Chapter 33

2787 Words
            Jay followed the were-leopard up the fairly steep staircase. She wondered what the owner of the club might need from her. She quietly hoped he was not going to forbid her from coming here. Jay really liked this place and did not want to resign from it. But she could also feel the fear of her friends. They did not like the fact she was going upstairs, alone. According to what she heard, the vampire was involved in some dark business. ‘He owns the “Double Bottom” and that already says a lot about him!’ She shrugged.             When they reach the top of the stairs Cesar let her go on alone. Jay took a deep breath and with a confident step she approached the handsome bloodsucker. He was leaning against the railing, watching the crowd having fun. But as she came closer, he straightened back and turned towards her with a slight, seductive smile. He was wearing a black tailored suit, a white shirt with a stand-up collar and a blood red tie and his Italian leather boots were polished to a high gloss.   -       I think our relationship did not start properly. – He said, took her hand and kissed it lightly. – My name is Luka. – He introduced himself. -       Jay. – She answered politely. -       That’s not your name. – He noticed and frowned. -       You wanna see my ID? – Jay replied brazenly. -       So you could prove your age? – This time he lifted his eye brow.  – Tell me your real name. – He demanded. -       Why should I? - She almost jumped up when a waiter appeared silently behind her back. -       That’s your favorite wine I guess. – He took the glass and handed it to her. – It’s not poisoned. And there are no drugs or herbs in it. – He assured her, when she hesitated. -       Apart from verbena. – She noticed and tried the wine. It was indeed her favorite one. -       How do you know? – He asked intrigued. -       You add it to all drinks and water.  I guess only some may smell or taste it. – She replied. -       And you’re one of them. – He pointed out. -       You perfectly know who I am. – Jay said bluntly. – You don’t have to play games. -       That’s great! – Luka said amused. – I don’t play games when I don’t have to. And for sure I have no intensions to play with you. -       How can I be sure? – She asked. -       Because I have an offer for you. – He was dangerously close to her. – It’s not your style. – He suddenly changed the topic. -       How can you know that? – Jay snorted. -       You prefer comfortable clothes. Those that won’t restrict your movements when the opportunity to fight arises. – He answered and leaned in, breathed in her scent. – Just as I know that you’re wearing this dress tonight to kick someone’s balls. – He moved away slowly and smirked. – Figuratively, of course. -       Okay! – Jay was impressed. – Let’s say you’re right. What’s next? -       A propose a bet. -       A bet? – She lifted her eyebrow. -       If I guess which one, you’ll tell me your real name. – He gave the price. -       And if you won’t guess? – Jay asked. -       I will! – He was damn sure of his abilities. -       You’re fuckin confident, you know that? – She stated. -       Worn out jeans, black T-shirt, leather boots and jacket. – He said slowly. -       Yeah, half of the club has such clothes. – She said with a mocking smile. -       Black hair, blue eyes. – Luka added and looked into her eyes. – He’s sitting at your table. – He waited, but she did not say anything. – He’s name’s Cole, right? -       Maybe. – She grimaced. She lost. – Jaysabel. – She added and looked away. -       Beautiful name. – He said and smiled. -       Is it that obvious? – She asked out of the blue. -       No. – He calmed her down. – I just see more than others. -       That’s damn comforting. – She said sarcastically. – So? What’s the business? – This time she changed the topic. -       Come. – He said and led her to his office. – We’ll discuss everything.   ***             At the table, Jay’s friends were talking about the whole situation. Holt was really worried. And everything he had heard about vampires so far gave his imagination the most gruesome scenarios. He knew the use of power was forbidden here, but the owner might not be bound by the rules. ‘What if he hurts her?!’ He thought frantically. And it was not only the vampire he was thinking about.             He saw it in Cole’s eyes when he grabbed Jay’s hand. His buddy was brazenly seducing the girl Holt wanted to protect from playboys like him. ‘I must stop him, before Jay falls in love with him and he breaks her heart.’ He thought.   -       Just chill out! – Patricia said. – They just standing there, talking! -       For now! – Byron noticed. – Look he gave her some wine. -       f**k! – Holt hissed. – He could add some drugs! -       For real?! – Shane shook her head pityingly. – Have you seen his face?! -       What about it? – Rod asked intrigued. -       He’s damn handsome and sexy! – Coleen cut in. – He doesn’t have to drug girls! They push themselves to his bed! -       Shut the f**k up! – Cole growled at her. – Not every girl values only pretty face! – Everyone looked at him. -       Of course not! – Emily said. – Money is also important! – She added playfully. – And this guy is filthy rich! -       s**t! – Holt suddenly said. – Their going to his office! I’m going for her! – He jumped up from his seat. -       You’re not going anywhere! – Byron stopped him. -       This son of a b***h may take advantage of her! – He was seething with anger. – She may need help! -       I think you should trust Jay. – Shane cut in. – She’s smart and won’t let any d**k hurt her!               He sat down again. Shane was probably right. Jay was strong and reasonable girl. She could take care of herself even if she did not have to. But still he really wanted to be someone she could rely on. Someone, she would come for help if she was in need or trouble. ‘Damn it!’ He wanted to be her friend. ‘Do you?’ He asked himself and looked up at the gallery and the closed door of the office. ***             Meanwhile Jay was sitting comfortably in one of the cavernous armchairs in Luka’s office, sipping her wine. They were watching some fight that took place in the undergrounds of the “Double Bottom”. She thought that taking pictures as well as recording were strictly forbidden. But apparently this rule did not apply to the organizer.             Because she was asked to watch the video carefully, she concentrated on it completely. It was not very long. Jay checked the clock. ‘It took only twelve minutes!’ She thought impressed. Luka changed the recording and played another fight. Surprised she saw the guy who won the first one. This time he was fighting against the vampire. The situation repeated. The fight was very short and the same guy won. He showed her several more fights and they all ended the same.   -       What have you noticed? – Luka asked finally. -       This guy is quick. – She joked, but she immediately became serious. – He’s damn strong, even if he doesn’t use his power. He just crushes his opponents! – She said. -       Who is he? – The vampire said. -       At first I thought that he’s a werewolf. But he’s tall, broad-shouldered and well-build. And he roars a lot. I guess he’s a were-bear. – She stated. -       What about his tactics? – Luka took a sip of his drink, his eyes impenetrable. -       He’s fast and chaotic, yet predictable. He uses a dozen or so combinations of blows. – She pondered for a second. – Like right, left, right, kick, left, right, kick. – She gave an example. -       Weak points? – Luka asked. -       Let me think. – She played the video once more and rewound it. – He constantly shifts the weight on his left leg, his right leg is always slightly bent. I bet on an old kneecap injury. – She summed up. -       And you know all of this after watching few fights? – He asked incredulously. -       If you know what you’re looking for… - She smiled.               Luka stood up and went to the window. He looked outside, at the lights of the city and pondered. Jay let him. Apparently, she did something that intrigued him. And probably he was considering what he can tell her. And how much.             Finally he turned back to her and started to tell. The guy’s name was Edward. And, as Jay already noticed, he was a were-bear. He was taking part in fights at the “Double Bottom” for a very long time. And he always won. Since in the fight club the use of power was unacceptable, those with physical potential had an advantage. It seems that Eddie knew how to use his. Many tried to overcome him, but to no avail.             The vampire said that one of his investors, a very big player, wanted Edward to finally lose. He was predictable and they did not make money on him like they used to.   -       And why are you telling me all of this? – She asked when he finished. -       I’ve been looking for weeks for someone who could beat Edward. – He answered. – But none of the candidates were able to defeat the only competitor who stayed in the ring with Ed for more than half an hour. -       Hard case. – Jay shrugged. – You want me to look for someone who will be able to kick that guy’s ass? – She asked. -       That won’t be necessary. I’ve already found the right person. – He smiled mysteriously. -       Who is he? – She asked intrigued. -       You, gorgeous! – He said bluntly. -       Wait, what?! – To say she was shocked would be a definite understatement. – I don’t understand. -       You beat Conan. – Luka said calmly. – And I want you to fight with Edward. But! – He stopped her from comments. – I’m not going to put pressure on you. For now it’s just a proposal. – He pointed out. – For now I just want you to consider it. -       Okay! – She said still a bit shocked. – I’ll think about it. – She promised. -       I guess your friends are worrying about you. – Luka said and stood up. – You should come back to them. -       You’re right. – Jay agreed and followed him. – I guess we’ll meet soon. See you then, Luka. – She added and turned around.               He watched her walking towards the door. He liked this girl. She had so many faces. And each one was fascinating. She was strong and brave. And above all she loved challenges. This meant she would decide to take part in this fight. Of that he was sure.   -       Jaysabel! – He called after her when she opened the door and was about to leave. -       Yes? – She turned to face him.               In a blink of an eye he was next to her. With one hand he grabbed her waist, the other slipped under her curls and placed on her nape. She put her hands on his shoulders. He was so close that she could see golden spots in his chocolate eyes. She could smell his scent under his cologne. His lips were dangerously close to hers. He tilted his head slightly, and his warm breath touched her cheek. His thumb caressed the soft skin just behind her ear. She felt a strange but pleasant shiver. She sensed he smiled.   -       Since you’re here to teach him a lesson, it would be a shame to miss this opportunity. – He whispered and moved his hand to her butt. She lifted her eyebrow. -       And what is the purpose? – She asked calmly -       Jealousy is a really powerful feeling. – Luka murmured. -       You’re wrong. – Jay answered. – Men who can have any woman are not jealous. -       Are you sure? – She felt his tongue on her ear. – I’ll tell you a secret. – For a moment he sucked on her earlobe. – Every man craves what belongs to the other. – He kissed her lightly on the cheek. – Have a nice evening, Jaysabel. – He added.               Luka let her go and she shook her head quickly. ‘That was interesting!’ She thought amused. And she approached the stairs. ‘He did not charm me, but still it was like some kind of trance!’ Jay was really impressed. And proud of herself that she played it naturally and did not try to run away. She combed her hair and smoothed her dress and came back to her table. They were all staring at her.   -       What?! – She exclaimed. -       Did he do something to you? – Holt asked through clenched teeth. -       What?! – She was a bit surprised. -       Answer me! – He looked at her. -       Of course not! – She sat next to Byron. – He’s a really nice guy. And gentleman! – She defended Luka. -       Yeah! Especially when he was groping you! – Cole cut in. – Don’t be surprised sunshine! – He said mockingly. – The whole club seen that! -       And it’s none of your business! – Jay hissed and gave him a murderous look. – I need to go to the toilet! – She said and left -       That was unnecessary! – Shane scolded both Holt and Cole. – She’s not stupid and naïve! -       I’ll order another round. – Cole stood up. – I need a cig! – He murmured and headed towards the bar.               He ordered another batch of drinks, but he did not go out to smoke. Instead he followed Jay. He had a bad feeling that something happened between her and that vampire. When he saw him touch her, he felt a surge of anger. He wanted to run up to him and hit. Hit until that son of a b***h would be lying on the floor in a pond of his f*****g blood! ‘And she defended him!’ He thought and clenched his first.             He opened the door with force and entered the ladies’ room. Some girl squeaked scared at the sight of him. He chased her away with an impatient hand movement and he closed the door behind her, then he turned the key. At the click of the lock, Jay turned away from the mirror and looked at him. She lifted her eyebrow, showing him her disapproval.             She looked damn sexy and her surprised, a little bit aggressive expression on her face made him even more attracted to her. ‘She should stay away from me!’ He thought. And he should definitely keep his hands to him. She was not for him. And he for sure was not the right guy for such a girl like her. ‘But she’s so beautiful! So soft and warm! Delicate and sweet!’ He was losing this fight, he knew that.   -       You want something? – She finally asked and turned towards the mirror again.               And that was a mistake.
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