Chapter 10

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            The bar did not look inviting. Weathered signboard, dirty windows and smoky interior. Several candles were burning on the sidewalk outside the entrance. A pile of colorful flowers was slowly growing – tulips, roses, cloves. Someone put there a small frame with a photo of the girl. Either she had many friends and was very popular, or, as Jay was more inclined to believe, Susanne’s death caused shock and forced people to reflect on the fragility of human life. Such thoughts usually do not last long. Everyone is absorbed in their own plans and problems. After all, millions of people die every day. One death more will not change anything.             It was the same with Sue Jamison. Soon her tragic death would be forgotten. And only a few will despair a little longer. But in the end they will return to normal. Life goes on.             Jay entered the pub and headed straight for the bar. There was unbelievable stuffiness there. August heat, broken air conditioning and, despite the fairly early hours, crowds of people were doing their job. Some regulars, curious and journalists sniffing sensation. Every self-respecting newspaper, as well as all tabloids, wants hot news on the front page. They will get information at any price, regardless of the tragedy that happened to the relatives of the victim. And the gathered looked willing to cooperate. Especially after a few shots or couple of beers.             The stout guy with the cloudy look took her order for a coke. While waiting she pondered over human nature. Most of the people gathered here had never heard about the waitress who died tragically last night. Jay would bet a hundred that a lot of them even did not see her once in their lives. However, alcohol has this magical power that it not only loosens people’s tongues, but also makes them a walking treasury of information. Journalists will gladly take advantage of it. ‘And so unfortunately rumors and speculation arise!’ She thought sadly. Depending on the version heard, the girl will be a victim of emotionally unstable boyfriend or the jealous wife of her lover. She belonged to a gang and her death will be the result of fights between hostile groups. She will die for the unpaid debts she has recklessly contracted in dangerous people. And so on in a similar style.             Even if the police discover the whole truth and make it public, many of the false stories will still be remembered destroying the reality and facts. ‘Or maybe the truth will never come out?’ She wondered. ‘Only a few know about how my mum really died.’ She shook her head vigorously to ward off gloomy thoughts. ‘I have to concentrate!’ She ordered herself and immediately focused on finding the energy of Susanne Jamison.             It was an extremely difficult task. Not only that the waitress was already dead and her energy was slowly disappearing, but the fact that the girl had no supernatural abilities that could amplify the signal made it even harder. The energy of those endowed with power was much stronger and lasted longer. It happened that it could be felt after many years. Jay could still sense Isabo’s energy, both at home and in the woods where she died. It was unbelievable, but her mother left her mark even at her father’s house in New York, although she rarely came here.             Poor human energy can be also strengthen by emotions. It seemed, however, that Sue was not too close with this place and colleagues. From the information Jay had, she knew that the girl wanted to get to the dance school, and the job at the bar was only temporary. ‘Still, two years is a lot of time.’ She considered. She decided to concentrate even harder, but she was only wasting her own strength. ‘I won’t find anything here.’ With a certain amount of disappointment, she paid for her coke and went out into the street.             She greeted the late afternoon heat with unbelievable relief. She put on sunglasses and headed for the subway station. She had to use the thin thread that the volatile energy of Susanne seemed to be. ***             She followed exactly the same way as Susanne Jamison. She found the right wagon and seat on the subway train. Although the girl’s energy gradually escaped, Jay had no problems following her trace. She got off at the same station and flawlessly headed towards the crime scene choosing the same shortcuts. It was almost eight o’clock and the buildings laid long shadows on the streets that looked bleak even in the full daylight.             When she reached the narrow street between the rows of blocks, she stopped. She looked around carefully and, making sure nobody was around, went under the stretched police tape. She walked slowly, thoroughly watching the backs of buildings, trash bins, and fire stairs. ‘No street lights!’ It crossed her mind. Only at the entrance and at the end of the street dim lights came on. ‘The girl either knew this place and was confident, or simply brave and stupid.’ She thought.             She felt a shiver creep up her spine before the waves of energy reached her. The faint aura of Susanne Jamison vanished somewhere. Now Jay clearly sensed the vampire’s power. She felt more and more with every step. The emotions accumulated in this place were overwhelming. It was getting harder to breathe, and when she came to the very epicenter she closed her eyes. Under her eyelids she saw images. They flashed through her mind like an accelerated preview.             Pretty petite blonde with big golden eyes. She saw her pupils dilate in fear. Full coral mouth arranges like to scream. But not even the lightest sound comes out of the shapely lips.             Then Jay noticed in the girl’s eyes something else. Though a bit blurred, it was the face of Sue’s murderer. Incredibly handsome man. About thirty years old. The girl’s gaze skimmed all over the figure. Tall, well-built, quite slim. Short hair, fashionably trimmed. Neatly combed. He cared about his look, which was also seen in his clothes. He could be considered a harmless next-door-boy if it was not for his eyes. Dark. Cold. Those were the only words that came to her mind.             She opened her eyes and looked around. There was a lot of blood everywhere. Just as if the vampire did not bother to drink it, but he simply let the girl to bleed out. ‘f*****g psycho!’ She thought. But there was one more thing that was bothering her. She had the impression that she should know him. His eyes were strangely familiar. ‘But where could I meet him already?’ She pondered, but found no answer to her question.             One was sure. Because Jay could see everything through the murderer’s eyes, it was clear now that it was he who sent her the signal. The question was whether he did it by accident and Jay picked up the transmitted vibrations by coincidence? Or maybe, for some f*****g reason, he chose her to receive it? The second option was far much too scary.             