Chapter 43

2445 Words
            He woke up feeling someone fidgeting beside him. It took him a while to remember where he was. Jay seemed to be having a nightmare as she tossed on the bed restlessly. At first he tried to hug her, hoping it would chase the ghosts away. But she kept pushing him away, as if trying to escape. He shook her slightly by the shoulder. She shuddered violently. Then he grabbed her arm and shook her harder.   -       Jay?! – He said in a low voice. – Wake up! It’s just a dream! – He spoke to her reassuringly. -       No! – She murmured. – Let me go! – He could hear fear in her voice. -       Jay! – He tried to shake her by the arm one more time. – Wake up! – He said louder. -       Leave me alone! – She yelled.               She was tossing herself more and more. He was afraid that she might hurt herself, so he hugged her tightly from behind to protect her against injuries. Then she suddenly jerked her whole body backwards and from her throat came a scream that pierced his heart. He held her tight and kept talking to her. But she was still trapped by her nightmare. He felt completely powerless.   -       Jay! – He tried to wake her up again. -       Don’t touch me! – She yelled.             At that moment the door swung opened and Holt stepped on the threshold. Others were just behind him. To say he was f****d would be a definite understatement. This scene did not leave much room for imagination. He was holding the breaking out and screaming girl by force. He saw a flash of rage in his friend’s eyes. He had no chance to say anything or to move away.   -       You son of a b***h! – Holt hissed through clenched teeth and punched Cole in the face. -       I did nothing! – He tried to defend himself. -       You fuckin p*****t! – Holt attacked again.               He grabbed Cole by his tee and pushed him against the wall. He was damn pissed off.   -       What do you want from her?! – He growled -       Dude! – Byron tried to intervene but Holt just shook him off. -       Did I not explain myself clearly?! -       I was just passing by and heard some noise, so I walked in! – Cole explained. – She had some bad dream and I wanted to wake her up! -       And I’m supposed to believe you?! – Holt snorted. -       Just stop!               Holt stopped his fist just a few inches from Cole’s face. They both looked at Jay who was now sitting on the bed with Ashley by her side. She was pale and slightly shaking. She looked like she was sick. Her friend whispered something in her ear and Jay just shook her head.   -       Cole did nothing wrong! – She said a bit calmer. – I’m sorry that I woke you up. – She added apologetically. -       That must’ve been a really nasty nightmare! – Shane pointed out. -       I used to dream about it very often. – She grimaced. – But recently I had peace of mind and managed to wean myself off. – She added. -       What are you dreaming about? – Darren asked intrigued. – Sorry! – He withdrew when she looked at him. -       That’s okay. – Jay gave him a pale smile. – It’s always the same. My mother’s death. – She said. – But this time… - She paused. -       You were I her place? -  Ashley finished for her. -       Yeah. – She confirmed and felt the atmosphere thicken. – Okay that was creepy! – She laughed. – Let’s go back to beds. – She suggested.               Everyone started to leave. Holt approached her hesitantly and crouched down in front of her. He was worrying about her. Jay could see that in his eyes. But there was something else she could not decipher. But she could read that he was sorry as well. ‘But for what?!’ She wondered.   -       Are you okay? – He asked with concern. -       Yeah, I’m good. – She assured him. -       Maybe you want me to stay with you? – He offered. – Or Ashley? – He added. -       No, it’s okay. – She smiled at him. -       Try not to dream. – Cole said while leaving her bedroom. -       I will! – She promised. – And thanks! -       For what? – He asked surprised. -       For what you did. – She replied. – Goodnight! -       Yeah! Sleep well. – He murmured and left. -       I still don’t like it. – Holt grimaced. -       That’s sweet! – Jay said and laughed shortly. – Just go get some sleep. I’ll be fine! – She kissed him on the cheek. -       You should do that too. – He noticed. -       I’ll try. – She promised. -       Sweet dreams! – He winked at her and he left closing the door behind him.               Jay was left alone in a dim room. But it did not bother her as she really got used to all the sorts of nightmares. She dreamt about her mother’s death so many times in the past few years that it did not matter much to her anymore. But she learned to treat it as a warning. Each nightmare was foretelling something bad. And because this time she was the victim of the murderer, she also knew that it was her life that will be endangered.             She did not have to analyze her dream to know that it was about the vampire murdering young girls in New York was going to kill her. He made sure that she would know he was chasing her. ‘Just why now?!’ She thought pisses off. She came here to forget, at least for a moment about what was happening in New York. And now she had no idea how to fell asleep again. ‘Fuckin s**t!’ She hisses to herself and combed her hair.               An hour later she was still lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Only the moonlight lit the darkness in the room. But she could not fall asleep. She felt some inner anxiety. And she could not bear it. She jumped out of the bed and went to the kitchen to drink some water. But this short walk did not help her at all. On contrary. She knew what was bothering her.             Or rather who…             Jay was never a coward. She always rebelled against the established rules. She always went against the tide, fighting the waves. She walked her own paths. She had her beliefs and she was faithful to them. But above all she was never afraid to tell what was on her mind. And she always did what she wanted. ‘So why can’t I do it now?!’ She thought angrily.             She went back upstairs and stopped, undecided what to do next. She could come back to her bedroom and spend the rest of the night staring at the darkness, or get what she really wanted. She approached the bedroom door and touched its cool surface. She focused for a moment and when she was sure that not only she was awake, she knocked gently. She heard footsteps and soon the door was opened.   -       Something happened? – Cole asked surprised. He had a cracked lower lip. -       No. – She almost whispered. – May I come in? – She asked tilting her head. -       Yeah, sure. – He let her in and closed the door behind her. – You can’t sleep? – He asked with a smirk. -       Yeah. – She admitted. -       You want to cuddle! – He said provocatively. -       That’s not why I came here. – She replied and took a step towards him. -       No?! – Cole asked, giving her time to change her mind. -       No! – She said firmly. -       Then why are you here? – He asked a bit surprised, but intrigued at the same time.               She took another step. And one more, slowly closing the distance between them. He did not move back. Jay could sense that he did not believe she would go too far. ‘We’ll see that!’ She smiled to herself. When she was close enough she looked up at him. ‘It was his blue eyes that haunted me!’ It crossed her mind.   -       You know why I’m here. – She stated. -       And what’s that? – He smirked. -       I came for this! – She said, stood on her toes and kissed him lightly. -       Jay! – He said in changed voice. – I don’t think it’s a good idea. -       And I don’t care! – She replied.               Jay slipped her fingers into his hair and pulled him closer, kissing him greedily. She felt his hands on her hips and that turned her on even more. She bit his lower lip demanding access. She tasted his blood in her mouth. Thick and sweet. She wanted him so much. It felt almost like physical hunger. She moved her hands to the bottom of his tee and took it off revealing perfectly sculptured muscles.             Her touch burned his skin like fire and made him shiver at the same time. He wanted her, he could not deny it. But at the same time he knew he should keep himself at bay. ‘Damn it!’ He thought. ‘It was she who proposed being just friends!’ And now she was changing the rules. He should have stopped her, but her lips were so tempting. Her scent intoxicating. And her touch addictive.   -       Holt will kill me! – He gasped between kisses. – You know that? -       He doesn’t have to know! – She noticed. -       f**k! – He hisses she said that.               It was enough for him. He stopped thinking. He had waited so long for this moment that he lost control of himself. He almost ripped the oversized tee off her. He would never expect that a girl could look so damn sexy in a male T-shirt. But she did. And without it she looked even hotter. He cupped her tiny breasts in his hands and caressed them for a while. She moaned and Cole felt that he could not wait any longer.             He must have had her. Now. Immediately. It was stronger than him. He pushed her against the wall and ripped off her underwear. She reached to his belt and unfastened it impatiently. At that moment he realized that this fever was consuming not only him, but her as well. Neither of them could or would not wait.             He got rid of the rest of his clothes, grabbed her hips and lifted. She wrapped her legs around his waist and buried her face in the hollow of his neck. When he entered her, she clenched her fists on his hair and hissed.             He was not gentle and she did not expect that from him. She wanted it rough and fast. Wild and passionate. And he gave her what she wanted. She cupped his face and leaned her forehead against his, looking him straight into the eye while he was moving inside of her. And when they were close, she cast a quick spell, so she could scream out his name when they reached the top. ***             Cole was able to stand on his feet thanks to the wall they were leaning against. He was totally exhausted, yet he still felt unsatisfied. At that moment, he had the feeling that he would never get enough of her. Her warm skin smelled of caramel and vanilla, making him feel a bit dizzy. He could feel her full, moist lips against his neck and that caused him pleasant shivers. Her slender hands wandered lazily over his back and shoulders, and he just wanted her not to stop.   -       How you feel? – He asked finally in a hoarse voice. -       Fantastic. – She answered in a low, sexy voice. -       You seduced me. – He said accusingly. -       Of course I did. – She admitted and he chuckled. -       Ready for round two? – He asked teasingly. -       And you? – She snapped back.               He kissed her slowly. This time he did not want to hurry. He had time and he wanted to enjoy her. To taste her. To wanted to know every single inch of her body. To discover every sensitive spot. To watch her face while he was touching her. To see her eyes when she is cumming.             He carried her o bed and laid her on the soft sheets. Then he kissed her deeply. ***             They lay huddled in the twilight of the coming down. Jay could feel her eyelids becoming heavy. ‘Finally!’ She thought satisfied. She could feel that Cole’s breath was calm and even, and she thought he fell asleep. But he suddenly pulled her closer.   -       You’re amazing! – He said suddenly. -       You also lack nothing! – She chuckled. -       It shouldn’t have happened. – He said in a low voice. -       What do you mean? – She asked surprised. -       I had no right to touch you. – He explained seriously. -       And who decides about it? – She was getting pissed off. -       Holt treats you like his little sister. He carries about you. -       Thank you very much! – She hisses. – I can decide on my own who I want to sleep with and he had nothing to do with that! -       It’s not like that. – He cut in. – He just doesn’t want you to get hurt. -       I’m a big girl. – She said. – You don’t have to worry about me! -       Okay! – He said conciliatory. – Let’s just talk about something else. – He suggested. – Where do you have this scar from? – He asked, brushing lightly her shoulder.  -       It’s a long story. – She said evasively. -       Then some other time. – He did not push it. -       Yeah, some other time. – She agreed and yawned.               Soon they both fell asleep.
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