Chapter 22

3047 Words
            She felt monotony. It was not about the morning trainings, because for several past years they have been an inseparable part of her every day routine. But among college classes, lessons at the dojo, which she led, chatting with the nice landlady, short visits to her father and meetings with friends, she missed something important. Adrenaline. Jay was one of those who needed it a little bit more. That was why she was increasingly thinking about the place she discovered during her visit to Queens. An inconspicuous but dark place, shrouded in mystery, where you could feel the atmosphere of excitement.             She got up very early that day. She usually woke up around four o’clock, sometimes she managed to sleep until five or six. But her internal alarm clock was relentless and she rarely slept longer. This time, however, Jay got up at three. She was sweaty and hot, as if she had a high fever. She was confused and unsatisfied. She could still feel the touch of Bryan’s hands on her skin, the taste of his kisses on her lips, and she was surrounded by his scent.             Longing consumed her.             This did not happen as often as on her way to the east, but she hoped that dreams about Bryan would not only hunt her less, but that they would also lose their intensity. Meanwhile, weeks passed, and he kept coming to her in dreams and each time awakened her dormant senses and feelings again and again. The worst was during the full moon. She knew she could not function like that. She must turn off her subconscious. And the best way to do that was a decent adrenaline rush.             A good thud. That was what she needed.             This need led her here. To the one of the darkest places in New York. To the “Double Bottom” pub. An interesting and at the same time ambiguous name. The bar itself did not attract much attention. Yes, there were plenty of regulars, small drunks and tramps, who wanted to drink their daily portion of escape from the gray reality in peace. Well maintained interior, though a bit battered. Slightly faded walls, stained here and there, tables rather shabby. In one corner an old jukebox was playing, in the other stood a well-battered pool table, invariably enjoying popularity among customers.             But Jay was interested in something else. Right by the bar, in the darkest corner, there was a door which this time was guarded by the Cerberus himself. That was the only name she could think of when she looked at the tall, broad-shouldered werewolf. His dark skin resembled the color of black olives, and long, tangled hair was giving him the look of a savage rough. Coal-black eyes observed people sitting in the bar, and those who wanted to cross the threshold of the mysterious door were almost pierced through.             And he sniffed. Jay saw his nostrils twitch. Especially when the volunteer began to have doubts and a perceptible haze of fear appeared around him. Then the Cerberus underwent a real metamorphosis. His seemingly calm face took on a demonic expression. His eyes became metallic-cobalt, and his lips parted in a diabolical smile showing sharp teeth, completely unlike human. One look was enough for the individual to run away in panic.             That was where Jay wanted to get in. She took her time to look at Cerberus and he did not impress her much. She got up from the bar, left money for the beer on the counter, and walked confidently toward the black werewolf. There was some stir at the pool table, so no one paid attention to the short teenager who should not be here at all. She stopped in front of the guard and looked him in the eye.   -       How much for entry? – She asked calmly, though her heart was in her throat.   He looked at her in surprise, as if he just noticed her.   -       I think it’s not a place for you, little one. – He said with a malicious smirk. -       I want come in! – She said firmly. -       Listen baby girl, you better run where you came from before you get hurt! – He flashed his teeth. -       No, you listen! – She said impatiently. – I’ll go there anyway. The sooner you let me in, the more time you’ll save for both of us. -       Guess you don’t know what’s behind this door! – He was slowly losing patience. – This is not a place for those like you! -       Like me?! – She asked curiously. – That means who? -       Little silly girls from provinces! – He gave her a contemptuous look. – Get out of here! -       Let me in! – She hissed angrily, pushing a stream of energy toward him. His pupils widened rapidly. – I want to kick some ass, and I doubt you’d like to lose your tough guy’s reputation! -       You’re hunter!? – He was shocked, but not scared. – Okay! You enter at your own risk. For free. – An ominous smile flashed on his lips. – But remember! – He warned her. – We don’t accept complaints or claims!               Jay only nodded and he let her in. Steep, winding, poorly lit stairs led her to the underground, where she stopped in front of a massive, doubtlessly soundproof door. There was no guard here. Apparently Cerberus was of unblemished reputation and enjoyed trust. Probably everyone knew what was here in the basement of the bar and it did not bother anyone, and only madmen pushed themselves inside. Crazy people like her.             