Chapter 24

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            Halloween was one of her favorite holidays. As a child, Helen waited impatiently for it every year. She decorated the house and garden with her elder brothers, together with her father she made sure that they had enough sweets for the kids, and her mother helped her with her costume. Every year she changed into someone new. She started with princesses and fairies, through music stars, actresses, comic book heroes and terrifying monsters.             Now, at twenty, she decided to dress up as Tinker Bell. It was one of her favorite Disney characters, and because she was short and petite, and her blonde hair long enough for a bun, the outfit itself was not too problematic. She found a suitable costume in one of the rental shops.             Helen was a student now, and she came to her home town for Halloween, because she had her friends and acquaintances here with whom she liked to spend her free time. The party was organized by Helen’s best friend, Sophie. Her huge house at the suburbs of New York was the perfect place for such a party. Of course she did not forget about decorating her house and she made sure there are enough sweets.             Her brothers were to visit them with their kids – she still could not believe she had been an auntie for five years. Tracy, Luke’s lovely redhead daughter was already four years old, and Tom’s twins turned five last month. Kevin and Mal are cute rascals and auntie is so proud of them for being so smart.             After their visit and admiration for costumes of the prima ballerina, Iron Man and Batman, Helen took her stuff and a cardboard box full of deliciously smelling cookies and went to Sophie. She was free to take the car – her parents were not going anywhere today, and she was not going to drink anyway. She loved such parties and did not need alcohol to have a great time.             She opened the trunk and packed her things. Then she got into the car and turned on the radio. Excited by the fun awaiting her, she did not even notice the mysterious shadow standing under the tree on the opposite side of the street. *** -       Come on! It’s just a party! – Holt was trying to convince Jay to go with him. – It’s been two weeks since we had a party. And you had a great fun last time, didn’t you? -       Yes I did. – She sighed. – But dressing up? Seriously? -       It’ll be fun! – He argued. – Everyone would be there!               And that was something that worried her the most. She had not occasion to talk with Cole since then, so she was not sure if he remembered what happened then. And now she was to go for another party and meet him. And yes, she did not know what to expect. ‘Guess I need to check it other way.’ She thought.   -       Okay! – She rolled her eyes finally. – Don’t get too excited. – She gave him a scornful look. – Any main topic? – She asked. -       No, you can be whoever you want. – He smiled widely. – I’ll pick you up at eight. -       I can go by my car. – She almost growled. – Just give me the address. -       I said I’ll pick you up. – He said stubbornly. -       Whatever! – She murmured and hung up.               The costume was not a problem. Even if she had only few hours till the party. But the problem was she needed to know what really happened two weeks ago and how much Cole remembered. She had no choice but to cast a spell. Just as she did when she wanted to see how the girl at the gas station died.             This time it should be easier as there was no vampire who would like to send her a hidden message. She prepared the circle and lit the candles. She called all four Elements and fell into meditation. She was convinced that it should be enough to see through the mist covering her memories from that night. Why has not she done it so far? The answer was simple. She was afraid of what she would see. But now she had to do this.             Only after few minutes she saw first pictures. The club, the empty street, the stairs. They were sitting there, joking, drinking and smoking. Then they came back inside. The cloakroom drowning in twilight. She handed him his jacket and he hung it up. She thanked him for the company and conversation. He just smirked. And then.             He grabbed her by the hips and pinned to the wall. The kiss was not gentle, but she did not expect it to be so. She was slightly dizzy with alcohol and a bit high. She tangled her finger into his raven-black hair and pulled him closer. It was she, who deepened the kiss. She wanted more.             The rest of the pictures flashed before her eyes and she lifted her eyelids rapidly. That was enough for her. ‘You have no shame, Tyler!’ She scolded herself. If Cole had not stopped her, she would have gone much further. ‘Slut!’ She thought disgusted. ‘Oh God!’ It suddenly came to her that Cole was well aware what happened. ‘f**k!’ She combed her hair.             She quickly closed the circle and was desperately thinking about some excuse not to go to the party. But it was not like her. She was not a coward. ‘I have to face him!’ She decided and left for shopping to find some appropriate costume. ‘At least I can pretend that I don’t remember anything!’ She cheered herself up. ***             Again the same?             Gasping for air, Jay tried to understand what had actually happened. She did not fully understand her condition. Here she was standing with a group of friends, talking freely on loose topics and sipping some fancy blood-colored drink, when suddenly she felt it. At first it was only a gust of icy wind. It was the first of November and someone might have left a door or a window ajar and let the cool autumn air in. besides, the house where the Halloween party was held was large and quite old, so probably full of draft as well.             However, the chill returned after a while, with redoubled strength. Jay had the impression that it was crawling up her leg, higher, along her spine. It reached her throat and with an icy wave broke into her lungs, making breathing extremely difficult, it squeezed her heart in a frosty embrace. A cloud of steam emerged from between her bluish lips.             With all her will, she concentrated on pushing that terrifying chill away and controlling her own body reactions. When she almost did it, something that increased her fear happened.             Jay looked towards the dancing crowd and her eyes widened in terror. She felt her legs bend under her. Among the dancing people she noticed a still figure. He was tall and dark. And even with his back to her, Jay knew exactly who he was.             ‘How it’s possible?!’ She asked herself. ‘I’m not dreaming! And it’s just like in dreams!’ Suddenly fear and lust came to her mind. Powerlessness and thirst. Submission and hunger. ‘This is not really happening!’ She thought frantically. ‘I have to wake up from this strange vision! He does not exist! He’s not here! Not here!’             