C H A P T E R 69 - Dilara.

712 Words

I jumped, dropping the mug that I had been holding, my hands automatically bracing on the island counter. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. It was almost as bad as seeing a ghost, except, I would have been a lot more welcoming towards a ghost than I was at the moment. Hades, on the other hand, seemed quite unaffected by what was happening. He didn't seem to be considering the fact that there could have been a problem with what he was doing. "I assume that my arrival is unexpected." His eyes dropped down to the shattered pieces of the mug, and I had the urge to strangle him. Did he think that he was being funny? Because if so, I had news for him. I was far from impressed. And all of the anger that I had felt on that very last occasion that he had been here, came back as if it had ne

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