Chapter 28

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            When Jay crossed the threshold of her small flat he breathed a sigh of relief. She came to New York in search of peace and anonymity. And meantime she had the impression that she was at the centre of all events. She definitely did not ask for this! Okay, all this situation with Samantha Lorenzo was her fault. And it came out of overwhelming desire to show that wax puppet where she belongs.             During the last three months she took part in several parties. Definitely a few too many. She really liked Holt and his friends, that was something she could not deny. The company of Ashley, Hank and Darren also gave her a lot of pleasure. But she also had to find time for so many other activities, that she actually had no time for herself.             Because she missed today’s morning training, she changed her clothes quickly and went jogging. She needed physical effort. Not only to think and analyze the last murder anew, but to relieve the tension after the events of the last night. And the morning especially. She had not expected to feel this frustrated! And still she felt like the last slut!             Her feelings for Bryan were still vivid. She did not think she could stop loving him. Ever! But she was so far away from him. She missed him so desperately. Her heart and soul craved for him. Lust was burning her from the inside. She felt infinitely lonely despite the crowd surrounding her.             So was it wrong that Cole was awakening all the feeling she wanted to keep dormant? She was a young woman whose veins ran with the blood of witches and hunters. A woman full of passion and, as she recently found, dark desires. And that scared her. She was horrified at how much she wanted Cole.             ‘But what did Holt have to do with it?’ Jay thought. She was still mad at him for acting like a guardian of her virginity. Yes, she was away from home and her brothers who always chased away all the bastards. Or at least she let them believe it. But she had her own brain and was able to defend herself, so he could just let it go. “She’s out of reach!” She remembered his words. ‘What the f**k was that supposed to mean?!’ She kicked the punching bag with all her strength.             A few gym goers looked at her suspiciously. That is why she preferred to come here in the morning. While everyone was still asleep. And she could vent all her stress, anger and frustration in peace. Not disturbed by onlookers.             Jay looked at the clock. It was already eight in the evening, so she stated that she made up for lost time and could go home. She collected all her stuff and went to the cloakroom. She had her permanent locker here, so she changed quickly and left the building. She had only few hundred meters to her apartment, so she decided to take a walk to relax her muscles. ‘And then a long hot bath!’ She allowed herself for a short daydream.             Mrs. Freeman was watching her favorite TV series and Dominic’s apartment was dark. ‘Thank goodness!’ She thought and immediately felt guilty. Maybe she did not know Dominic too well, but still he saved her life in Missoula. ‘Three times!’ She sighed. However, the fact that they found each other again was somewhat disturbing. ‘It doesn’t have to mean anything! It may be a sheer coincidence!’ She thought rebelliously.             She ran up the stairs and opened the door to her apartment. She went to the bathroom and turned on the water to fill up the tub. But before she took off her clothes, she went to the kitchen and poured herself a glass of wine. She took her phone with her and a lighter. ‘Candlelight won’t hurt.’ She shrugged and lit some vanilla candles in her bathroom. When the boiling hot water finally wrapped her tired body, she felt like in heaven.             Suddenly her phone biped. She checked the message and had to smile. She grabbed her phone and instead of replying to the message, she dialed his number and turned on the speaker.   -       That’s something I did not expect! – He said in his deep sexy voice. -       Really? – She asked intrigued. – And yet I did it. -       And I’m glad that I can hear your voice again. – He said gently. -       I miss you. – She said in a whisper. – I miss you so much! – Her voice suddenly broke. -       Jaysabel, don’t cry! – He said softly. – Sweetheart, please. I didn’t mean to make you sad. I’m so sorry! – He tried to comfort her. -       I guess I called you with my thoughts. – She laughed through tears. -       How? – He asked surprised. -       I thought a lot about you today, and you’ve sent me that photo. – She said a bit calmer. -       Honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. – He wanted to apologize. -       No, don’t. – She cut in. – It made me smile. It was a good day. It’s one of my favorite memories. – She explained. – And I needed to hear your