginald walks over to where the others and I are but he stops a few meters away from us. He is looking around and sniffing the air. I walk over to him. "Reginald is everything alright?" I ask him. He looks at me before he replies. "Yes, Princess. Everything is fine. I think you should get to school and the warriors and I will guard the school. You have a nice day now." He says and he turns around and walks the other day. "Okay then." I say more to myself as I walk back to where the others are. "What was that about?" Alex asks as he motions towards Reginald with his head. "I have no idea. Come on. Let's go" I say as I head inside. It is then that I get this weird feeling that someone is watching me. I turn and look around but all I see are teenagers and teachers scurrying away to their various classrooms. Sadie walks up to me and puts her hand on my shoulder. "Hey, Aurora are you okay? What are you looking for?" She asks me. I look at her. "I don't know but I just got the feeling that someone is watching me." I tell her. "You know I picked up a weird aura around school grounds as soon as we drove in. I just don't know what it is. We should be careful." She says as she looks around as well. Cassandra picks up on it as well. "We should not interact with anyone else today unless we need to." She says and we nod at her. Even Alex, Jaden and Jeffery nod at her. "f**k I feel it too. We should meet for lunch at our regular spot." Alex says. We nod at him and then he and the boys head over to their classes. We head over to our classes as well just as the school bell rings for the first period. Luckily we have been training our entire lives so if there is a rogue attack then we will be ready. -------------- Meanwhile, Sirius has disguised himself as one of the teachers at Dark Moon high. He is standing around the corner from the parking lot when he sees Cassius and the girls drive up to the school. He sees them get out of the car and he sees Cassius walking around the car towards Aurora. He watches as Cassius kisses Aurora and then runs out of the parking lot. "So the vampire pest has someone special that is close to him hmm.." He says with an evil smile on his face as he looks over to where Aurora is standing with her brother and their friends. "I must find out who she is and what she means to him." He says. He sees Reginald and the other warriors walking around the school grounds. "Fools!" He says. He sees Reginald stopping and sniffing the air. He then realizes that he didn't fully mask his scent today and that Reginald is picking up on that. "s**t. That is my cue to leave." He says as he disappears before Reginald walks over to where he was standing. "I swear I smelled a demon from here. It's faint but it is there. I better warn King Cassius and Alpha King Damien about this." Reginald says He walks over to one of the warriors. "Tell everyone to be on alert today. I think Sirius was here." He says to the warrior. "Yes sir." The warrior says as he mind links the others. Reginald walks into the school and heads over to the security room where Henry is looking at the cameras. "I need you to go through all of the footage from this morning. I picked up demon scent in the parking lot and I suspect that Sirius has managed to disguise himself as either a student or one of the teachers here. Report back to me if you find anything suspicious." Reginald says to Henry. "Yes Sir." Henry replies. Reginald pulls out his phone and makes a call. ------------ Cassius POV After dropping off Aurora and her friends at school, I run back to the packhouse and head straight to Damien's office. I knock on the door and he tells me that I can come in. I go and sit on the chair that is in front of his desk. "Did you touch my daughter inappropriately asshole?" He sneers at me just as Thalia walks into his office. "No, I didn't. I helped her with her homework and then we watched a movie together." I reply. "For your sake, I hope you didn't do anything else because I will kill you." Damien growls. "Calm down Damien." Luna Thalia says as she puts her hand on his shoulder and she looks over at me. "I kissed her though." I say to Damien. "YOU WHAT?" He growls at me. "I loved doing that and I can guarantee you that she loved it too." I say. Damien was just about to attack me when my phone rings and I see that it is Reginald calling me. Luna Thalia grabs Damien by his collar and she pulls him closer to her in an attempt to calm him down again. I answer the phone. Cassius: "Reginald did something happen?" Reginald: "No not yet, Sire, but I picked up demon scent on school grounds. Sirius has been here, that is for sure. He was gone before I could find him." Cassius: "s**t. What else have you picked up?" Reginald: "Nothing else yet Sire. I had Henry, who is in charge of the security cameras at the school, look through the footage and report back if he sees something suspicious. I also think that Sirius has been watching us for years and that is how he knows when we are onto them." Cassius: "Which is how he and Marco Falcone are always gone by the time we get to their locations." Cassius: "Thank you. I will let the Alpha King know." I hang up the phone and I look at Damien and Luna Thalia. "What is it that you have to tell me?" Damien says and I can see that he is annoyed with me. Maybe I should not have teased him about his daughter. "Reginald just called me. He picked up demon scent on school grounds. Sirius was there." I reply and Damien immediately is on his feet. "Did he find him?" Damien asks. "No. Sirius was long gone by the time Reginald picked up his scent." I say and Damien hits his hand on his desk. His eyes are glazed over which means he is mind linking someone. "Reginald thinks that Sirius has been impersonating pack members for years. That is how he knows when we are onto them and by the time we get to their locations, they are long gone." I say just as Damien's office door swings open and Beta Kade and Gamma Jared walk in along with Beta female Becky and Gamma female Sophie behind them. Damien and I inform them of what has been going on. "I want you to triple security around the pack and at school today." Damien says as he looks at Beta Kade and Gamma Jared. "Yes Alpha." They both reply at the same time. I take out my phone and I call Cornelius, who is at the coven today. "Send over about 30 coven warriors to Dark Moon pack. Have them guard Dark Moon High." I tell him. "Yes, King Cassius. Right away." He replies and then I hang up the phone. "Becky, Sophie and I will also be guarding the school while you boys guard the pack borders. Let's go girls."Luna Thalia says as she kisses Damien on his forehead. "Be careful honey. And let me know if anything happens." Damien says. "I will." Luna Thalia says as she walks out the door. "If those bastards think that they can screw with us then I have got some news for them. I am so ready for an ass-whooping." Beta Female Becky says as she and Gamma Female Sophie walk out of the door behind Luna Thalia. I should get going as well. I get up and I take out my dagger that I always keep with me. Damien does the same with his. "If I find that fucker then he is as good as dead." I say to Damien while I touch the crystal that is on my dagger. He nods. "If we find him that is. You are not fighting him alone."
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