Chapter 9

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The level of rage that Cameron felt had reached an all-time high. Certainly not Lily; she was the centre of attention no matter what. On the other hand, she was his go-to stress reliever whenever he needed it. Even though he didn't have much time, he reasoned that he could get through tonight with just a sample of whatever he wanted. He extended his hand downward and gave the hem of her dress a light tug, all the while allowing his hand to slip down her length. He moved his fingers slowly over her hip and up toward her thighs, gently touching her the entire time. As she twisted and turned against him, he could feel his erection coming to life and digging into her. Lily raised an objection, most likely due to her worry about the other roommates in her flat. He paid no attention to it and instead curled his middle finger inside of her, striking a particularly sensitive area. She wept loudly as she gave in to his grasp and allowed him to hold her while he held her. She decided to stop attempting to pry his hands off of her face and instead let them hang there instead of continuing to do so. What do you say we go on a date with Jaxon? While he was speaking to her, she felt his lips brush against her ear. He heard a muffled "no" and a whine, and it made him smile gently. He looked in the direction of the sound. A fresh groan emanated from the target as his fingers gradually resumed their magical performance. At the same moment that he was compelling her to approach him, he buried his teeth into her shoulder and kissed her jawline as well as the back of her neck. She yelled, which caused him to increase the pressure he was applying to her. "Be quiet; we don't want to wake the others up," the person speaking said. He dragged her over to his desk and kneeled over her, bending her over hard. He freed himself by removing the clasps on his pants and wriggling out of them. He put his hand beneath her skirt and grabbed her behind where it was exposed. He gave it some thought, but ultimately decided against it because of the noise it would make. "Cameron." Her voice was shaking from the effort, and she moaned incoherently. We are unable to move because Instantaneously, he went inside of her and groaned in contentment as he did so. After each of his thrusts, his hands snatched hold of her hips and dragged her back to where he was standing. The instant her hands reached her lips, Lily covered them with both of them to prevent herself from speaking. Cameron had every intention of continuing to tease her, yank her hair, and take her, but he was able to stop himself in time. At the very last second, he retreated and slid in between her legs in order to escape. It is now high time for us to get going again. At that time, he fixed her clothes and helped her to her feet so she could continue her journey. "That's not... fair, Cameron," I said to him. Her mouth trembled, and she let out a moan. If you were to say anything along the lines of "That was only to calm me down; your punishment is tonight," I would understand. The man winked and flicked an eye in her direction before moving on. He cleaned up his mess with a tissue from his desk, then threw the tissue and the tissue paper away before leaving the room, leaving her partially paralysed. He used a tissue from his desk to clean up his mess. He took mental note of something as he watched Courtney and Jaxon relax on the sofa together. There's a chance that someone will ask, "Where have you been?" Courtney noticed him right away once he walked into the room. To wit: "Where on earth is Aaron?" The literal translation of this phrase is "went to get a beer." In this particular instance, Jaxon was the one who replied. "Cam!" For example, "I need to go out and purchase some food." While he was ignoring Courtney, Cameron absentmindedly scratched the area behind his ear. "Are you kidding me?" At this point, it couldn't be denied: Courtney was giving him the stink eye. He managed to stifle a guffaw deep within his throat. Simply being in her presence makes his day better. When he thought about it, he realised that she hadn't left the building, even though she had been there for some time. After what seemed like only a few seconds, he finally heard the water in his shower start to flow. He turned on the faucet. He broke into a wry grin, and she was extremely skilled at putting on a brave face in spite of the situation. I really hope that I was able to teach Aaron something. Courtney glared angrily at the television while making a pouting gesture with her arms, crossing them over her chest. If you don't tell him, there is a greater chance that he will figure it out on his own. That statement was met with derision from Jaxon. I'm going to send him a message on my cell phone. In my opinion, Lily is not the type of person who enjoys drinking beer. He became silent for a few moments before continuing. It's possible that she doesn't drink at all, but I have my reservations about that. Cameron, you have got to be joking, right? You never think of me while you're picking out a beverage to buy. "As far as I can remember, I've already told you that I'm not your fuckboyfriend, and Lily is just here for a visit." Cameron eventually caved in and began to gaze longingly at the blonde. Hearing people say, "I'm not your boyfriend," all the time is getting old. Her impersonation of his voice was an offensive parody to listen to. I'm the person you should get in touch with if you ever feel the need to share your bed, and I'm always free. According to my reading of the situation, I believe that we can now refer to ourselves as a couple. That's what I like to hear about booty! As a direct consequence of this, Jaxon laughed. The manner in which Cameron was feeling rapidly deteriorated. It was absolutely necessary for him to get away from Courtney, or at the very least, he needed to be able to convince her to quit harassing him. "Whatever. You guys are really a pair of cretins. "I'll be right there whenever you are inebriated and in need of assistance again tonight." Cameron only heard foolishness coming from her mouth, despite her attempts to offend him. It was unclear to him how to convey to her that they had never dated and that they were not now dating. As she walked away, he rolled his eyes and pretended not to notice her. As he relaxed on the couch, he wished for a beer and for Aaron to come over as soon as possible. "Are you telling me that there's a possibility that Lily and I may date?" Cameron gritted his teeth and struggled with the desire to decline the offer. When he saw that he was looking at her, he felt the urge to tell him to back off and give her some space. He did not, on the other hand. I have no idea. To his credit, he managed to get away. He remarked, "Man, she's got some serious heat." The look in Jaxon's eyes changed as he thought more and more about her. If I were in the same room with her, I'm not sure I'd be able to resist the need to touch her. After turning his attention back to Cameron while smiling broadly at him, To put it another way: "How in the hell are you going to live with her?" Once more, Cameron did his best to suppress a chuckle. He was unable to refrain from caressing her, but he made the decision to conceal this fact from Jaxon. It is abundantly clear that nobody followed through. Not at this time or under any circumstances. That lady is one of my most trusted confidantes. He only shrugged his shoulders in a nonchalant manner. Having her here is not something that surprises me at all. Who exactly are you taking over to your house? The sound of Lily's angelic singing filled his ears to capacity.
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