But her chaotic, godly whishes were to no avail. The man turned slowly to face her, just as if he was floating in a light dance. And then Jay noticed a girl in his arms. The delicate blonde seemed barely conscious. As if she was under the influence of alcohol or some kind of drug. But Jay knew it was the vampire hypnosis that had put her in this state. And the fact that they were wearing identical costumes of Tinker Bell made her blood run cold even more.             All her senses reached the highest degree of sensitivity. Every single cell in her body felt not what the victim felt. But she could feel everything that the vampire felt as well. He opened his eyes and looked straight at Jay through the crowd. His bloodthirsty gaze made her shudder. His mouth stretched in an ominous smile, revealing gleaming fangs, which he then sank them into the girl’s neck.             A sudden, shooting pain made Jay sway. Cole standing next to her held her arm and, laughing, asked if she was okay. But his words reached her like through thick glass. But when he noticed her glassy eyes and sweat beading on her face, he suggested her to sit down. He tried to pull her towards the sofa by force.             The vision breaks abruptly. The buzz of conversations, the sounds of music, the clink of glass – all this came to life again, and she was still standing in that strange trance.   -       You’re freezing! – She heard Cole’s words. – Come! Sit down! I’ll call Holt! – He offered. -       What? – The meaning of his words reached her suddenly. – I’m fine! I need to go to the toilet! – She added, then freed herself from his grasp and headed towards the bathroom.               Breaking through the crowd of guests she passed the place where the vampire should be standing with his victim. She bowed her head and saw a few drops of fresh blood on the dance floor. She started to run, nudging a few people along the way. She hit the toilet literally at the last moment before violent vomiting began to jerk her.             When she throw up all the alcohol she had drunk, and also everything she had eaten throughout the day, she stood in front of the mirror. She still felt the chills, but she splashed her face with cool water and rinsed her mouth. She had no doubts that she had just witnessed a murder. This show was especially for her, and there was no doubt the vampire was playing with her.             Helpless, she rested her forehead against the cold pane of glass. She slowly calmed her breathing and contained the trembling of her entire body. When the bathroom door suddenly opened she looked up, already completely calm.   -       Cole says you feel bad! – Holt, concerned, appeared in the doorway. – What happened? – He moved closer, closing the door behind him. -       It’s nothing! – She downplayed. – I drank too much. – She laughed. – But I feel better now. – She smiled honestly, because she really felt relieved. -       You want me to drive you home? – He offered, unconvinced. -       There’s no need! – She assured him. – The party is still going on! Besides, - she noticed, - you’ve been drinking too, and you can’t really drive! -       Good point! – Holt agreed. – But maybe you’d like to lie down for a moment? There are guest rooms prepared upstairs. – He suggested, stroking her cheek. -       When I’m really fine! – She assured. – Let’s go back! – She pulled him towards the dancing hall. – You haven’t danced with me yet. – She winked at him coquettishly. -       Okay! – He agreed. – One dance, but then you’ll go upstairs to rest for a while! – He insisted. – You’re pale. – He added, worried. -       I promise.               They danced to a few songs, but even though Jay was really feeling well already, Holt did not let go. Muttering to herself, she agreed to rest for an hour. He offered to take her upstairs, but on their way they stopped by his friends.   -       Feeling better? – Cole asked with a smirk. -       Yeah, I’m fine. – She smiled back. – But this stubborn pain in the ass won’t let go and makes me take a short nap! – She rolled her eyes. -       It certainly won’t hurt. – He chuckled. -       Holt, can you help us? – Some girl approached them. She was wearing the costume of Cleopatra. -       Sure, I’ll just take Jay upstairs. – He replied. -       Oh, okay. – The girl pouted. -       I can take her. – Cole offered and winked at Jay. -       Is that okay with you? – Holt asked her. -       Yeah, just go. – She said. – You’re not my babysitter! I’ll be fine! – She shook her head. -       Okay, let’s go! – Cole put his arm around her and led her to one of the guest rooms. – You need something? – He asked when they stayed alone. -       No, thanks. – She said. She felt a bit embarrassed. – I’m really fine, but Holt didn’t want to let it go! – She sighed and sat on the bed. -       What happened then? – He asked. -       I just felt dizzy. – She lied. – I drank too much, but I’m okay now. – She assured him.               He came closer and crouched in front of her. He took her hands in his and looked into her eyes. She waited. It was too obvious that he wanted to say something and she did not want to cut in. His thumb gently caressed her palm, and when she realized it, she trembled involuntarily. His eyes darkened a bit.   -       Why are you afraid of me? – He asked suddenly. -       What? – She was damn surprised. – I’m not. -       Okay. Nervous then. – He smirked. -       I have no reasons. – She lied again. -       Two weeks ago, when we got high, - he said without taking his eyes of her, - something happened. But I guess you don’t remember. -       You have some white spots in your mind if I’m not mistaken. – She chuckled. -       I remember everything clearly. – He confessed. -       Oh. – She swallowed loudly and he narrowed his eyes. -       Guess you remember a bit too. -       I’m so sorry! – She jumped up and started pacing the room. – I really don’t know what came over me! I’ve never acted like this! It’s probably the alcohol and the joint! – She tried to explain. – I’m really, really sorry! -       Jay! – He topped her and forced to face her. – You don’t have to apologize! -       I have to! And I promise it’ll never happen again! – She said sincerely. -       Shame! – He said and kissed her.               The kiss was gentle and so sweet that she had the impression she was melting down in his arms. He pulled her closer and she tangled her fingers in his soft hair. This time she was sober and she could top it.   -       Wait! I don’t get it! – She was a bit confused. – You stopped me last time and I’m grateful for that. -       I stopped you, because you were drunk. – He admitted. – In a different situation, I certainly wouldn’t object. – He smirked and kissed her again. – And I definitely would like you to remember everything clearly! 
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