Chapter 36

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            The whole week has past and Jay finally caught her breath. No one bothered her. She did not have any phone calls asking how she was doing, if she was okay, if she wants to meet. She could concentrate on studying, training and work. She met her father for dinner and they had spent a wonderful evening together. She split the rest of the evenings between practicing magic and fighting in the “Double Bottom”. If she was to accept Luka’s offer, she needed more practice.             She supposed that on Friday night it would be hard to find any excuse. Fortunately, when Holt called her she already had an appointment with Ashley. They wished each other a good evening and Jay promised to call him back soon. But the truth was that after they last conversation, Jay was afraid of meeting Holt alone. What is more, Cole did not call or write her since Sunday and she suspected that her so called ‘big brother’ had something to do with it. ‘I won’t let him organize my life!’ She thought rebelliously.             But tonight she was not going to care about anything. Darren knew a great club in Manhattan and that was where they were going today. It was always somewhat different from the places she goes with Holt and his friends. And she really needed that change! And since the place had a good reputation, even Holt was calm about her. The fact that she would be there with the son of NYPD chief also spoke in her favor.             Jay chose fitted dark jeans, a blue top and a black leather jacket for the evening. After a moment of hesitation she resigned from high-heeled ankle boots in favor of her favorite boots with high uppers. They were very comfy and the leather was very soft. This time she pulled up her hair in a bun exposing her neck. At the end she put on a delicate make-up. Pearly eye-shadows, a bit of pink for the cheekbones, mascara and lip gloss was enough for tonight.             She checked the time. It was almost half past eight and they were supposed to meet at the entrance at nine, so it was about time to leave. She took her docs, phone and car keys and left. The weather was not so bad. It was windy and quite chilly, but at least it did not rain for past few days. Jay suspected that it would start snowing soon. ‘It’s Thanksgiving next week.’ She thought out of the blue and parked two blocks from the club. She still had time for a short walk.             When she reached “The Corner” Darren was already there, and Hank and Ashley were just coming. They went inside and were immediately surrounded by loud music and the smell of sweat mixed with a whole range of perfumes. Yet it was good to become someone anonymous in a crowd of people.   -       Go to the table and we’ll bring some drinks! – Darren offered. – What do you want?! -       Beer! – Jay shouted back. -       The same! – Ashley replied.               They went to the booked table and sat down, waiting for the boys. Jay was in a good mood, and the catchy music made her want to dance. Ash seemed to want to have fun too as she kept tapping the beat with her foot. ‘It’ll surely be our night!’ Jay thought joyfully.   -       Ladies! – Hank and Darren finally came to the table. -       So? How do you like it? – Darren asked. -       This place has its own unique atmosphere. – Ashley said. -       I’m sure you can have a lot of fun here! – Jay laughed. -       I love this song! – Ash jumped up and pulled Jay by the hand. – I wanna dance!               They went to the dance floor and were immediately swallowed by the wave of bodies. In Purple Creek, her hometown, Jay usually avoided such events. Maybe because everyone knew each other and it was easy to become the object of gossip and harassment? Here no one knew her, and she might not care about what others thought of her.             After few more beers even Hank and Darren joined them and they danced together. The DJ played only well known songs, and the river of throats echoed the singers. Jay was lucky as her sore throat was regenerating at lightning speed so she could roar as much as she wanted.             Hank surprised them all when he pulled a joint out of his pocket and lit it. Ashley’s eyes widened in shock and Darren started to chuckle before he even inhaled. But they both almost choked on their beer when Jay grabbed the joint handed by Hank and took a long and deep drag. She held it in her lungs for a while and let the smoke out slowly.   -       Okay! – Hank nodded with admiration. – How long have you been smoking? – He asked. -       This is my third time. – She replied after a short thought. -       Third?! – Ashley asked incredulously. – You’re sure?! -       Wait! – She pondered. – Yeah. I’m sure! -       f**k me! – Darren whistled. -       p***y! – Jay teased him and chuckled when he took the joint. – I really thought that as a girl from province I’d be some kind of saint here! And meanwhile you’re so called good kids! – She laughed. -       Kiss my ass! – Ashley growled and took a drag. – Holy s**t! – She coughed. -       Cheeky girl! – Hank was impressed. -       And you say your father is a cop? – Jay smirked. -       As soon as I’m not caught I can do whatever I want. His words. – He explained when Jay lifted her eyebrow. -       Okay! – She clapped her hands. – I’ll go for another round. – She said and headed for the bar.               She pushed her way through the swirling crowd, which was quite a feat! It was the kind of song that favored all sorts of squabbling, cuddling and rubbing. Some couples were making out openly. Jay somehow managed to get past them, but there was one more couple on her way. The girl was clearly trying to devour the poor guy. But when Jay noticed his hands moving to the girl’s butt, she already knew that the guy did not mind becoming mantis’ s****l partner.             