Jay took a deep breath, she turned on every possible shield and pushed the door. ***             She was immediately surrounded by deafening roar. Nobody paid her any attention. Everyone was absorbed in what was happening in the middle of the spacious basement. The smell of blood mixed up with the odor of sweat and beer struck her nostrils. She shivered, but was not going to leave. She never ran away, especially since she herself wanted to come here. This is why, led by curiosity and a strange excitement, she began to wade through the tight crowd supporting the fighters.             The closer she was to the centre, the more interest she aroused. And not because she was a woman. Apparently, it was not just her to feel the adrenaline rush. However, she was the youngest, and moreover, short and petite, she looked almost delicate. When she reached the ring, the well-built black were-bear was giving his opponent the last blows. The werewolf sank to the ground, and the excited crowd began to go crazy with joy.   -       No one can compare to our King Kong! – A vampire appeared in the circle. Jay immediately recognized him as the manager of the entire stall. He ruled here. – You’re invincible King! – The vampire raised the hand of the winner and the crowd went crazy again. But one slight gesture of the bloodsucker was enough to make everyone silent. – Let’s give others a chance! – He said after a moment of silence. – Who dares to compete with our second undefeated player? – He asked, gesturing at a middle height blonde guy to come to the circle. – Who will challenge Conan?! – Apparently no one was eager to fight, everyone looked down and tried to be invisible. -       I will! – She did it automatically. Without thinking. She pushed through the last row and entered the ring. -       You?! – The vampire quickly recovered from amazement. – Honey, I think you’re lost yourself! – His short, derisive laughter was reproduced by dozens of throats. – Who will try to defeat our master?! – He ignored Jay and returned to his role. -       Coward! – She shouted. It caught his attention. – Are you afraid that I’ll damage your toy boy? – She provoked. She wanted to fight. That was why she came here and did not intend to leave without a decent fight. She had to somehow discharge the accumulated energy. -       Are you crazy?! – He asked contemptuously. – You want to die?! Conan’s going to tear you apart! How did you even get in here?! – He changed the subject. -        The gift of persuasion. – She said calmly. – Let’s make a deal. – She proposed. – Let me fight you kitty. I’ll lose, you’ll not see me again. I’ll win, well… you decide.               There was an undisturbed silence. Everyone waited in suspense for the vampire’s decision, and he seemed to consider all the pros and cons. He was aware of the risk. On the other hand, such a spectacle could have been interesting.   -       Well, what it’ll be? – She urged him. -       Agreed. – He said finally. – But… -       Yeah, I know, you don’t accept any complaints! – She said impatiently. – Can we get to the point?! -       So hurried to disability? – He asked. – Anyway, your business. We have only one rule here. – He smiled ominously. – There’re no rules. We fight to the loss of consciousness or until the opponent has no strength to stand up. You got it?!               Jay nodded. She took off her jacket and tossed it carelessly in the corner. She moved her arms and legs to warm up her muscles quickly. She kept her eye on her opponent. Jay clearly sensed his power. He was a shape-shifter, probably transforming into a lion or a tiger, but it did not matter. It was about using muscle strength. Though supernatural beings were undoubtedly far more than ordinary mortals. But she also had power. What was more, years of training with Sean, who never spared her, allowed her to spread her wings in this field. ‘It would be a shame to waste it!’ She thought.             After exchanging few words with the vampire, Conan faced Jay. The flash in his cat eyes told her that his boss had given him a free hand in this fight. She breathed in deeply and took her position. She extended the right leg a bit, bent her knees slightly and raised her arms. With a quick hand movement Jay encouraged her opponent to give the first hit. He made a blow with his right hand, and then reached Jay’s face with a rapid left hook. It threw her back a little, for a moment she saw darkness, and felt a characteristic metallic taste in her mouth.             And she felt fantastic!             Jay looked at the shape-shifter with a wide smirk and attacked. She took advantage of Conan’s temporary stupefaction and inflicted a few well-aimed blows on the opponent’s jaw and stomach. However, he quickly regained his balance and begun o block her. Jay decided to use the policy of the lack of rules. She smoothly switched to kickboxing, and then used her knowledge of eastern martial arts.             The next time she made a half-turn kick, the shape-shifter managed to catch her in an iron grip and threw her onto the concrete floor with impetus. She felt terrible pain and heard the c***k of braking bones. The deafening roar of the audience rang in her ears as they enthusiastically chanted their idol’s name. Jay took a deep breath. Long and painful, then she gathered herself and began to stand up.   -       Don’t get up! – She heard the vampire’s voice next to her. –You’ve showed that you’ve got balls, but that’s enough for today! -       Move! – She growled. – I haven’t finished yet! -       You’re about to end up in hospital! – He warned in an icy tone. – I’m not going to call an ambulance, so some time will pass before someone finds you on the street and bring help! – He sighed with resignation when Jay finally stood up. -       I told you to step away! – She spat with her own blood and threw herself with a wild determination at Conan.               Jay grabbed him by the waist, hooked her leg on his and knocked him on the ground. She gave him a few quick blows and stepped back, giving him time to get up. When he did, she kicked his leg which folded like a pocket knife, then punched his neck. She grabbed handful of his hair and broke his nose with her knee. He bent in half, fell on all fours, and she gave a few more accurate kicks at his abdomen, aiming at the stomach and liver. He spat blood and collapsed to the ground.             In the silence that fell around, only the heavy breaths of Jay and Conan could be heard. Whistling, full of pain. But for Jay it was the pain she needed. Despite broken ribs, cracked cheekbone and a cut eyebrow, she felt damn fantastic. She was badly battered and her tooth was moving, but it did not matter. She came here to feel that she is still alive, and she was leaving on her own. ‘It couldn’t be better!’ She smiled to herself.             Jay turned away from the lying opponent and started to leave. The crowd, just so noisy a moment ago, thirsting for blood and violence, now parted silently, making the way for her.             When she reached the top, Cerberus, as she called him, stared at her speechlessly. Jay knew that he did not mean that she was all bloodied and scarred. It was rather the fact that she left at all. Alive!   -       See you! – She threw over her shoulder, leaving.               She left the stuffy pub into the cold October night. She breathed in as deeply as the pain in her broken ribs allowed. She focused on treating injuries and headed toward where she parked the car. Although the process of self-healing was very painful, Jay still felt some kind of euphoria. Besides, physical pain allowed her to forget about the spiritual one, which also had its advantages.             She was about to open the car when the door was held by someone’s hand. Jay slowly looked at its owner. In the streetlight she could look more closely at the vampire. Raven-black hair fell softly on his shoulders, and in his extremely handsome face it was the deep eyes, almost black, that caught peoples’ sight. A tailor-made suit lay like a glove on him giving the vampire an extraordinary, though not pushy dignity. Jay estimated him for about thirty, thirty-three years, plus about two hundred as immortal.   -       You didn’t take your win. – He spoke in his deep, mesmerizing voice. -       I didn’t come here for money. – She said casually. -       I rarely say that, but I’m impressed. – He said with admiration. – Who are you? -       You don’t have to know that, and I won’t be interested in you. – Jay promised. -       How did you get here? – He asked suspiciously. -       By accident. And I don’t expect you to believe me. – She added when he narrowed his black eyes. – I’d like to come here again. – She decided to give it a try. -       Why? – He asked vigilantly. -       I need a good s******g from time to time. – He smirked, so she smiled back. – It gives you such a positive kick. -       Maybe, but you’re still riding on the fumes of adrenaline. – He noticed. – It’ll take some time before you put yourself together. -       Don’t worry about that. – She shrugged. – So? You don’t mind? -       Anyone who wants to try their hands can come here. – He replied. – You can drop by as often as you like. – He handed her an envelope. – Your win. You deserved it. – He added when Jay wanted to protest again.               He walked slowly towards the bar, and she was left alone, staring into the darkness. ‘I found an interesting hobby.’ She smiled to her thoughts. She was already planning the next visit at “Double Bottom”. ***             The hot stream of water whipped her aching and wounded body mercilessly, but it did not bother Jay. She felt downright wonderful. She focused on healing her wounds. Her broken ribs have already healed, and nodding tooth was firmly in its place again. The pain of self-healing was terrible indeed, much stronger than when the neurons picked up the signal after receiving blows. However, it had one undeniable advantage. It outshone anything else. It allowed her to forget not only about what she experienced at the crime scenes, but above all it was able to dull the pain in her heart.             She was pretty sure she had found the golden mean to survive the separation with Bryan. There was no point in cursing fate. She had no influence on it. And though as a witch she knew ways to ease her pain, she was unable to take this step. She knew herbs and spells that could uproot this love and give her heart relief. But the pain was an integral part of love, so how could she give it up? How could she forget? She could not give up on herself. Because Bry had become a part of her own.             When the pain eased a bit she turned off the water and wrapped herself in a fluffy towel. She went to the kitchen and took two aspirins and then she headed to the bedroom. She carefully put on cotton shorts and a tee, collapsed exhausted on the bed and fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.             She slept long and deeply, not tormented by dreams.
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