Chapter 23

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            Who said you cannot avoid people? Jay had been doing the trick for a week now. Thanks to Darren’s keys she was able to use the gym at down, before anyone had even thought about morning exercises. She had to admit in front of herself that she crept into her apartment like a thief. She knew very well that since her mysterious neighbor returned, he was the one who had been doing small errands for the nice hostess, so Jay could step back into the shadow, which suited her better.             Of course she could not avoid everyone, which is why in stores she conducted casual talks with sellers, or with people met in the university corridors. She excused herself, however, and effectively, from going out with friends, she did not answer phone calls from her father and brothers, and replied briefly to messages that she was very busy.             She needed loneliness. Isolation. That is why she tried to cut herself from everyone and everything. She believed that it will help her to concentrate not only on her abilities and improving them, but above all she wanted to find the vampire who murdered these girls in such a brutal way. Some inner voice kept telling her that it was not over yet. That he will strike again. He will attack in the least expected moment and with doubled strength.             There was no doubt to her that in some way she was connected to it all. For how to explain the fact that she felt the fear of the victims, that she was able to reach the crime scene flawlessly? And most of all, how to explain the visions that haunted her? She was sure it had to be a sign. A signal to act. And her duty as the hunter was to stop the vampire. At any cost. No matter how.             She looked through press clippings, all the news from TV and radio. She knew almost by heart the biographies of the girls who had fallen victim to the murderer. But it still was not enough. This is why she returned to these cases whenever she found some spare time. She analyzed everything anew, walking around her small apartment, tossing an apple to the rhythm of some inner melody. She was haunted by vampire’s eyes – beautiful, deep, yet dark and murderous. She felt a shiver run down her spine and she shuddered.             The visions she had at the crime scenes were frighteningly real. Almost tangible. She felt not only the girls’ fear, their infirmity, powerlessness, but also complete surrender as the killer sank his fangs into their pulsating veins. The feelings of the vampire, however, were overwhelming. Jay felt them almost like her own feelings. Craving. Purely physical and violent. Hunger. For flesh and blood. For mind and soul. The desire for complete possession of a submissive and weak being. And lust. Irresistible. Overwhelming. Pulsating like a black, dark and tempting spring.             Lust for murder.             She remembered the smile of satisfaction on the vampire’s face as she felt what he felt. He was looking straight at her as if she was standing there watching what he was doing. Maybe he knew it would be so? Maybe this chilling look was meant to be a warning? He wrote a message in space for her to read it later? But what was he really trying to tell her? ‘Beware?’ That is for sure. ‘Run?’ Perhaps. He would probably be delighted if he could hunt her as if she was a terrified wild animal. However, Jay was not a coward. And he was aware of that. He knows that she will be following him, which does not mean he will be hiding. On contrary. He will be waiting for her.             She jumped up violently when suddenly there was a knock on the door. How long she had been lost in thoughts? The falling dusk suggested it was almost eight o’clock. This meant she had spent about ten hours working on her notes. She combed her hair and rubbed her face. She did not feel like company, so at first she did not react to the knocking. She was already making a plan for the perfect evening in her head. A long, hot, relaxing bath. Then she will cook something delicious, she will pour herself a glass of wine and watch some movie. Maybe comedy?   -       Jay, I know you’re there! – She heard Holt’s impatient voice. – There’s your car downstairs, and the helpful landlady said, worried, that you’ve spent the whole, according to her very beautiful day, locked in four walls! So open up!               Resigned, she went to the door and yanked it open.   -       How did you get to your head that I need some company? – She growled. -       It’s Saturday night. – He remarked laconically. – You’re not telling me that you’re going to spend it at home, sipping some wine, dressed in pulled out tracksuit, aren’t you? – He looked at her from head to toe. – And please, tell me that you’re not going to watch some romantic comedy, or worse, some melodrama! -       I don’t understand why do you care?! – She was indignant. – I still have right to spend my evenings as I like it! -       Not when I’m on duty! – He said superiorly. – Get dressed! We’re going out! – He said in an imperative tone. -       You’re dreaming! -  She turned on her heel and made her way to the kitchen demonstratively. – I’m not going anywhere! -       Don’t make me beg! – He insisted, following her step by step.  – We’ll meet the rest at the club, have a few drinks, and take part in a karaoke competition. It’ll be nice and fun! – He argued.               His eyes were the worst. Like a puppy that no one could resist. So how could she stand by when he looked at her like that, as a cocker spaniel urging her to go for a walk?   -       Give me ten minutes! – She said angrily and went to the bathroom.   ***             Her humor improved a bit when they arrived at the club in Manhattan. “Passion” was a type of a club which everyone wanted to visit at last once in their lives. But it was not so easy to get there. Only the chosen ones were allowed to enter the club. But apparently Holt had some connections, because they even did not have to wait in the queue.   -       Byron. – He said shortly and everything was clear.               The club was not crowded despite the large number of eager people waiting at the front door. Holt grabbed her hand and led her to the reserved box. Everyone was already there.   -       Finally! – Rod said. – We already thought you wouldn’t come. – He gave her a mischievous smile and Jay could notice a flash in his eyes. -       Yeah, Holt couldn’t decide whether we’re watching an action movie or melodrama, so we chose the club. – She pouted. -       Beautiful, intelligent and fun. – Cole chuckled. – And that i***t doesn’t know what to do! – He winked at her. -       Hello! – A waitress appeared by their table and saved Jay from oppression. – What can I get for you? -       Would you like same drink as girls? – Byron asked. -       No, thanks. – She didn’t like too sweet drinks. – What are you drinking? -       It’s shot night, sweetheart. – Rod smirked. -       I’m in. – She said without hesitation. -       You’re sure? – Holt asked and she saw amusement in his eyes. -       Yeah. – Jay replied. – And bring us a bottle of tequila, please. – She smiled at the waitress. -       No problem. – The girl said and left for the bar. -       Tequila? – Cole asked surprised. -       You cheated last time. – She said. – I’ll make sure it won’t happen again. – She smirked. -       Tough player! I like that! – Rod summed up. -       We’ll see! – She gave him a sweet smile.               Jay had to admit that going out with Holt was the best decision she had made that evening. They had a really great time. They talked about dozens of loose topics and had the opportunity to know each other better. Pat reminded her a bit of Melanie, with her passion for photography and beauty. And Shane, as a future journalist, was as interested in the murders as Jay, so they discussed he topic for more than an hour.             As it turned out, the world of the other two girls was not only about fashion and cosmetics. Amanda was an interior designer and Coleen studied marketing and management. They both came from well-to-do families of New York. And even though Jay’s family was also part of the city’s elite, she herself felt that she was a little out of place here. But strangely she could see the same feelings in Cole’s eyes.             She could ask him about it, but she decided to let it go. ‘For now.’ She thought as the karaoke competition has started. She supposed that there would not be some many volunteers who would be eager to make fun of themselves, but since they were too drunk to bother, almost everyone wanted to take part in it. Therefore, the performers were randomly selected by the DJ.             Some unfortunately had no talent, and others definitely had an elephant stepped on the ear. But still it was a great fun and they cheered on all players. Especially when it was time for Rodney to sing one of the Queens’s hit “Show must go on”. Then they shouted in euphoria, with the always composed Shane as a leader.             Later on Jay wanted to collapse into the ground when none other than Samantha Lorenzo herself speared appeared on the stage. ‘What the hell is she doing here?’ She thought. ‘Probably she comes here all the time! Stupid b***h!’ Her screeching singing was getting on Jay’s nerves. So when Sam finished, she breathed a sigh of relief.   -       You know her? – Cole leaned so she could hear him better. -       I have this dubious pleasure. – She grimaced. -       If it cheers you up, nobody likes that shallow doll. – He said to her ear. – She constantly imposes herself on one of the boys. -       And you? – Jay asked. -       Are you kidding me? – He chuckled. – My father made a profit on the stock. And she’s only interested in old money. -       b***h! – She laughed. -       And we have the last participants! – The DJ announced as the headlight stopped on them. -       What?! – Jay was a bit shocked. -       Come on turtledoves! – The DJ encouraged them. – We’ll choose some romantic song for you! -       I’ll pass! – Jay shook her head. -       I didn’t think you’re a coward. – Cole provoked with mischievous smile. -       Okay! – She gave him a thunderous look. – Let’s do this! -       Oh yeah! – Byron exclaimed and the rest joined him.               Jay and Cole went to the stage and talked with the DJ for a moment, deciding on a short list of songs they could sing together. Finally they chose three out of the list and let the DJ to spin the fortune wheel. Jay already felt uncomfortable, but when she saw on the screen the title her jaw dropped a bit. It was none of the songs they chose. And the DJ together with Cole seemed to be as confused as she was.   -       Okay! – The DJ finally said. – That’s a bit surprising! -       Let them sing what fate has chosen for them. – They heard a voice from the balcony and everyone looked in that direction.               Jay froze. He was standing there. Looking straight at her with his deep dark eyes. ‘What the f**k?!’ It crossed her mind. Apparently, the “Double Bottom” was not the only one place owned by the damn handsome vampire. He smirked slightly.   -       Or maybe you’d like to spin the wheel one more time? – The vampire asked. -       No! – She said quickly. – I’m fine with this one. -       Me too. – Cole joined her. -       Okay then! – The DJ shouted and played the music.               They naturally decide on the parts of the song they were going to sing. And Jay had to admit that Cole was damn fast, and since “Lying my way from you” was one of her favorite songs, she put her whole heart into it. There was the whole truth about Bryan and her in that song. Her whole life was a lie.   -       That was awesome! – The DJ shouted out when they finished. – Thank you very much! Soon we’ll announce the winner! And now let’s have fuuuuun! -       I need to catch some fresh air. – Jay said to Cole as they get out of the stage. -       Wait! – He tried to stop her, but she already disappeared in the crowd.               