Chapter 29

2352 Words
            Jay came back home around four. She took a long hot shower. Her whole body was sore, but she felt so damn good! She washed off the blood and sweat, leaving the pain only. She wrapped herself in a towel and she went to the bedroom, where she put on Jason’s tee and she went to bed. After such a fight she could skip the morning training. She had no problems with falling asleep now. She only left small gaps in her shields for the wounds to heal slowly. ***             At the sound of the alarm clock, she sprang to her feet and hissed in pain. For so long she had woken up to her own internal clock that the sudden sound, so strange, made her shudder. She turned the alarm clock off and combed her hair. She did a short warm up and went to the bathroom. Quick, cold shower was something she needed to wake up completely. Then she prepared herself some coffee, went to the bedroom to get dressed and pack the books she might need during the classes.             She drank two cups of coffee while watching the morning news. She did not bother with makeup, but she quickly blow dried her hair. Then she took her bag and left the flat. In the corridor she almost collided with Dominic. Apparently, he just came back.   -       Hard night? – He asked and chuckled. -       A sort of. - She murmured. -       Someone is not in the mood! – He turned to face her and his smile died down. – What the hell happened to you?! – He asked genuinely terrified. -       A little misunderstanding. – She explained. -       Why didn’t you heal it? – He jumped on her. -       Apparently some parts of my body needed more attention than my face. – She snapped back. -       Couldn’t you just cast some short spell to hide it? – He pointed out. -       I didn’t think about it, but thanks for concern! – She turned on her heel and left. -       Witch! – He shouted after her.               She showed him the middle finger and he chuckled. She got into the car and checked her face in the mirror. Dominic was right. She looked like a s**t! She quickly murmured a short spell. Wounds healed a bit and bruises faded, but they were still noticeable. ‘But only if someone will watch me very carefully!’ She calmed herself down.             When she arrived at the parking lot she was already late. That never happened when she woke up for training! She rushed to the building and to the right class. Nate Ferguson did not like latecomers. She knocked quickly and entered the classroom apologizing for being late. She sat at the back, next to Hank and prepared herself for the lecture.             She could not focus at all. She was worried because her self-healing ability had failed. Very much. ‘I need to practice more!’ It crossed her mind. Her power seemed to weaken. At least on this point. Yet her wounds should heal on their own. Without her will. ‘The question is what is weakening my abilities?’ She thought.             The same moment she saw Hank’s hand in front of her. But the odd thing was that he was holding a handkerchief. She frowned. She was not crying! So what was the handkerchief for? She looked at him and lifted her eyebrow in surprise. He scratched himself under his nose lightly. Jay involuntarily lifted her hand and mirrored him. She felt sticky wetness under her fingers. She was bleeding from her nose.             ‘f**k!’ She thought angrily, but took the handkerchief and thanked Hank silently.   -       You’re okay? – He whispered. -       I’m fine! – She assured him. – I’ve been sleeping very little lately. – She lied. -       Then you need to rest. – He smiled. -       I will. – She promised.   ***             She did not know by what miracle, but somehow she survived till the end of the classes. Fortunately for her, Hank did not ask too many questions, just as Ash and Darren. They watched her carefully, but did not comment on her look. And she was really grateful for that.             She promised she would call, excused herself with duties and quickly left the campus. It was Monday which meant she had classes at “Lee Chan Dojo”. She was afraid of what sensei would say when he will see her. The first and fundamental principle of the school was to use your skills only for good purposes. And she broke that rule. Twice. And to be honest, she was going to break it any time she wants.             When she reached the dojo she was already calm, ready to face Lee Chan. And she was right. However, she expected sensei to be mad at her. Damn, she dreamt about a lecture! She wanted to hear about honor, responsibilities, duties and other s**t! But instead she only heard that she disappointed him. And that made her feel like a total crap.   -       I’ll give you the last chance. – Lee Chan finally said. – You’ll work till the end of November. Meantime I’ll look for another teacher. -       Yes, sensei. – She did not protest. -       If you’ll prove your worth, you’ll stay. But, if you’ll fail my trust again, you’ll leave. – He warned her. – Now go. Your students are waiting for you.               Jay bowed and left. She went straight to her first group. Young boys aged twelve to fifteen lined up in their places as soon as she entered. She liked them. Mutually. They caused problems at first, but when they saw what she could do, she earned their respect. ‘And now I’ll lose it because of the fuckin illegal fight club!’ She thought bitterly.   -       Hey guys! – She greeted them. -       Hi Jay! – They shouted in unison. -       What happened to your face? – Asked one of the youngest boys. The rest tried to silence him. -       That’s okay! – She calmed the down. – I did something wrong. I took part in a fight. -       You had to defend yourself? – The other one asked. -       It was not an honorable fight, nor in self-defense. – She said. – I fought because I was angry and frustrated. – She explained. – Sensei allowed me to stay. For now. If my anger or pride overwhelmed me again, I’ll have to quit the school. – She added. -       What!? – They looked at each other in disbelief. -       That’s the condition. – She cut off. – And now, take your position! – She ordered and the lesson began.   ***             As she promised, the same evening she called Ashley. They talked for a while and decided to meet the next evening. Jay sent a short message to the boys and they replied quickly that they are free and will definitely come. So the next day after the classes she went shopping to prepare something delicious for her friends. After a while she decided for home-made pizza and a cherry pie. She bought all the necessary things adding some wine and beer and went straight home to get to work.             Jay loved cooking, especially when she was doing this for someone who she really liked. She changed her clothes quickly for something more comfy and turned on her favorite playlist. She started with dough for the pizza, and then she prepared the pie. When she was taking the seeds out of the cherries her phone rang. ‘If it’s Ash saying that they’re calling the meeting off, I swear I’ll kill her!’ She thought murderously. But one look at the phone reminded her that she has other problems as well. She used one of her fingers to answer the call and turn on the speaker.   -       Hi Cole! – She greeted him. – What’s up? -       Hello sunshine! – He was definitely in good humor. – How are you? -       I’m just fine. – She said. – And you? – ‘What all this courtesy for?’ She thought. -       Not so good. – He replied in a sad voice. -       What happened? – Jay was now seriously worried. – Something with your mum or sister? – She remembered that he was about to call them. -       No, they’re fine. – He assured her. – But there’s something else. -       Your father? – She asked. -       He’s okay too. – Cole was suspiciously calm. -       Then what is it?! – She pushed on him. -       It’s you! – He said. -       What?! – That was unexpected. - I don’t get it. -       I miss you sunshine! – He purred into the receiver. -       s**t! – She swore, when she cut her finger. – f**k! -       That’s not what I wanted to hear, but I definitely threw you out of balance. – She could almost see his lifted eyebrow. ‘Damn sexy!’ -       I’ve cut myself! Sorry! – She explained her reaction. -       Then you need to put all the sharp things away while I’m calling! – He joked. – Is it bad? – He asked with concern? -       No it’s just a small wound, but cherry juice is like an acid for it! – Jay cleaned the wound and focused on self healing. -       Maybe you need some help there? – He asked with hope. -       Thanks, but I almost finished. – She put the fruit on the dough and with a short spell she prepared the egg foam for the top and put the cake in the oven. – But we can talk. I like any kind of company in the kitchen. -       And what’s today specialty? – He asked in his deep voice that caused her shivers. -       Home-made pizza and cherry pie. -       Give me five minutes and I’m at your door. – He said. -       I have guest tonight! – She stopped him. – Besides, you don’t know where I live. – She smiled to herself. -       You underestimate me, sunshine! – He warned her. – Who’s coming? -       Some friends of mine. – She replied. ‘Was it jealousy in his voice?’ It crossed her mind. -       Who?! – He almost growled. -       What’s that supposed to mean?! – She asked indignantly. -       Don’t push it sunshine! – She could hear anger in his voice. – Who’s coming to see you? -       Ashley, Hank and Darren. – She almost spat it out. – And I don’t like the tone of your voice! I don’t know what your problem is and sincerely, I don’t fuckin care! – She said bluntly. -       Sunshine! – He realized his mistake and wanted to smooth things over. – Listen… -       No, you listen! – She was already pissed. – Maybe go outside, find some poor little puppy and kick it until you feel better, then go to the bar, get the f**k drunk, get sober, sleep with it and call me when you’ll have a better day! - She added with a growl and hung up.               ‘What the f**k is wrong with guys?!’ She was asking herself. She was totally sick and tired with all those men trying to decide for her in almost every single matter. Her brothers were damn far away and she still had a feeling as if she was being watched at every step. ‘I’m the fuckin hunter! I can do whatever I want!’ She thought rebelliously             She ignored the ringing phone and turned up the music. She was not in the mood to talk to Cole once again. She prepared the pizza and checked the pie. She opened the wine and poured herself a glass. He stopped calling soon, but he sent a message. She was already calm enough to read it.               “I’m sorry! Can U forgive me? Pleeeeaaaassseeeeee…”               She smiled to herself, but did not reply. She decided to keep him still in the dark. ‘For a while.’ She thought briefly. When she heard the sound of the intercom, she left the phone and went to open. She was ready to chill out at least for a moment. *** -       My father is sure he’s a serial killer. – Hank said when some time later they were discussing the mysterious crimes.               As the son of the police chief and the head of the New York PIT, Hank Patterson knew enough about the case to bring additional details to the information Jay had. Although the murders differed from each other, the vampire left something at the crime scene that made it clear that there was only one killer. On each body he wrote the same note. “I’m coming for you”. Jay was well aware that it was a message for her. And that was damn creepy.   -       The victims, while not having much in common materially or socially, are physically very similar to each other. – He continued. -       What do you mean? – Darren asked. -       He chooses young girls. – He explained. – Short blondes, long hair, blue or green eyes. Small body build. The psycho has his pattern. -       It’s terrible! – Ash cut in. – Poor girls.               The discussion continued and Jay tried to remember every little detail that might help her in her small privet investigation. ‘I’ll get him!’ She promised herself.             
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