Chapter 11

2160 Words
            She was walking around the forest she knew so well. She passed tall, slender trees that gave cool shade on hot days. She knew that it is summer. Despite this, she felt the cool breeze of autumn in the air, and the forest was slowly covered with a feast of fantastic warm colors. She also remembered the winter version of this place. The enchanted land of snow and ice. White caps and icicles hanging from branches, hares skimming in panic and deer coming close to human settlements in search of food.             She loved this place with all her heart and missed it immensely. And she was painfully aware of the fact that she could not come back. Not yet. And maybe never again.             But now, on this lovely day on the border between summer and autumn, she allowed herself to absorb the incredible peace and beauty of her beloved forest. She crossed a small wooden bridge over the arm of the Purple River, on purpose stepping onto a planking board just to hear the familiar sound. She followed the path along the stream to the place where large backwaters formed. It was from this lake that the small town in Montana took its name.             Purple Creek.             Home.             The smooth surface of the lake was covered by a light mist. Its veil was moving slowly, waving like a delicate scarf lifted by gusts of wind. ‘It’s so quiet here!’ It crossed her mind. But suddenly the feeling of anxiety returned. Her dreams of the forest always ended the same way. Fear, pain and despair. When she dreamed of her mother’s death, it always foretells some misfortune. Another nightmare? She instinctively prepared herself to escape.   -          This time there’ll be no gruesome scenes.               She turned abruptly at the sound of his voice. He stood there, in the middle of a small clearing. Tall, slender, handsome. His dark auburn hair curled around his face, and those deep amber eyes looked directly at her. She felt energy flowing from him. Warm and soothing.   -          I miss you. – He said, almost in a whisper, and smiled sadly. -          I had no choice! – She tried to defend herself. – I… -          I know! – He cut in. – You did what was necessary. I don’t blame you. – He approached her slowly, reached out and gently touched her cheek. – I’d do anything to touch you again. – He took her face in his hands and brushed her left cheek lightly with his lips. – I want to feel your warmth again. – He kissed her other cheek. – Your smell. – He leaned down and kissed her lips. – To feel your taste again.               This time he kissed her deeply, greedily. She was overwhelmed by a heat that was hard to bear. It happened always when she was with Bryan. She felt limp in his arms, she gave up. How could she think she would ever forget about him?! She should come back and surrender to her fate. ‘Damn all curses and protective spells!’ She thought rebelliously. She wanted Bryan, and that was all that mattered.             She sank into him. She forgot about the whole world. They were together again, and only this was relevant. Everything else lost its meaning. They will always be together!   -          It’s not the time! – He whispered in her mouth breaking the kiss. – Not yet my love. – He looked her in the eye. - The right time has not come yet. -          What are you talking about? – She was confused, slightly dazed. - I’m coming back to you! -          You can’t, Jaysabel. – He said in a tender voice, but it was full of sadness. -          Why not?! – His words hurt like hell. -          Because it’s not the right time, baby girl. – He tried to calm her down. -          I’ve made a mistake! – She confessed. – I want to fix it! I need you, Bryan! -          We have a long way to go. – He said suddenly. – But our paths will still come down again. Keep the faith. – He stroked her face with his thumb. – I love you, Jaysabel.               He disappeared in the fog that suddenly thickened and enveloped her tightly covering everything. At first she thought that it is some kind of game. Like hide and seek. But she looked around and did not notice anything at all.   -          Bryan?! – She called uncertainly, but a dead silence answered her. – Bryan! – She shouted louder.               The feeling of bottomless emptiness returned. He was so close. She could touch him. They kissed. And now she was alone again. She tried to call him again.             This time the echo replied.   ***             She woke up slowly. Before she opened her eyes she felt the warm rays of the morning sun on her face and she immediately realized that she did not covered the windows with curtains. She turned to the other side and curled up, deeply breathing in the scent of cherries, which was even more intense now. She blinked to get used to the harsh light. She glanced at the watch on the nightstand. It was eight o’clock. She had not slept so many hours in a row long ago. Not counting the first days after arriving in New York, when she slept for three days. ‘But I was just physically exhausted!’ She justified herself. But she also did not remember when was the last time she got up at such a late hour. ‘I guess the last time I was with Bryan.’ She thought with a twinge of regret.             The dream so realistic, but at the same time so painful, brought her rest and peace of mind, which she needed so much. Yet, it left behind a certain hunger, longing and feeling of emptiness. She fell asleep wrapped in the smell of her beloved and woke up still feeling his taste on her lips. His and sweet cherries. She smiled to herself. She missed him that was true. Denial would not change anything anyway.             However, she had to take her desires back. Now the most important thing was the safety of Bryan and his sisters. She had to protect them. At all costs. Even if it meant a breakup. Even if she would never see him again. If that was the price of his safety, Jay was ready to pay it. The thought that he does not want to know her made it much easier. The only thing she could not understand was the fact that he was calling and texting her almost every day. ‘As if nothing had happened. As if he hadn’t witnessed me murdering a vampire.’ She thought bitterly. ‘Or maybe he just wants to tell me to go to hell?’ That would not surprise her at all.             But now she was not so sure. Bryan’s words gave her some hope. ‘It’s not the time.’ He said. The witch’s blood that flowed through her veins forced Jay to think more deeply about these words. Did this dream have any hidden meaning? Was it announcing future events? And if so, will something good happen? She did not want to let herself think that her reunion with Bryan could mean danger to him. And even death.             For now she just wanted to enjoy her dream. ***             He consciously postponed the moment when he would finally have to open his eyes. Though he carried her image carved in his heart, he wanted to keep her face under his eyelids for as long as possible. For the past two months he dreamed of her almost every night. Although they were mainly memories of the moments spent together, he always woke up with a feeling of bottomless emptiness and regret. Dreams full of heat and passion also happened. He would wake up then, overwhelmed by an internal fever that nobody and nothing could quench.             This dream, however, was different. He felt her clearly. Her scent irritated his senses. Vanilla with a subtle hint of caramel. Beautiful sea-toned eyes were so close. Her hair, as he liked it, ran down a soft cascade to her back and shoulders. Her velvet skin warmed up at the touch of his hands. Her full, moist lips parted under the pressure of his lips. Her taste made him dizzy and boiled his blood. She seized him again, and he surrendered to her with joy.             He did not care about his own safety. Jaysabel was the most important for him. That was why he could not understand how he was the first to break free from under this spell?! He felt Jay giving up. She was ready to quit everything to be with him again! ‘Then why the hell did I get her out of this trance?!’ Although the dream gave him hope that one day they would be together again, that he would get her back, he still felt frustrated.             He stood up reluctantly and shuffled himself to the bathroom. Quick, freezing cold shower was like a good kick which he really needed. He did not waste his time shaving, stating that two-day stubble had never hurt anyone. He moved to his room with more energy. The days were still hot, so he put on washed-off shorts and white T-shirt. He went to the kitchen barefoot, where he made some fresh coffee and, while standing, he ate a handful of cereal straight from the box. It was still early. Too early for anything. He noticed with annoyance that he got up at the usual time of Jay. Having nothing better to do, he sat down at the table with a cup of coffee and began to think.             He returned to Missoula shortly after confronting his mother, who still thought she had done the right thing. She was extremely pleased with the fact that Jay left, at the same time expressing sincere indignation that the girl dared to break the heart of her beloved son. He had to admit that since then he could not stay in the town anymore, where everything reminded him of Jay. And where he could still feel her presence.             It was a bit easier in Missoula. Especially when he moved back to Dave, his buddy from college. He limited his contact with Tylers. At least he tried. He quit his job at “Mercury”, mainly to have more time for the animal clinic, where he worked as a volunteer. And in a few days he was supposed to start studying at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.             Seemingly everything was the old way. But in fact only Carter and Brandy stood firm. They lived together and they seemed really happy. His sister, always rational, surprised not only Bryan. He had to admit that he did not expect Brandy, the one standing hard on the ground, that she would accept the situation completely. Her boyfriend was the hunter of supernatural beings? Okay! He showed a lot of interested in magic and practiced it? That is fine! I am a sleeping werewolf? No problem! He was mad at the thought and cursed himself that he could not accept Jay the way she was when he still had time.             But in fact, everything has changed when Jaysabel left. It fell like a house of cards. And he did not mean only his own little world. It was true that almost everyone accepted the news of their heritage with extraordinary calmness and composure. After all, it was not the end of the world and it was enough that Jay would stay away from him, so as not to release the beasts sleeping in Weakfields by accident. She left to protect him.             Sadly, he thought that it was not only she who decided to step into the shadows. Christian did not want to risk either. No matter how you look at it, he also had the same power as his sister. So he went to Baltimore, and furious Mel moved to California. She did not show it, but he knew his little sister all too well not to notice that behind the mask of anger and sheer rage, there is a huge sadness and pain.             And Jess, Jay’s twin brother, went to Richmond. And a few days ago his youngest sisters, Liz and Jessie, came to Missoula. As well as Tylers’ twins, Mark and Mike. All four lived in the house on the outskirts of the city, where he, Jay, Mel and Christian had lived together recently. Bry, however, was aware that now only the youngest, and probably Danny next year, would stick together.             The rest chose their own ways.             Resigned, he shrugged. ‘You have to move on.’ He thought sadly. ‘The world doesn’t stand still.’ He looked at his watch and decided that he might appear earlier at the animal clinic.
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