Chapter 39

2050 Words
            It might seem that a festive dinner with her father and friends should soothe her nerves. Meanwhile Jay was on tenterhooks. Despite cheerful atmosphere, the casual chats and jokes taking place over the table, she felt something strangely heavy in the air. And when she looked up for a moment, she saw intense green eyes staring at her. She usually had no problems with reading peoples moods and emotions. However, Holt’s gaze seemed unreadable.             She immediately thought that he was not fooled by her explanations and he joined Mrs. M’s elite club, so he could, together with the housekeeper, worry about her when she is in a foul mood. She smiled radiantly at him, hoping he would just let it go.   -       How about Friday night? – Reeve’s question suddenly hit her. -       What? – She turned to him confused. -       They play some new action movie. – He said. – Unless you prefer something else? No problem! I like cinema in every version. – He winked at her. -       Sure. Action is just fine. – She replied. Had she missed the moment when she agreed to go to the movie with him? -       I’ll pick you up at seven. We’ll have time to go for dinner. – He added.               Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Holt’s fist clench dangerously tight. His knuckles turned white. She sensed the wave of anger he sent towards his brother. ‘But why?’ She thought. She remembered well enough the brothers’ conversation before they first met. And Reeve’s reluctance to his mother’s idea of showing Jay around town. Holt had no such resistance and they became friends quickly. ‘Is it wrong that Reeve wants to fix the first bad impression? After all I’m not Holt’s property now!’ Anger rose within her.   -       Great! – She gave Reeve a charming smile. – Maybe that Italian restaurant at Thompson Street? They’ve got really good pasta there. – She suggested. -       Sounds delicious, but now I feel like a balloon! – He replied laughing. -       Mrs. M. outdone herself! – Jay’s father said. – Why don’t we go to the lounge for a drink? - He offered. -       I’d love to, but I have to go now. – She said sadly. – I’ve got a lot of learning. -       You spend way too much time among books. – He stated. – You have to go out more often. Maybe Reeve will change that. – He laughed joyfully. -       Dad! – She rebuked her father, ashamed of his insinuations. – Have fun! – She added and pecked her father’s check. – See you soon.               She said goodbye to everyone and left the dining room. She went to her room, changed quickly and packed her stuff. She had two weeks of peace now, perhaps even until Christmas.  ***             The beginning of December in New York greeted her with snow. White fluff ran down in big flakes from the steel-grey sky. It was still dark and for a moment Jay considered going back to the warm bed. The soft sheets were tempting her. Unlike the frosty white morning. When she went to sleep it was well past midnight. Now the clock showed only five o’clock. She had been sleeping very little lately. And not very well. The worst part was that she was getting used to it.             She definitely needed some more sleep, however, self-discipline and natural stubbornness kept her from going back o bed. She went to bathroom to take a quick refreshing shower. She put on some warm tracksuit and insulated vest. After a short reflection, she chose warm sports shoes. She put the I-Pad in her pocket, put on the wireless headphones, pulled the hood over her head and went out into the morning darkness.             There was an unusual silence outside. All sounds were muffled by a thick layer of white fluff. Snow crunched under her feet. Her lungs burned form the freezing air. Ideal conditions for lonely run and contemplation. And Jay did not stop thinking even for a moment.             Her thoughts were still preoccupied with the victims of the vampire. He was getting closer. She could feel that. She would like to end this now. She was ready to face him. But he had other plans. He was sneaking up on her. He wanted to corner her. He wanted her to be afraid. He played with her. And that was quite frustrating. Therefore Jay practiced with double strength. In self-defense classes she gave twice as much energy.             And when she felt really overwhelmed, she went to “Double Bottom” where she could count on relieving her tension. And a solid thud, which did not bothered her at all. The physical pain helped her to survive. Besides, she was so exhausted later that she fell asleep as soon as her head touched he pillow and she slept long, not tormented by any nightmares.             Point seven she ran up the stairs leading to the gym. She unlocked the door with the key Darren had given her and entered the dark, empty room. She still had an hour before the receptionist and coach came. She could train in complete silence. Exercise atlas, then a little bit of yoga for relaxation and to ease muscles. She finished just as Steve entered the gym to begin his shift.   -       You’re an early bird, huh?  - He spoke to her amiably. -       I don’t like to waste my day, and I still have a lot to do. – She said in the same tone. – How are you?     -       The old way! – He replied. – Christmas is coming so we have a little less traffic here, but right after the New Year everything will start in full swing. -       New Year’s resolutions? – She nodded with understanding. – New Year, new me. -       Yeah. You even don’t imagine how many such momentary enthusiasts are there! – He smiled at her. – But you’re the exception that proves the rule. -       I just like being in good shape. – She did not want to delve into the reasons why she subjected her body to murderous trainings. – I have to go! Have a nice day! – She said goodbye quickly and left. ***             When she reached the house, she noticed a black sports BMW parked in front of it. She recognized the plates immediately. She sighed to suppress the sudden surge of irritation. She entered the house and directed her steps upstairs.   -       Not too early for a visit? – She asked bitterly. -       You’ve been silent for the past few days! You don’t answer calls, you don’t reply to text messages! – The rebuke was heard in Holt’s voice. -       I was busy! – She grunted. -       I was worrying about you. – He said with concern. -       Unnecessarily! – Jay growled. – As you can see, I’m fine! -       I see that! – He drawled through clenched teeth. – Where have you been?! – He changed the topic. -       I was jogging and then I went to the gym. And now I’m going to take a shower and I’ll go to class. – She walked past him and opened the door to her apartment. -       I’ll make you some breakfast. – Holt followed her in even though she did not invite him. -       I do not want any breakfast! – She opposed. -       Not really important! – He raised his voice. – What’s going on? – He asked, clearly concerned. -       Nothing! – She felt guilty. – I’ve got a lot of study now. In addition, Christmas is coming and I need to buy gifts, which I have absolutely no time for, because I work. – She lied. – Besides, everything’s okay. – She assured him. -       Then go to that shower and I’ll make you promised breakfast. -       You really don’t have to. – She tried to protest. -       We’ll eat together, because I haven’t eaten yet either. – He ordered. -       In that case… - She smiled and went to bathroom.               She took a quick shower, got dressed and made some light make-up. Then she came back to the kitchen tempted by the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. She sat by the island and allowed Holt to finish breakfast. Scrambled eggs and French toasts smelled so good that her mouth was watering. He did not say a single word, but handed her a cup of coffee. She added some cream and sugar. ‘I deserved it!’ She thought absolving herself. She watched his every move and stated that he was fairly confident in the kitchen.   -       Here you go! – He put a full plate in front of her. – Eat! -       Looks and smells good. – She teased him. -       It’s edible! Trust me! – He almost growled. -       I’m just kidding! – She chuckled. – Chill out Miller!               They were eating in silence. Jay had to admit that it was really tasty. ‘A guy worth his weight in gold!’ She thought. ‘I wonder why he hasn’t girlfriend?’ It crossed her mind. But the truth is that many attractive guys and girls are single because everyone thinks that they are already taken. Although sometimes there is some interesting story behind this. ‘And what is his story?’ She pondered.   -       What are you thinking about? – He asked suddenly. -       Nothing special. – She blushed. -       Dirty thoughts? – He chuckled. -       Rather not my business. – She snapped back. -       Have you got plans for the next weekend? – Holt changed the topic. -       Let me think… - She was checking her timetable in her mind. – I guess not. Why? -       We’re planning to go out of town for few days. – He explained. – What do you think? Would you like to come?               The first thought was like ‘Hell yeah!’, but then she remembered Cole and the whole shitty situation she found herself in. She promised herself that she will try to avoid him, which she was successfully doing for the last two or so weeks. But on the other hand they had made a deal. They promised each other to start over. From the very beginning. As friends. And Jay was willing to try. But it did not change the fact that she still wanted him. ‘s**t!’ She thought. ‘Oh what the hell!’ It crossed her mind.   -       I was going to meet with Ash and boys. – She said finally. -       Then ask them to go with us. – He offered. – The more of us, the better the fun. – He winked at her. -       Okay, I’ll ask them. – She promised. – But I’m definitely in! -       Awesome! – He grinned. -       Is there something I can help with? – She asked. -       I’ll check it and let you know. – He said. – Now we have to go cause you’ll be late. – He noticed. -       You’re right! – She jumped up. – Thank you for such a pleasant morning. – She gave him her charming smile. -       You’re welcome. – He bowed courtly and she shook her head.               ‘Well it wasn’t so bad at all.’ She thought when she was driving to college. They had a nice meal together and a friendly chat. Maybe Holt will let it go now when he saw that she is fine and nothing is bothering her. ‘Apart from Cole Sullivan!’ She pouted. ‘And a fuckin serial killer who’s chasing after me!’ Now she grimaced.
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