Chapter 42

2145 Words
            The road to Green Mountain National Forest was quite long, but the view was worth it. Winter had already come to Vermont and the scenery was just fabulous! The cabin, or rather a small forest mansion that belonged to Byron’s family, was situated in the middle of the forest, surrounded by slender spruce trees and huge oaks. When Jay agreed to a trip to the wilds she thought of a small wooden hut, a fireplace and a sleeping bag. Meanwhile, the house looked like the rural estate, but it had all the necessary amenities.             In fact, they were not far from the buildings of a small town. It was enough to walk about three miles to replenish supplies. ‘Equipping such a house in a completely remote area had to cost a lot!’ She thought, admiring the woodwork of the porch. Behind the house there was a huge Jacuzzi and Finnish sauna behind the house. It was going to be a wonderful long weekend.             They went inside and everyone could choose a room for themselves. Jay took a bedroom with a window facing north. The sight of the dark, dense forest soothed her. She needed peace now. A moment to catch her breath. To control her racing thoughts. The last murder had a profound effect on her. He attacked her not only mentally but also physically. She was badly wounded, but still he did not want to kill her. Not yet. It was just a demonstration. He wanted to show her what awaited her.             Her small investigation had brought no new leads. She still had no idea who the vampire might be or why he was chasing her. Nevertheless, she came across something that made her think. In the restaurant, where he took the girl for a dinner, she sensed the witch’s energy. And that could only mean one thing. He did not act alone and it was thanks to the witch that he could send visions to Jay.   -       Are you going to spend the whole time locked in the bedroom? – She jumped at the sound of Byron’s voice. – Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you! – He chuckled. -       I just pondered. – She walked away from the window. – Beautiful view. -       I guess. – He agreed. – My aunt likes this room as well. -       So she’s a child of the night. – Jay stated. -       What?! – His eyes widened a bit. -       Nothing! – She said quickly. – It was a long way! I’ll prepare some dinner! – She offered and headed towards the kitchen.               The kitchen, together with the living room and dining room were arranged as a one huge open space. Yet it was still nice here. Warm and cozy. The boys were already playing consoles and pool, drinking beer, teasing each other and joking. The girls had only just begun to come together. They did not seem thrilled with the activities the boys had found for themselves, so Jay decided to take the charge. Most of all, she wanted Stephanie, the girl Darren had invited, to feel free among them.   -       Ladies! It’s time for wine! – She ordered and waved at them to follow her.               They all sat at the kitchen island. Ashley helped Jay with the glasses and they prepared some snacks. Soon they were laughing, getting manicure and confiding each other. Jay was listening to them while stirring the sauce for spaghetti. They reminded her about Melanie and her sisters, and of the many evenings they had spent together. She really missed that. ***             The next day Jay woke up with a slight hangover. After the dinner she persuaded the rest to arrange a gaming tournament. At first they were skeptical, especially girls, but she quickly convinced them that they can kick guys’ asses. They decided on “Need for Speed” and “Mortal Combat”. They had a lot of fun because actually the girls were winning. It was probably a pure coincidence, beginner’s luck, but nevertheless the guys’ faces were priceless.             Later on, were they were drunk enough they took out “Twister”. The mere memory made her dizzy. She remembered playing the last round with Rod, Pat and Cole. ‘And Byron I guess?’ She was not sure. But she definitely heard him whisper in her ear that she had a damn shapely ass. And then she felt his hand on her butt. And that was the moment when the tangle of their arms and legs could not stand and fell to the ground.             They could not stop laughing. Especially Shane and Hank. ‘Oh my goddess!’ She grimaced. ‘Darren recorded it!’ She felt a heavy arm on her stomach and her muscles stiffened. Had she done something stupid? She slowly opened one eye. She was still in the living room, lying on the sofa. But it did not change the fact that some guy was lying behind her, pressed against her back!             She tried to focus hard and remember what happened last night. They were probably watching some movie. And she was on the couch with…? ‘Byron!’ She suddenly remembered. She really hoped that it was him now. With the corner of her eye she saw some movement. When she looked that direction she saw a couple on the other couch. It was Patricia and Rodney. ‘Oh yeah! Only the four of us stayed to watch the movie!’ It crossed her mind.             She got up slowly not to wake up Byron and headed to the kitchen to get something to drink. A glass of water was enough for her to feel better. But she knew the rest would have problems to recover, so she quickly prepared all necessary ingredients for her special hangover remedy. And since they all were still deep asleep, she went to the bathroom to take a shower. The cool water helped her wash away the remnants of her fatigue and light-headedness.             