Chapter 40

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            Maggie Stevens finished her shift in a grocery shop, she quickly went shopping to buy herself a new dress and then she returned to her Spartan furnished flat she rented. She lost her parents in a car accident three years ago and since then she had to take care of herself. She found a job and graduated from the high school. However, she had to sell the house she grew up in. She lived a modest life, but somehow she managed to make ends meet. And now her fate could change.             When she was approached by a random passerby a few days ago, she did not expect it to turn into something more. But when she met him again and he asked her out, Maggie believed that happiness could smile at her as well. And here she was getting ready for a date! She took a long aromatic bath, rubbed a delicate rose lotion into her skin and applied careful make-up. The smooth, shimmering silk dress hit her budget a bit, but it was worth the price. It delicately emphasized her shapely figure, and its bottle green color perfectly matched her emerald eyes. She left her hair loose and let it fall freely on her back.             When the doorbell rang, she grabbed her coat and purse she took another glance at her reflection in the mirror and opened the door. He was standing there, incredibly handsome, elegant and damn sexy. Maggie was o infatuated with her prince on a white horse shat she did not see the dangerous twinkle in his eyes. ***             Jay finished her last self-defense classes and thanked her students for participating. She was the last to leave the work on Tuesday evenings, so she had o close everything up. She made a round of the building and turned off the lights. She went to the cocker room to change clothes and be able to come home at last. ‘Maybe I’ll stop at “Roma’s” for some pizza?’ She thought. ‘Or some pasta?’             She changed her tee and looked over her shoulder. She was sure she heard some sound. Like a glass. Click of glass against glass. She shook her head and went back to getting dressed. She froze in mid-motion when she heard a laugh. A sonorous, feminine laugh. A little bit shy, but deep and sexy. She looked around. But she was alone.             And then she noticed it. She could not see her own reflection it the big mirror on the wall. There was no bright room in which she was at the moment. She was amazed to see the inside of a restaurant. Tables, guests, dim, moody light. Jay could hear the murmur of conversations and the soft sounds of music. And that laugh. She looked in the direction it came from. Its owner was a young woman. Blonde, long silky hair, joyful green eyes. Jay guessed that she must have been about her age. Maybe a year or two older than she.             She felt a shiver. Though she could not see the face of her companion, she knew instinctively who he was. Jay slowly moved forward. The image in the mirror was moving just as if she was walking between the tables. As if she was there. However, invisible to restaurant guests.             Only he could see her. As soon as she was in his field of vision, he looked directly at her. She lifted his glass slowly and took a sip of his wine. A smile appeared on his lips. An ominous one.             Jay already knew that the vampire was going to kill the girl. What was wore, if she did not wake up from this trance, she would witness this gruesome crime! She turned on her heel, wanting to escape from what was about to happen. But there too, she saw the interior of the restaurant.             She was trapped in some freaky illusion!             ‘There must be a way for me to break free!’ She thought frantically. She tried hard not to lose her cold blood. The vampire charmed the completely ignorant girl all the time, and at the same time he was smiling at Jay. Brazenly. Slyly. Mockingly.               “There’s nothing you can do!” She heard his whisper in her head. “You can only look passively at the inevitable!” He ended with a laugh that echoed in her head.             “Keep dreaming!” She challenged him.               She quickly searched her memory for the release spell, which she hoped would help her end the unwanted vision. She already knew where to look for the vampire. She knew this restaurant very well. She was there with Holt and his friends a few weeks ago. It was not that far from dojo. She could save that girl. All she had to do was to break the murderer’s spell.             She reached deep into her own “self” finding her witch nature. She summoned the goddess, the moon and the four Elements to help. She felt confident that she was doing the right thing. And since the ancient language was never her forte, she decided to use her own words. ‘It can’t be that hard!’ She thought and began chanting:   “By the will of the Moon I call my might To overcome the evil spell this night.  A breath of wind and earth tremors, Through magic will change the charm. The illusion will vanish like a bad dream When he waves of water wash over me. The fire’s light will set me free From under my enemy’s ill will. In the hour of trial, my faith will not perish.”               She heard a soft laugh. He mocked her. Therefore she repeated the spell again. And again. She felt the energy flowing through her body. The sight she had in front of her seemed to recede. As if she was looking in the mirror again, where she saw strange scenery, as if taken out from some Hollywood production. She felt a sense of satisfaction that she had managed to break free from the vampire’s power. She smiled smugly at him.             And then she heard a roar of rage in her head, and pain pierced her whole body as a blast of his energy threw her through the entire room right into the cold wall. She already knew her joy was premature. The vampire did not eve move. Not even one move revealed that he was not interested in his companion at the moment. But Jay felt he was focusing almost all of his energy on her. Not only did he maintain the illusion, but he also caused her physical pain. Her head almost exploded. Just as if he was crushing it with his power.             With the last of her strength she reached up to her neck for the amulet Bryan had given her for her last birthday. She tightened her fingers on the warm talisman and felt the pain ease a little. The vampire noticed that change. In the next moment, a strong, invisible hand snatched the pendant from between her fingers and threw it far into the corner.             Another wave of excruciating pain hit her with redoubled force. She felt dizzy and she could felt the taste of blood in her mouth. Heavy crimson drops were dripping on the floor of the locker room, and when each one touched the ground it echoed loudly against the walls. Something squeezed her lungs. She was gasping for air quickly, violently. The buzzing in her ears increased. There were white spots in front of her eyes. She fought not to panic. She was slowly seized with powerlessness and darkness. She slumped to the ground.             Te last thing she saw was the vampire leaving the restaurant in the company of the overjoyed blonde.             Then there was only darkness. ***              When she regained consciousness she was sore. Excruciating pain burst through her head. She lay face down in a pool of blood that was steadily trickling from her nose and cut cheek. She opened her eyes. It was dark, but her sight caught brighter spots. After a moment she saw him clearly. He was sitting on a soft, white coach. Next to him a girl. Still beaming. Senseless. Delighted with her partner. He leaned towards her and kissed her. Softly. Almost tenderly. Then he moved back a bit and looked her in the eye. He raised his hand and brushed a lock of unruly hair from her forehead. He stroked her cheek, ran his thumb over her full red lips.   -       You’ll die tonight! – He said seriously. – I’ll give you pain like you never dreamed of. – He moved his hand to her slender neck. – I’ll tear you to pieces and bask in your suffering.               The girl’s pupils widened in surprise. The meaning of his words and their seriousness slowly reached her consciousness. The fear that Jay felt with her whole self slowly arose. Maggie backed up abruptly, but the vampire was faster. He grabbed her by the shoulders, restricting her movements and forcing her to move closer. She wanted to scream, but she could not make a sound.   -       There’s no point in resisting. – He whispered.               Jay watched as he was bending over the girl, who was tilting her head against her will, making it easier for him to access the neck with a pulsating vain. He looked directly at her, and in his eyes she saw triumph.               “You’ll be next!” She heard an ominous whisper in her head. “I’ll find you!” He promised and then he sank his fangs in girl’s flesh.               Jay felt a sharp pain. And she knew it was only a substitute of what awaited her. Now she was receiving only a fraction of what the vampire’s victim felt. Though this time he made her feel more. Stronger. More intensely. A shudder shook her body. The weakening energy of the girl made Jay lose her power as well. She was slipping back into the abyss of nothingness. But she did not care. All she wanted was to stop feeling. Just to push away all this pain and fear.             But he did not want to let her go. He wanted her to be there until the end. So she could feel the life draining out of another innocent girl. So that she could feel her last breath. Full of pain, fear and loneliness.               “So will your death be!”  She heard before the final end came.               Then he let her drift away.
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