Chapter 34

2545 Words
            In a split second Cole was beside her. He grabbed her by the hips and lifted her, pressing her back against the wall. She wrapped her legs around his waist. He buried his face in the hollow of her neck and inhaled deeply her intoxicating scent. He could feel her pulse. Strong and steady, but slightly accelerated. He caressed her legs, moving slowly up her slender thighs. Her fingers tangled up in his hair. She pressed her lips against his neck and sucked it lightly, driving him crazy.             When his fingers reached the lace trims of her stockings, he pulled back a little to meet her eyes. They were so beautiful. Mysterious. And now covered with a light mist. They looked like two lakes in the morning. He was afraid to admit it, but he cared about her. Too much! And yet he is the type of a guy who does not get involved. And not this time either. ‘She knows the rules of this game!’ He was convincing himself. ‘And she wants to play it!’   -       I want you! – He said in a hoarse voice. – I want you so much! -       And yet you don’t want to take me! – She noticed reproachfully. -       So you decided to provoke me? – He asked. -       Maybe. – She gave him a seductive smile. -       And that’s why you went to him?! – He said with anger. -       That’s none of your business! – She replied offended. She tried to push him away, but he was holding her tight. -       You’re wrong! – He hissed. – It is my business, because no one but me has the right to touch you! – His rage was visible in his eyes. – Do you understand?! – ‘These are not his eyes!’ She thought terrified, staring at the bloodthirsty green pupils. – No one! – He yelled. -       Let go! – She hissed. – You have no right to touch me! – She knew who she was talking to. -       You’re mine! – He growled, but it was not Cole’s voice anymore. -       Let me go! – She shouted and pushed him with all her strength.               Jay managed to lock herself in one of the booths before he regained his balance. ‘It’s only illusion!’ She was trying to convince herself. But she knew it was real. He used Cole, he seized him to send her a message. He is close and he wants to get her. She felt an overwhelming cold. And fear. But this time it was her own fear.   -       Sunshine?! – She herd Cole’s voice. He was worried. – I’m really sorry. I don’t know what happened to me! -       Just go! – She asked him and her voice cracked. -       Sunshine please don’t cry! – He begged. – Open the door! Please! -       Leave me alone! – She demanded. -       Jay, please forgive me! – He spoke gently to her. – I didn’t want to hurt you, sunshine! -       I know. – She sobbed. – But please go. I’ll be right there. – She promised. -       Okay. – He agreed, but Jay could sense he did it reluctantly.               When she heard the door closing behind him, Jay breathed a sigh of relief. What she saw was a shock to her. She never thought that son of a b***h would try to manipulate someone around her. And yet he did. In addition, he chose a person who came closer to her than anyone else. ‘f**k!’ She was even ready for more. Thank goodness he revealed his cards quickly enough to let her know in time who she was dealing with. ‘It was close and I would have had s*x with him in a public restroom!’ And she did not mean Cole.             As she calmed down herself a bit she left the booth and went to the mirror. She looked terrible. Her hair was a complete mess and her eyes were red and puffy. ‘You’ll pay me for that you bastard!’ She swore. Because the truth was she could not blame Cole for what happened here. Maybe at first it was him, but later on it was the vampire who pushed him into action. She was too surprised to read all the signals, feelings and emotion, but she managed to notice in his eyes that her fear gave him great pleasure.             She trembled with disgust, but she quickly shook her head. She used a simple spell to improve her makeup and hair and she left the ladies’ room. She went straight to the table and with a smile she sat next to Byron. The flash of disappointment in Cole’s eyes did not escape her attention. But she was not ready yet to be so close to him. ***             They have spent a really nice evening. Jay was trying to behave as freely as possible but it was damn difficult with a pair of clear blue eyes following her. And she was so relieved when at three in the morning someone finally said it was about time to go back home. They all left the club and stopped the cabs.   -       Hope you won’t leave us now Holt! – Emily said and smiled at him. – It’s not safe for two women to go back home alone. – She pouted. -       I’m going with you too! – Craig joined them. -       Okay girls! – Rodney smiled at his sister and Pat. – Get in! By, you going with us? -       Sure, why not! – He was totally drunk, but still very cute. -       See you next time guys! – Jay waved at them and got into another cab. – What now? – She asked when Cole pushed next to her. – You’re going opposite direction! -       Holt asked me to take you home. – He explained. – He wants to be sure you’ll get there safe and sound. -       Did I hear it right? Holt?! – She could not believe that. – Mr. “She’s out of reach”?! -       I was as surprised as you. – He said bitterly. – But still he prefers me going with you than to left you alone. – He grimaced. -       Oh please! Hold back your enthusiasm! – She snorted with sarcasm. -       You’ve become terribly offensive! – He smirked. -       You haven’t seen anything yet, Sullivan! – She replied tartly. -       So what are you going to show me? – He chuckled. -       Nothing. – She replied and yawned. – I have no strength for verbal scuffles. – She curled up into a ball and rested her head in his lap.               He was surprised, she could sense that. She could felt that his muscles stiffened for a moment, but soon he relaxed a bit. Since it should take them about twenty minutes to get to her place, Jay decided to take a short nap. Her eyelids were so heavy that she had trouble keeping her eyes open. The gentle rocking was relaxing, and Cole’s presence, his warmth and scent soothing.             