Chapter 38

2070 Words
-       I don’t even want to think about what else could happen! – Mrs. Morgan shook her head in disbelieve, stirring something rapidly in the pot. – Poor girls! Such a tragic end met them! – Her compassion for victims was really sincere. -       It’s scary, indeed. – Jay admitted, stealing some red pepper from the plate. – Let’s hope they’ll catch him soon. – She reached for a slice of carrot and she was hit on the hand with a kitchen cloth. -       Soon I’ll have nothing to put into the pot! – She said with fake reproach, though she was glad that Jay eats vegetables. – There’s some juice in the fridge!               She stood up and walked to the fridge to take the freshly squeezed orange juice and some apple. The smells that arose in the kitchen stimulated the appetite, so she had to somehow appease her growing hunger. She hoped that apple would stifle the sucking in her stomach, because there was still a long time before dinner.   -       Something smells so good in here! – At the sound of Holt’s voice Mrs. M. brightened like the sun. – What are these goodies? – He asked with a charming smile. All his attention was on the Housekeeper, he barely noticed Jay. -       It’s an old family recipe. – She replied very content with herself. -       When will you quit this job and run away with me? – He asked seductively. – Only one word from you and I’m buying tickets for Bora Bora. – He winked at her. -       You’re a charmer! – She blushed. – Better find yourself a girl your age! – She advised him, looking pointedly at Jay.               She felt awkward and embarrassed, but she pretended not to notice anything. She finished the juice, put the glass in the dishwasher, and threw the scrap into the trash bin.   -       I’ll be back for dinner. – She announced suddenly and quickly left the kitchen.               For some reason she suddenly felt the need to break away from her father’s house. She was hot. She was suffocating. But what was the reason for this? Why did the housekeeper’s meaningful looks made her shudder? Why Holt’s sly gaze led her to such a sudden panic attack? She was looking for an answer, but only one thing came to her mind. It was not her world! For her there is no more flirting and fleeing romance! What she felt for Bryan is still alive. It’s burning like a flame, eating her from the inside. What had happened between her and Cole only confirmed her belief.             She burst into the garage and grabbed the random keys from the hanger. She was not too surprised when a glowing red Lamborghini replied to the remote’s signal. She needed speed. Rush of the air. Adrenaline and freedom.   -       Jay! – She heard Holt’s voice behind her back. – What happened?               She did not answer. She just kept walking. Determined to break out of the trap she found herself in. She pushed his hand away when he tried to grab her arm.   -       Jay stop there! – He persisted. He yanked her arm and turned her to face him. – What the f**k is going on? – He asked, surprised to see her shifting gaze and shaking hands. – Jay?! – He rushed her. -       Nothing. – She replied in an uncertain, trembling voice. – I just want to take a ride. – She added, though it sounded like a sob. -       Honey, if you thought I’d let you drive like this, you’re damn wrong. – He said, listening to her quick, shallow breathing. – Calm down! It can lead to hyperventilation. – He spoke to her calmly.               She took a deep breath. One. Then the second one. And a few more. When her pulse calmed down, her hands stopped shaking and she was sure that her voice would not fail again, she spoke calmly to him.   -       I’m fine. I’ve had a hard week and I need a moment to breathe. That’s why I’m going for a ride. – She turned on her heel and opened the car’s door. -       Then I’m going with you. – He circled the car in no time and took the passenger’s seat. -       Get out! – She growled. -       No fuckin way! – He snapped back, sitting down comfortably. -       I don’t want company! – She said in an icy tone. -       And I don’t give a s**t! – He shrugged. -       As you wish! – She hissed, resigning from further discussion.               She turned the key, she put the gear in reverse and with a screech of tires pulled back from the garage straight to the street, luckily completely empty. She changed the gear and drove on. She completely ignored Holt’s presence. She focused only on speed. She felt all the tension fall off her. The feeling of panic finally left her. Everything returned to its place. She only slowed down when they were out of town. She pulled over by the road and leaned her head against the steering wheel.   -       Everything’s okay? – Holt asked after a long moment. -       I’m sorry! – She said, swallowing the lump in her throat. – I guess I was carried away a bit. – She chuckled uncertainly. -       Only a little. – He admitted in a somewhat hesitant tone. – I was afraid that we’d end up in a tree or a ditch a few times, but it was fun after all. – He gave her a charming smile. – Will you tell me what happened? -       Nothing! – She said it so quickly that Holt’s eyes immediately showed that he did not believe her. – Honestly! – She assured him. She took a deep breath. – It was really a very long and hard week. I needed some space. – She explained. -       Did I do or said something wrong? – He asked, obviously distrusting her explanation. -       Why do you think that?! – She asked surprised. -       You know… - he began hesitantly, - then in the kitchen… - He sighed undecidedly. – I didn’t mean anything bad! -       You flirted with Mrs. M. – She said calmly. – That was cute. -       I thought it bothered you. – He pointed out. -       Why should it? – She was honestly surprised. Apparently he misunderstood her reaction. – She clearly enjoys talking to you. Besides, you successfully too her mind off the murders and constant worrying about me. – She shrugged. -       And why should she worry about you? – She intrigued him. -       That’s what it’s all about! – She hit the steering wheel with her hand. – She has no reasons to do so! -       She loves you, so she cares about you. – He explained. -       You were right. – She said quietly. – About Cole. – She added when he frowned. -       Did he… ? – He was afraid to ask. -       Hurt me? – She ended. – No. But I was stupid and naïve to believe that he is just pretending to be such a playboy. That he hides his true self because he’s afraid to show his feelings. – She shrugged. – But he’s just the way he is! -       Jay! – He felt guilty. -       Let’s go back! – She suddenly changed the topic and started the car. – We’ll have time to help set the table. – She smiled at him. -       Okay! – He agreed, but her behavior made him think. Something was definitely wrong. – Are we good? – He asked. -       Sure! –She assured him.               This time she was driving a little calmer, though at an excessive speed anyway. They came back home listening to the radio. They set the table in a tastefully decorated dining room, but they were still silent. Jay was seemingly calm, but she was nervous about the stealthy glances that Holt gave her every now and then. She had no idea what his behavior meant, but she decided to be on guard just in case.             Later on she went to her room to take a shower and dress up for dinner. It was her first Thanksgiving without her brothers. She missed them every single day, but today the separation was even more acute. After dinner she will come back to her flat to spend the rest of the evening alone. For the past few years, she and her brothers have had the habit of hanging out with friends. They most often met at the “Black Stallion” where they played pool and darts. Then they would go to their place or the Weakfields to continue the party.             Last year they had fun for three days in a row. She remembered Bryan being unhappy about it. She too. They were in company of their siblings for all the time and they had no idea they were together. They could not touch each other, which only increased the fever that consumed them. On the third day, Bry could not stand it and followed her into the cramped pantry next to the kitchen. He leaned her against the door and took her quickly, impatiently.             At the mere memory she felt a wave of heat. It has been almost six months since she last saw him, and her feeling s have not waned. His image was etched in her mind, his touch still burning her skin, and his laughter echoed in her head. In dreams she saw his eyes. Amber irises. Full of love and devotion. After that, however, the picture always changed. His honey eyes darkened. Filled up with horror and disgust.             This was the last picture she remembered.             He hated her.   -       You owe yourself! – She said to her reflection in the mirror.               She tweaked her make-up, straightened up and smoothed her teal velvet dress that perfectly emphasized the color of her eyes. The dress had a wide neckline and exposed her shoulders, so the scars from meeting Ian were clearly visible. She combed her long wavy hair and put it on her shoulder to cover the disfigured skin a little. She put black high heels on and headed downstairs.   -       It’s a difficult client, but I think I can handle it. – Holt was talking with her father about his job, sipping his drink by the fireplace. -       I’m sure you will! – John agreed. – You have a knack for it! – He patted him on the shoulder and turned to his mother. – Your son is very talented Cadence. -       My pride! – She laughed happily.               Holt let them chat and he himself decided to have another drink. He turned towards the door and his breath was taken away. She looked amazing. He moved his gaze from her feet in exorbitantly high heels, to shapely endless legs, through slim figure wrapped in a tight material, smooth shoulders, her swan neck, to an unusual, beautiful face and a storm of dark blond hair. His throat was dry so he had to swallow several times. Then he looked at her again, this time moving from wavy hair, through the shimmering fabric of the dress, to the high heels. He loosened his tie.             ‘She’s the daughter of family friend!’ He thought. He watched Jay approaching Reeve and talking with him freely. His brother poured some wine for the girl, and when he was handing her the glass their fingers met. It was only a fraction of a second, but Holt felt an inexplicable surge of anger. But he regained his composure and walked over to join them in the conversation. Which turned to be extremely difficult. He could not really concentrate. Therefore he was grateful to Mrs. M. when she came to inform that the dinner had been served.
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