voice too. – She admitted. – How are you? – She changed the topic suddenly. -       Preparing for a test. – He chuckled. -       Veterinary medicine is probably not that easy. – She laughed. -       Easier than marketing and management! – He stated seriously. -       I can imagine! And what’s new? – She asked. -       Are you asking me if I have someone? – He wanted to be sure. -       And have you? -       Jaysabel! How could I?! – He was shocked. -       I think you should. – She replied calmly. – You can’t wait for me forever. And I don’t expect that from you. -       But it’s you that I love! – He said with power. – You’re my heart, my soul, my air! You’re my everything! -       I love you Bryan! But you need to forget about me! – She said bitterly and hung up.               She turned the phone off. She was afraid that he will start calling her again, sending messages. And what was worse, she would answer, give up, ruin everything. ‘Why did I call him?!’ She was mad at herself. But it was too late. And even if it was possible and she could turn back the time, she would probably made the same mistake.             She felt hot tears running down her cheeks. She missed him so much. So desperately. For all these months she was trying to forget about him. ‘Or was it just an illusion?’ She thought bitterly. ‘I was lying to myself! For all this time!’ ***             The water cooled down, so Jay warmed it with a spell. It was far past ten when she finally gathered herself and got out of the tub. She put on her some favorite clothes. And his hoodie. The one she kept and which still smelled like him. She created special spell to keep his scent on it. It helped in bad times, when she could wrap herself in the aroma of his cologne and cherries.             She went to the kitchen and took another glass of wine. Even if she knew it will not help at all. She could try to get drunk, but her metabolism was too fast. And even if she succeeded, it would work only temporary. Everything would come back to her in the end. All the feelings. And she could feel nothing but grief and sadness. And pain.             For about an hour she was pacing the apartment, tossing herself on the bed, trying to focus on something else. But she could not. It was almost midnight, but in a city that never sleeps, there was no such a thing as a late hour. She made her decision within seconds. She changed quickly. Soft leggings and black top. She put on her trainers despite it was November and the nights were chilly. She took her black hoodie. Where she was going, she did not want to take her memories about Bryan. By the door she grabbed her jacket and car keys and left.             She parked at the back parking lot and got out o the car. She put the hood on, circled the building and stepped inside. The bar was full, even if it was Monday tomorrow and people should rest before going to work. But she just shrugged and headed towards the back door. The guard examined her from head to toe and smiled maliciously. She came through this once, she did not want to waste her time again. She used her power.   -       I’ve heard about you. – He said. -       Really? – Jay lifted her eyebrow. She could smell the werewolf. – Then move your ass. -       You’re fast, aye? – He smirked. -       You wanna find out? – She growled. – Move! -       Chill out kid! – He chuckled. – You’ll have your chance. – He said and let her through. – Good luck! – He said after her.               She did not respond. She went down the stairs and stopped for a second before the massive doors. ‘That’s my chance for a moment of forgetfulness!’ She took a deep breath and pressed the handle and pushed the door. She was immediately swallowed by deafening noise. The odor of sweat and stale beer did not bother her. But she could smell blood and that soothed her. She pushed herself forward, to the first row. The fight was almost done. Both women were exhausted and badly beaten, but they were still fighting, none of them wanted to surrender. As if they were trying to prove something.             In the end, the stocky brunette gave the final blow and the redhead fell heavily to the floor. Surprisingly, Jay could sense witches’ energy. ‘Interesting!’ She thought. In her experience, witches rarely resorted to violence. And they usually used magic anyway. However, this time they must have released the steam in a different way.             Jay watched the muscled werewolf haul the loser out the back door, and in the middle appeared no other than the Cerberus himself. ‘Could he have the honor of managing the entire stall?’ She thought a bit surprised. She wondered where the handsome vampire was. ‘Never mind!’ She did not care who was in charge as far as she was able to fight.   -       That was very spectacular, Marge! – He said to the brunette and the crowd cheered. – It was supposed to be the last fight of the night, but I can see that you want more! – His words caused some kind of euphoria, but one gesture and there was silence. – We have a freshman here, who wants to prove himself! – A young guy emerged from the crowd.               Jay recognized him. He was a teacher in one of the martial art schools to which she applied. In fact it was the dojo she rejected as first because of the competitive atmosphere there. The guy, Roy if she remembered correctly, wanted to check her immediately, but only to prove he was better. Indeed he was tall and well built. Jay had no doubts he was also well trained. But he was just a human. She sensed no power. No supernatural energy. But still he looked at the crowd with superiority.   -       Well? – The Cerberus spoke. – Who will pick up the gauntlet? – There was sudden silence. – You?! – The vampire stopped his gaze at some shape-shifter. -       With pleasure! – The man yelled and the crowd responded enthusiastically. -       You know this fight is not for him. – Her voice rolled through the room and everyone fell silent. All eyes turned to her. -       I was wondering when you’ll come back, baby girl! – The Cerberus smiled at her. – Prepare! – He ordered. -       Are you fuckin kidding me?! – Roy was mad. – I came here to fight, not to play a babysitter! -       Then watch your back, boy! – The vampire warned him.               Meanwhile Jay took off her jacket and hoodie. She was in the middle of the ring, making some basic warm up. She looked at Roy and smirked. He approached her immediately. He was about a foot taller than she was, so she had to tilt her head to meet his eyes. He was damn pissed off.   -       I know you! – He hissed. -       I doubt it! – She replied. -       I’ll finally check what do you have! – He said satisfied. -       And I’m going to prove that you’re a piece of s**t! – She cut back.               He struck suddenly and unexpectedly. His right hook caused Jay’s head to snap back. She saw black spots before her eyes. She swayed slightly. Her mouth filled with blood, so she spat. She noticed that the Cerberus wanted to intervene as the fight has not started yet. But she stopped him with one gesture and looked up at Roy. He saw a sudden flash in her eyes, but it was too late.             With one fast and damn strong kick she sent him to the wall. She heard the c***k of broken ribs and she smiled with satisfaction. She knew it would make him even more furious. He rushed at her like a battering ram. He delivered his blows chaotically but accurately. He had the greatest strength in his legs. His every kick meant a fractured or broken bone, and even a serious internal trauma.             But it felt so f*****g good! The physical pain was her salvation. ‘             Suddenly he grabbed her and picked her up.   -       You surrender? – He asked. -       You wished! – She chuckled. -       As you wish! – With these words he threw her with impetuous against the concrete floor. – Yeah! – He shouted out and the crowd went mad. -       How you feel? – Jay opened her eyes and saw the Cerberus’ face above her. – Just stay down! -       Never! – She hissed. She inhaled with pain. -       You really wanna die! – He stated. -       Just look at him! – She said calmly. – I made him believe he won. – She smiled. – Now I want to play! – She added with a dark flash in her eyes.               She stood up and the crowd went silent. Roy turned around slowly to face her. He shook his head with pity. But before he could express his brilliant thoughts, Jay stuck. He was too surprised to repel her attack, he could only try to protect himself. She did not use her power. Not this time. She relied only on her muscles and everything she had learned from Sean over the years.             He gave up. He did not have any other option. When he lay in a pool of his w blood, like a pile of misfortune, she crouched down next to him. She did not look any better than he. But yet she was standing on her own.   -       Remember this lesson. – She said. – You fight with anger. And you should fight with your heart. It’s not a place for you. – She warned him. -       You don’t suit here either! – He grunted. -       But yet I have something you don’t have! – She replied. -       What’s that? t**s? – He chuckled. -       Power, moron! – She said. – I have power that may help me in a fight! You were lucky, that you’re fighting with me! – She straightened up. – Don’t come back here! For your own good. – She walked away from him and approached the vampire. He was waiting for her. -       Fight with your heart! – He mocked her. – Was it not anger diving you today? -       I fight with what is in my heart. – Jay said calmly. -       And you think you fit in here? – He asked, handing her the jumper and the jacket. -       Perfectly. – She smiled. -       How? – He frowned. -       With the darkness of my soul. 
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