She looked down at the dark red, almost black stain. ‘Blood is the strongest carrier of human emotions and feelings.’ It crossed her mind. She was also aware of the fact that the blood magic was very dangerous. But at the same time the most effective one. She doubted that the vampire performed some dark ritual there, but she was sure he had some gift.             Jay knew that she had a talent to foretell the future. Well, it was not like fortune telling at all, but more like predicting. It was Quinn who told her that her dreams and visions can be prophetic. She had to admit that it did not comfort her. But now it was something different. She wanted to find out what already happened.             She was not sure if it will work. Actually, she had never done this before and she had no idea what it should look like. ‘You’re f*****g witch, Tyler!’ She scoffed herself. ‘You can do this!’ She was thinking about some short, but effective spell she could cast to see the past events that took the place here. She decided on a simple formula.             She knelt beside the blood stain and took a deep breath. She reached out and touched the already dried blood with her fingertips. ‘It might not work.’ She thought. She decided that she will need one of the Elements. Water seemed to be the perfect one here. It was the Element of her family, though she had bound her power with Fire. She closed her eyes and focused. She murmured the spell.               “Life-giving Water help me with my task             Bring the dead to life when I kindly ask.             Through the blood of innocent girl             Let me see what happened here.             In the hour of the trial             My faith is my ally.”               Before Jay managed to analyze if the spell was suitable and strong enough, she was hit by another images. Gruesome, terrifying. She felt terrible fear. And pain. Mind-numbing, taking the reason away. She not only saw, but also felt Susanne Jamison die in the vampire’s arms. The girl’s experiences began to mix with the emotions of the murderer. Excitement. Satisfaction. Euphoria.             She felt as if he was still there. Waiting for her to come and use her magic to bring the memories back. So he could pour into her everything. She wanted to break free, but she could not. She could not take her hand from the blood stain, just as if something or someone was holding her in place. All the images and feelings were overwhelming her.             She was losing her strength. She was afraid that she might lose her consciousness. She used all her willpower to withdraw her hand. She fell back but the images did not stop swirling in front of her closed eyes.             Jay began shaking her head vigorously to ward off intrusive images. She slowly came back to reality. She had a monstrous headache, and when she tried to open her eyes she felt nauseous. She leaned against the wall of some dingy building and slumped down heavily, slowly. She pulled her legs up and stuck her head between her knees to control the stomach, which fell in all directions. She calmed her breathing down a little and slowly opened her eyes. When she was sure that the world would not whirl anymore, she raised her head gradually. It was already completely dark. Her eyes stopped on the asphalt, where there was a dark, dried patch of blood.             She must leave this place! As soon as possible! She mobilized herself to stand up. She struggled to her feet and took a few steps towards the main street. Her legs were like if made of cotton, but leaning heavily on the walls of the buildings, she kept walking. When she reached the circle of light cast by the street lantern, she took a deep breath. She walked under the tape and looked around carefully again. Making sure that nobody would notice her, she started toward the nearest metro station. She did not feel well. She was staggering.             She returned to the bar where she left the car. She got in, but did not leave immediately. Her muscles twitched. Despite the coolness of the night, sweat grew on her skin. Her hand and legs were still shaking. But luckily the headache eased and went into a slight stinging right behind the eyes. She lowered the back of the seat a bit and gave herself a few minutes to calm down. She had to think everything through. Sort out what happened. ‘Tomorrow!’ She decided and turned the key in the ignition. ***             She arrived home well after midnight. She did not even think it would take her so many hours. It turned out that she spent most of the time at the crime scene. Jay had to admit in front of herself that she completely flew away. Although it seemed to her that this strange trance she fell into lasted only a moment, she lost contact with reality for a good two hours. And all the time she had to spend on returning to some kind of balance. Because unfortunately she still felt terrible.             She felt like a thief when she sneaked into the kitchen. Mrs. Morgan left her a note on the counter. Short reprimand for late return home and information about dinner waiting in the oven. Jay thanked the housekeeper, pulled out the plate, and ate half of the large portion of cold lasagna. She did not even realize how hungry she was. She took out of the fridge a jar of orange juice and drank almost half of it without bothering to take a glass.             She finished her dinner and juice much calmer, put the dishes in the dishwasher and went to her room. In the bedroom she threw off her clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower. She let hot water whip her body, freeing her muscles of unbearable tension. She felt strangely sore. She had the need to wash everything off. Numbness and shock slowly passed. She was not ready for such a rush of sensations, emotions, images and… pain.             ‘That motherfucker didn’t even bother to hypnotize her!’ The girl was dying in torment and could not call for help. And Jay received only an echo, but it still knocked her off her feet and shook her balance. Not only physical, but mainly psychical. Hot water filled the whole bathroom with steam, but that did not stop the chills she felt at the memory of the gruesome images.             She finally turned off the tap, grabbed a towel and wrapped herself tightly. The other one she put on her dripping hair. She went to the bedroom, and though she was staggering with fatigue, she approached the closet. The bed was tempting, but Jay fought the urge to lie down as she stood and put on fresh underwear, warm soft pants, wool socks and Jason’s T-shirt, which, not knowing how, got tangled in her stuff. She got to bed and was about to slip into it, but turned back to the wardrobe again. From the bottom she pulled out a thick, black hoodie with the inscription ‘Red Hot Chili Peppers’ on it. She put it on, pulling too long sleeves over her hands and slipped under the covers.             As soon as she put her head to the pillow she fell asleep, wrapped in the scent of Bryan.
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