When she got dressed and came back to the kitchen, Holt was already sitting at the table. He looked so miserable that she felt sorry for him immediately. She walked up to him, put his warm hands to his face and began massaging his temples. Soon she could felt his pain. And even though the headache was the most unbearable for her, she did not stop. She had enough energy to fight one more hangover.   -       That was amazing! – He said when she finished. – How did you do that? -       It’s mainly a matter of pinching the right points. – She explained. – But if you ask if I used my abilities, the answer is yes. – She said calmly. -       How does it work? – He inquired. -       I’m focusing on finding the source of the pain. – She was looking for the right words. – And then I take it over and fight it like my own. It’s easier this way. – She shrugged. -       Is it just with the pain? – He asked intrigued. -       No. –She smiled knowing what he is up to. – I can heal injuries. And, anticipating your next question, yes, it means that I take these injuries over. -       It must hurt. - He noticed. -       Yes. – She admitted. – But it’s worth it. You want some coffee? – She asked. -       I won’t say no. – He smirked. -       What about some breakfast? Maybe omelet? – She suggested. -       Sounds good. – He said. – But I’ll help you. -       So let’s get to work! – She ordered.   ***             Thanks to her magic potion, and silent spell, everyone was in great shape before noon. And because the weather encouraged them to go for a walk, they dressed up warm and went to the forest. There was snow everywhere, and dark clouds announced more. ‘After all, it’s almost mid-December.’ She thought wandering in the winter wonderland. She wondered if there was snow in Purple Creek already.             Suddenly she was hit with a snowball. She turned around and saw Byron’s. He was grinning at her. It meant war! And she loved such battles. She bent down to scoop up the snow and make a snowball. She straightened up and looked at him arrogantly.   -       Will you try to hit? – He provoked. -       I won’t try. – She said confident. – I will! – She added with a flash in her eye.               She swung so quickly that he did not even have time to dodge. The snowball hit him right in the chest. Byron looked at her a bit shocked. Craig and Rod were laughing, but they soon they caught the idea and, screaming at the top of their throats, they attacked the surprised girls. A regular battle broke out. They were rubbing each other faces and throwing snow over the collars. They behaved like a bunch of frisky teenagers, but no one minded.             When they finally came back it was almost dark. They decided to jump into hot tub. It was snowing already, but it did not bother them as the boiling hot water in the Jacuzzi warmed them up. Later on they prepared a dinner, ate together in the dining room and talked about trivial matters, enjoying each other’s company.             Then there was time for a movie night. They chose a thriller. Jay prepared some snacks, beer for the guys and wine for the girls. She sat comfortably on the couch and when Byron sat next to her she lied down, placing her head in his lap. At that moment she felt someone’s gaze on her. She shivered involuntarily   -       You’re cold? – Byron asked. -       A bit. – She lied, but she let him cover her with a blanket. – Thanks! – She smiled at him. -       You’re welcome, princess! – He smirked. -       I’ll make you coffee as a reward. – She promised. -       I hold you by the word! – He chuckled and they focused on movie again. ***             Jay considered this day as a good one. She was tired but in a positive way. She missed her morning training, but she had a very active afternoon. Apparently all of them were exhausted because after watching just one movie they agreed it was about time to go to bed.             But now, when she was already lying in the darkness she could not fall asleep. She felt a strange unease. Unconsciously, she knew it had something to do with the eyes that were intensely staring at her. ‘What does he want?’ She wandered. At least they agreed to come back to there it was. But the main problem was that it was her who could not forget and just let it go. ‘f**k!’ She was furious with herself. ‘Why can’ I just let it go?!’ She hissed.             In order to push away all the thoughts about him, Jay tried hard to focus on the information she gathered about the murdered girls. She saw their faces. So clear. So close. And she felt everything. ‘Why is he doing this?’ She asked herself, frustrated. ‘Why can’t he just come for me?’ She was damn ready to face him. But she knew it will not happen soon. It was his strategy. Some sick plan.             Soon her mind began to be enveloped in a thick white mist. Her thoughts became chaotic and blurry. Her eyelids were so heavy that she had no strength to open her eyes. Even when she heard a squeak of the hinges of the door. It was strange, but she did not felt the need to be alert. Even when she felt a cold gust.             But when she felt a strong arm around her waist, she jumped up in terror. He put his hand over her mouth to keep her from screaming.   -       It’s me! – He whispered. -       What the hell are you doing here?! – She whispered back. -       I wanted to cuddle. – She sensed that he smirked. -       What?! – She almost yelled. -       Shush! – He silenced her. – Just turn your back on me and just let me hug you! – HE ordered.               Strange as it is, she obeyed him. His closeness was soothing to her. Apparently she had the same influence on him, for soon she heard his steady breathing. Now it was even easier for her to fall asleep.
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