She turned her back on them and kept pushing through. She was almost there when suddenly some drunken guy lost his balance and flew at her and consequently pushed her back. She ran straight at the making out couple and she felt sick immediately.   -       Watch you go, i***t! – Jay heard a screeching female voice behind her. -       I’m so sorry! – She put her best smile on her face and turned around to them. – I was pushed and… - She broke off in mid-sentence.               Her smile died down. She felt an unpleasant pressure in her stomach and a chill ran down her spine. The feeling of sickness intensified. He looked at her blankly, as if he not recognized her. Jay had an impression as if they were standing like this for ages while only a few seconds had passed. Suddenly she saw a flash in his eyes, just as if he woke up from a dream.   -       Jay! – He said surprised. And embarrassed? -       Cole. – She tried hard to control her voice. – Busy week? – She asked sarcastically. -       You know each other?! – The girl exclaimed enthusiastically. – How cool! Hi, I’m Misty! – She introduced herself. -       And I don’t give a s**t! – Jay replied drily. – Have fun! – She turned on her heel and walked away. -       Jay! – She heard Cole behind her back. – Wait! – He was trying to stop her, but she kept ignoring him. – Damn it, Jay! – He finally grabbed her arm. -       Don’t touch me! – She yanked her arm out of his grip. -       Jay! Let me explain! – He begged. -       Explain what?! – She snorted. – You don’t have to, everything’s clear for me! – She turned to the bartender. – Corona four times! – She ordered. -       You don’t understand! – Cole made another attempt to explain what she had witnessed. – Misty and I… -       I’m not stupid or blind, Sullivan! – She cut in and looked at him. – And I’m aware that if a guy doesn’t get what he wants, he goes looking for it elsewhere. – She shrugged, even though she felt pain. -       Sunshine, it’s not like that! – He said softly and touched her arm. He frowned looking at her nape. – You’ve got a tattoo! -       No, I don’t! – She denied. – And take your hand! – She hissed. -       Jaysabel listen to me, please! – Cole pleaded. -       Here you are! – Misty appeared behind his back and he sighed. -       Not now! – He growled at her. – Jaysabel! – He turned again towards Jay. -       Don’t call me like that! – She said deadly. – And leave me the f**k alone! -       Is this jerk catching you babe? – Some tall, well-built guy asked. -       Not anymore. – She replied with a smile. – But thanks! -       Whenever you need, sweetheart! – He winked at her. -       Get the f**k off her! – Cole warned the guy. -       No! You get the f**k off me! – Jay hissed.               She took the beer and walked past the speechless Cole and returned to the table. She regretted that she did not order something stronger. She was mad with herself for being so naïve. She knew very well what he was like and she did not expect him to change. But it still hurt, because she supposed that… ‘Exactly what?!’ She thought bitterly. ‘That he won’t sleep with others until he’ll finally f**k you?!’ She gulped her beer and went to the bar to order some tequila. She needed to get drunk. As quickly as possible.             Jay noticed him at the bar. He was alone. ‘I’m so f*****g sorry that I’ve ruined your date!’ She thought viciously. She took a bottle of tequila and came back to her friends. ‘Stop thinking about him and everything will be alright!’ She convinced herself.   -       What happened to your good mood? – Darren asked playfully. -       Evaporated! – She growled. -       Cole? – Ashley asked. – I saw him earlier. – She explained when Jay looked at her surprised. – But I didn’t want to upset you. -       Oh, you like him. – Daren stated and received an elbow blow to the side. – What?! -       Yeah, I like him. – Jay admitted. – But that’s not what you think. -       Okay. We won’t ask. – Hank promised. -       He’s a really nice guy. – She wanted to explain. – But I think he got lost. -       And you’d like to help him find the right way? – Daren chuckled. -       No! – She was losing her patience. – I want, or rather wanted to sleep with him, but I’m over it. – She started the first round. -       You wanted to… - Hank was a bit embarrassed. -       Oh come on! – Jay exclaimed. – Don’t be such a p***y! – She snorted. -       I guess we’ll need one more bottle. – Daren stated and they all burst out with laughter.   ***             He watched her all evening. At first she was sad. He could see the flash of pain and disappointment in her eyes. He knew he must hurt her and was damn afraid that she might already be in love with him. That she would cry asking how he could do this to her. And meanwhile she was disappointed. He could feel her contempt. And he disgusted himself!             He realized he had made a mistake. He should never have accepted Holt’s terms. And now it was too late. Jay will never forgive him for what he did. Even if he got rid of the girl immediately. She was just a tool. She was to show Jay that he, Cole Sullivan, was a goddamn son of a b***h. As if the fact that he stopped calling and writing her was not enough.             It seemed that she was having a great time with her friends. She got a bit dizzy and danced with some guy, who could not keep his hands to himself. Cole clenched his fists, because there was nothing he could do now. If he intervened, she was ready to leave this place with that asshole. And that was something he would not bear.             They left the club around three. Now he was sure it was the end. There was no turning back. He took out his phone and wrote a message to Holt.               “DONE!” He felt like a vile traitor, and he was betraying himself.             “See, it didn’t hurt!” Holt wrote back.             “f**k U MILLER!”               Cole ordered another drink. He wondered if he would be able to meet Jay’s eyes again.
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