Before she fell asleep, she felt his hand gently stroking her hair. *** -       Wake up, sunshine! – He shook her slightly by the shoulder. – Were here. -       And can’t we just make another round? – She murmured. -       C’mon! I’ll take you upstairs! – He offered and got out of the cab. -       How much? – She asked the driver. -       Twenty-eight, Miss. – He answered. -       Here! – She handed him thirty dollars. – And this is for your time. – He gave him a hundred bucks. – Please wait for five, ten minutes. If he doesn’t show up, you’re free to go. -       Ma’am! – He bowed politely. – Goodnight! -       Goodnight! – Jay said and got out of the taxi.               She let Cole put his arm around her and lead her to the front door. She took out the keys and opened the locks silently. Mrs. Freeman left the light on in the hallway. ‘What a kind and lovely woman!’ She thought gratefully. They climbed the stars and stopped in front of her flat. She unlocked the door and turned to Cole. He was leaning nonchalantly against the wall, watching her. She could almost feel his gaze on her face.   -       You wanna come in? – She asked out of the blue. -       I don’t think I should. – He replied reasonably. -       Why? – She tilted her head. – Don’t be afraid, I won’t bite you. -       Probably not, but there’s a risk you might swallow me whole. – He said dead seriously. -       I’m trying to limit sugar in my daily diet. – She replied in the same tone. -       So I’m safe. What a relief. – He chuckled. -       So you have no excuse. – She stated. – Coffee. – She reminded when he frowned. -       And the cab? – Cole asked. – The guy is still waiting for me. -       Let me see. – She took her phone and checked the time. – No. I really doubt it. -       The meter works all the time, so it will be his life course. – He said ironically. -       I’ve already paid for the course. – Jay informed. -       Why? – Cole asked surprised. -       And I paid him extra to wait for you. – She said bluntly. -       Are you crazy? You think he’ll wait?! -       Up to ten minutes. But he just started the engine. – Jay informed him. – And now he’s gone. – She shrugged. -       Now I have to call a new cab. – He sighed resigned. -       So you can do it while sipping your coffee. – She suggested. -       Just one coffee! – He said and Jay nodded.               They came in and Jay immediately took the boots off. ‘Never ever!’ She promised herself. They went to the kitchen and Jay could sense his confusion and strange fear. A small peep into his mind and she already knew what he was thinking about. He did not realize he could have had everything last night, but he stopped himself. And now it did not matter at all. She did not feel good in such situation anyway. She prepared the coffee and handed him one cup.   -       How much do you remember from the events of tonight? – She asked suddenly. -       Almost everything. – He replied calmly. – However, I missed some of them. – He admitted. -       And what do you remember? – Jay inquired. -       Your visit at the gallery. – He clenched his fist. – Then you went to the rest room. I went to the bar to order some drinks. I was going for a cig, but I’ve changed my mind. And I followed you. – He said calmly, but with a hint of guilt. -       Go on! – She encouraged him. – What happened next? -       I chased away some girl. – He recalled. -  And then I pounced on you. I remember your eyes. – He looked at her. – Then there’s complete emptiness. -       And when you woke up? – She asked. – What was the first thing you remember? -       You run away and locked yourself in one of the booths. – He looked away. – You were scared. And you were crying. – He almost whispered. -       My voice cracked, but I was not crying. – She assured him. -       Did I hurt you? – He asked worried. -       No, you didn’t. – Jay assured him. – It wasn’t you, Cole. -       What do you mean? – Cole looked at her intrigued. -       I think you were charmed in some way. – She explained. – Did you meet someone strange? Have talked with him? – She asked. -       No. – He replied. – Wait. At the bar. There was a guy. He was talking to himself. -       What did he say? – She pushed on him. -       He was murmuring. But I could hear and understand one sentence. – He said. – “She belongs to you!” He was pissed off. -       And this proves my theory. – Jay replied. – His bad emotions cumulated with yours and he could affect you. -       But how? And why I don’t remember it? -       Because for that short moment you’ve become someone else. – She explained. -       That’s impossible! – He could not believe that. -       And yet your eyes and voice changed. – She was damn serious. – And believe me, I don’t like it too. -       I’m sorry. – He said quietly. -       For what? By no means it was your fault. – She assured him. – Cole. – She said after a moment of silence. -       Yeah? – He had to clear his throat. -       Will you stay with me? – She asked. -       Jay, I don’t think I should. – He said slowly. -       I just want you to be close. Nothing more. – Jay promised. – So? Will you? -       Sure. – He finally agreed.               How could he refuse? He wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms. Inhale her sweet scent and kiss her smooth skin. But after what happened today, he was afraid to approach her. He was afraid he would hurt her. And yet she was so trusting and open with him! As if she did not see the threat.             Jay took him by the hand and dragged him into her bedroom. Cole could not stop himself. He turned her around to face him. He cupped her face and brushed her lips gently. ‘She’s so damn sweet!’ His thumbs kept caressing her cheeks while he was showering her face with little kisses. She put her hands on his chest and his heart skipped a beat.   -       You’re tired. – He noticed. -       A bit. – She admitted. -       Then let me watch over you while you’re sleeping. – He asked. -       I think it can be arranged. – She smiled slightly.               She changed quickly and he lifted his eyebrow at the sight of an oversized T-shirt with Cookie Monster. But he immediately calmed down when Jay explained it was her brother’s tee. He lay down on his back so she could cuddle to his side, with her head on his chest and her hand just above his heart. Soon he could hear her calm, steady breathing.             Not long after, soothed by her closeness and warmth, Cole fell asleep as well.
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