Chapter 32

2503 Words
            ‘Thank goddess for Saturday!’ Jay thought when she finally woke up and realized it was already noon. She sleepy for eight hours! ‘How’s that possible?!’ She could not understand why her inner clock just showed her the middle finger. But on the other hand she was totally relaxed and well rested. She slept like a baby, which had not happened for more than six years. Of course, she sometimes had slept deep and long enough, but she felt so completely safe only when Bryan was next to her.             ‘Stop it!’ She scolded herself. She knew exactly what these thoughts led to. And she did not have the strength to fight her demons again. Therefore she had to act. She jumped up out of the bed, went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. Then she decided to go for her routine jogging. After all, she rarely missed her daily workout. She put on a worm tracksuit, trainers and light jacket. ‘Let’s go!’ She cheered herself.             When she came back it was almost four. She took another shower. This time a long and hot one. She took out of the closet some comfy clothes and went to the kitchen. She was damn hungry and she definitely needed some strong coffee. Thanks to Mrs. Morgan her fridge was well-stocked. She chose a good slice of lasagna and put it into the oven. While waiting she was sipping her first cup of black coffee and checking her mailbox. Then her phone beeped and she rolled her eyes. ‘Is one quiet weekend really that much?!’ She thought, but still she grabbed the phone and checked the message.               “We’re going to the club tonight. Wanna join us?”               It was just a proposal. An innocent invitation. Jay could read between the lines that Holt will not push on her. She could easily write back telling him some lies, that she is busy studying or try to sell him some other shitty story. He would believe her, and even if not, he would not comment on that. She could easily mixed herself out of it and spend a quiet evening on the couch in front of the TV, watch a move, call her brothers, drink some wine, rest.             But that would mean that the events of last night had upset her. That Cole Sullivan achieved his goal and now she will avoid him. That she will hide herself, unable to look into his eyes. That she was ashamed of her free behavior. If she refuses, she will prove she has lost the game. His game. She would reveal the truth. That she was a coward. She would admit defeat.             ‘Never!’ She thought rebelliously.               “What time?” She wrote.             “I’ll pick you up at eight?”             “No, I’ve got something to do. I’ll meet you at the club.”             “See you then!”               She did not want anyone to think she was weak. Maybe she was not very good at it, but she learned fast. And who knew more about men than Melanie Weakfield? She was driving every guy crazy without even glancing them. They were ready to do anything for one smile! Jay never listened to her friend’s advice about clothes, makeup, or hairstyles. And now she needed one desperately! It was past six, so she did not have much time. She quickly called Mel via Skype, hoping she was at home.             Finally Mel’s sleepy face appeared on the screen.   -       Hi? – Jay said hesitantly. -       Do you know what time it is?! – Mel groaned. -       Late one! – She pointed out. -       Not if you went to bed at eight in the morning! – Mel grimaced. -       Good party? – Jay asked. -       The best in months! And you? Just don’t tell me that you’ve spent another Friday night at home or I swear I’ll kill you. – She warned her friend. -       I did. But! – Jay exclaimed before Mel managed to say anything. – I’m going out tonight and I need your advice. -       That sounds promising! – Mel’s eyes immediately became conscious. – Tell me what do you want to achieve. -       There’s a guy. – She started. -       I already like it! – Mel clapped her hands. – I know I shouldn’t say that, for my brother’s sake, but I think you should find someone. -       Mel, I… - Jay did not know what she should say. -       Jay, I don’t expect you to wait patiently for Bryan to find the solution. – She cut in. – Just as I don’t suppose my brother will do. -       Does he…? – She was unable to finish. -       As far as I know, he doesn’t. – Mel answered. – But tell me more about Mr. Mysterious! – She quickly changed the topic. -       You know this type. – Jay preferred not to think about Bryan in other girl’s arms. – He’s a player. A bad boy. He loves to flirt and win. – She described Cole quickly. -       She tries to seduce you? – Mel asked intrigued. With a hint of hope. -       Oh yeah! – Jay admitted. – And he seems to be having a great fun! -       In a word, you pick up the gauntlet and want to teach him a lesson? – She made sure. -       Definitely yes! -       Let’s get to work then! – Mel said dead seriously.               Jay swallowed hard. She began seriously consider whether she had made the right decision by asking her friend for help. But it was too late. ***             Three hours later, when she finally arrived at the “Passion”, Jay was totally exhausted. But as soon as she entered the club she was strong and ready again. She left her coat at the cloakroom and one last time she looked into the mirror. She changed her clothes so many times that she lost count. But it was worth it.             She was wearing long-sleeve navy blue dress, which neckline wrinkled forming waves. The dress was short enough to capture the imagination, but as long to cover the lace trim of her stockings. On her legs she wore black suede ankle boots with a thin heel. The outfit was completed with long silver earrings with a sapphire tear and a matching pendant resting in the hollow of the dress. Her hair danced around her face like springs and fell softly over her shoulders and back.             She smiled to herself satisfied and headed towards their usual table. People were watching her. She could feel interest, animation, excitement, but also jealously and anger. But it was only when she reached her friends that she was sure that she had achieved the intended effect. Even if Cole was not there, Craig’s, Byron’s and Rod’s gazes told her everything. Even the girls were impressed.   -       Wow! – Pat exclaimed. – Where were you hiding girl?! -       You look hot! – Byron said. – I mean amazing! – He corrected himself and Rodney whistled. -       Thanks! – She chuckled. – I had an appointment and I wasn’t sure if this dress was okay. But interpreting your reaction, I have a good chance of success! – She winked at the guys. – Where’s the rest? – She asked. -       Holt will pick up Em and Coleen. They should be here soon. – Craig answered. – And Cole is probably picking up some girl in the crowd! – He shook his head. -       I’ll get myself some drink. – She said joyfully. – You want something? – She asked. -       You can order another round. – Byron gave her a charming smile. -       I’ll be right back! – She said and headed towards the bar. -       Have you seen her legs?! – Craig asked when Jay was far enough and could not hear them. -       Yeah! – Pat confirmed. – And she has damn sexy butt! -       He will be damn pissed off! – Rod stated. -       He’s so screwed! – Shane laughed. -       Seriously?! – Byron was a bit surprised. -       Oh, come on! – Craig cut in. – Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed anything! -       It’s too obvious! – Patricia agreed. – He’s head over heel in love! -       And he won’t admit that! – Byron shook his head. – He’s too stubborn and dumb! -       That’s right! – Rod nodded. -       What’s that? – Holt appeared by the table. -       Hi guys! – Shane smiled widely. – Where the hell have you been?! -       Ask your friend! – He grimaced. -       I had to change! – Emily felt offended. – Men! – She rolled her eyes. -       Never mind! – He cut off. – What are you talking about? – He asked and greeted Cole, who had just returned to the table. Emily immediately stuck to his side. -       Promise you won’t freak out! – Shane demanded. -       Shane! – Her brother scolded her. -       What’s going on?! – Holt started to worry. -       We know that you’re super carrying when it comes to Jay. – Pat started. -       Yeah… - He rushed them. -       But you realize that you can’t have complete control over her, right? – Byron wanted to ease the shock. -       I’m not trying to control her! – Holt defended himself. – She’s just my friend’s daughter and I want her to be safe! I’m not going to let some asshole seduce her, take advantage of her and then abandon! – He gave Cole a quick look. -       We understand you very well and we don’t want jerks around her either. – Rod assured him. -       It may be a bit too late for that. – Pat noticed. -       What? – Holt asked. -       There! – She pointed towards the bar.               Everyone looked that way. They saw Jay. While she was coming back to the table she was stopped by some guy. They were chatting and laughing like a pair of old good friends. Cole frowned. ‘What the hell?!’ He thought pissed off. ‘Why is she wearing that?! They’re all staring at her legs!’ He himself could not take his eyes off her. She looked so sexy. He still felt her warm skin under his fingertips. He could still hear her moans in his head. ‘f**k!’ He wanted to smash that guy’s face.             At last she said goodbye to that moron and headed towards them. He watched her every step. She swayed her hips gently, and his pulse sped up rapidly. He wanted to touch her again. He knew it was a mistake, but he could not get her out of his head. She just got under his skin! And now she was torturing him with her new seductive incarnation! ‘Bloody witch!’ It crossed his mind.   -       Hi guys! – She smiled widely and sat next to Byron. She could sense the tension. -       Who’s that d**k?! – Holt attacked immediately. -       Excuse me? – Jay eyes widened. – It’s Patrick and we work together! – She replied superiorly. -       Sorry! – He replied apologetically. – But have you seen yourself in the mirror? -       I did! – She snorted. – And I don’t stand out! -       But you’re underage! – He noticed. – And under my protection! -       Oh please! – She sneered. – I can take care for myself! -       Don’t push it Jay! – He growled. -       Here are your drinks! – The waitress appeared by their table. -       Thanks, Nadia! – Jay smiled at her. -       YA dumayu, oni nemnogo razozlilis'! (I think they got a little pissed off) – She said in Russian. -       Oni dumayut, chto oni glavnyye! (They think they’re in charge here) – Jay replied and the waitress laughed. -       What did she said? – Holt asked intrigued. – What was the language? -       It was Russian. – She replied. – And she said you should chill out. -       How do you know Russian? – Cole asked and Jay finally looked at him surprised, as if she had just noticed his presence. -       You never know when you may need foreign language skills. – She smiled mysteriously and took a sip of her drink. -       You know more languages? – Shane decided to intervene. -       A few. – Jay admitted. She preferred not to mention that as the hunter she knew almost every language in the world. -       Excuse me Miss.               They looked at the man who stopped by their table. Jay recognized him immediately. It was the same guy she fought against during her first visit to the “Double Bottom”. The were-leopard. Tall, well-build. Quite handsome with his dark blonde hair and green eyes. He was wearing a black suit, black shirt with black tie and polished black shoes. ‘If he wanted to remember the fight, it’s definitely wrong time!’ She thought.   -       May I help you? – She asked politely. -       Please follow me! – He said. -       Wait a second! – Holt and Cole said in union and stood up. – She’s not going anywhere with you! – Holt added. -       Calm down Holt! – She scolded him. – Where are we going? Mister? – She asked. -       My name is Cesar. – He introduced himself. – My boss would like to talk to you. – He explained and looked up.               She followed his gaze. He stood on the gallery. And he was looking straight down at her. She rather had no choice, but to follow “Conan”.   -       Let’s go then. – She said. -       Jay! – Cole grabbed her hand. -       Don’t you worry! – She said a bit coldly. – I’ll be fine. – She added reassuringly turning to Holt. – I’ll be right back. -       I’ll make sure she’s back safe and sound. – Cesar promised and they headed towards the stairs. -       I don’t like it. – Holt said as they were watching Jay leaving with the stranger. -       Me neither. – Cole agreed. He felt an unpleasant pressure in his chest.
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