She hurried to the exit, hitting the clubbers on her way, without any problems she passed the security and breathed in the fresh October air. She was sure it was vampire who influenced the song draw. But how did he know? How could he read her so well? At least they have met only once.             She sat at the stairs leading to the club. It was empty outside. People waiting to get in probably lost their hope and patience and went somewhere else to have fun on Saturday night. Thanks to it she could be alone with her thoughts right now. With her memories about Bryan and everything she had lost.   -       Are you okay? – She jumped up at the sound of Cole’s voice. -       Yeah, I’m fine. – She lied. – It’s just so hot and loud out there. – She tried to explain. -       I get it! – He nodded and sat next to her, handing her a beer. -       Thanks! – She grabbed the bottle and took a few sips of cooled ale. – That’s good! – She moaned. -       You’re amazing! – He chuckled. -       Why’s that? – She asked intrigued. -       You drink tequila and beer. And you’re a really good karaoke player. – He said. -       Guilty! – She laughed. -       You smoke? – He asked. -       No! – She shook her head. – I never liked the taste of the nicotine. And the smell of smoke. -       Me neither! – He said. – But I make exception from time to time. – He pulled a joint from his pocket. – What do you think? -       Well… - she was a bit surprised, but on the other hand she was in such a mood that she was ready for everything. – Why not?   ***             ‘I got totally blotto!’ She thought as the sun’s rays tickled her nose tirelessly. She remembered the club perfectly, muffled lights, loud music. Even now that she was a little dazed, she knew she had not drunk that much. But still it did not matter as her metabolism was able to fight alcohol at a fast pace.             Yes, when Cole handed her a lit joint she did not hesitate. But she only puffed two or three times at most, and then… ‘Exactly! What’s next?!’ The rest of Saturday night was lost in a haze of thick milk-white mist. But the slight headache slowly subsided.             Jay opened one eye carefully, so as the sun light would not bind her. ‘Who the hell did not draw the curtains?!’ It did not even surprise her that the surroundings were completely alien. She was more intrigued by the man’s arm around her waist. The fact that she was still had her own clothes on comforted her a little, because it meant that she did not get drunk and sleep with a strange guy. ‘What a relief!’ She thought sarcastically.             She slowly lifted her companion’s hand and slipped off the couch not very gracefully. ‘Thank goddess the carpet is fluffy, otherwise I’d have fallen over here like a log waking everyone up!’ She chuckled inside. She got up a bit heavily from the floor and looked around. Apparently, she and Cole, because he was the one hugging her from the back, were the lucky ones to get on the couch. The rest slept on armchairs and on the floor.             Scraps of vogue memories began to break into her consciousness. She glanced surreptitiously at Cole. She could recall the moment he said they should go back inside. And they did. But she had that strange feeling. They talk a lot, drank beer and smoked some m*******a. ‘That’s it, right?!’ She laughed at herself.             Then another picture flashed before her eyes. They went inside the club, but they stopped for a moment in the dim cloakroom. She got Cole’s jacket, so she took it off and handed it to him. And then….             ‘s**t!’ She covered her mouth with her hand to keep herself from cursing loudly. ‘We’re making out in the f*****g locker!’ She shook her head to chase the pictures away. ‘f**k! For f**k fuckin f**k!’ She swore in her head. ‘Hope he won’t remember that!’ She prayed silently.             Jay went in search of coffee. A perfectly organized kitchen full of modern equipment was impressive. She prepared a full pot of strong, aromatic coffee and put the water on for tea. ‘Some of them may need it.’ It crossed her mind. The photos on the fridge suggested that they were in Rodney’s flat.   -       Can I smell the coffee? – The host himself appeared in the kitchen door. -       I brewed a strong one. – She glanced at his haggard face. – A decent hangover? -       You have to pay for the pleasures. – He groaned as he sat down at the table. – But you look fresh like a daisy. -       I feel fine, thanks. -       By what miracle? – He looked at her reproachfully. – You may have been careful at first, but around one o’clock you sped up quite a bit! – He noticed. -       What? – She tried to pick up some memory from the dense fog, but in vain. -       You drank everything! – He saw that she had gaps in memory. – From beer and tequila to bourbon! It’s surprising that you’re standing on your feet! – He shook his head. -       Good metabolism. – She replied briefly. She was not going to hear about her own disgrace. Who knows if she was not kissing Cole in front of everyone?! -       I envy you! – He hissed in pain. – I need some aspirins and coffee. For the start. -       Wait! – She stopped him before he took the medicine.               She quickly searched the cupboards. She poured some tomato juice into a blender, added some herbs, put in one egg and mixed it adding a silent spell. She handed him the drink in a tall glass.   -       Drink it! – She ordered. -       Are you kidding me?! – He shuddered. -       Drink! – Jay growled. -       Okay! Chill out! – He took the first, tentative sip. – Quite good! -       It’ll work faster than aspirin. – She assured him.               In order to distract him from the pain, she switched to casual conversation. He was a nice guy so she did not have to be forcefully polite. She had to admit that thanks to Holt and his friends at least for a moment she forgot about the nightmares and fears plaguing her. It was nice to spend time in good company. Even if everyone who entered the kitchen now looked like a pile of misfortune.
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