
Love Breaks & Restores.

love after marriage
second chance
dare to love and hate

Cleo, an exotic dancer her life changed in an instant from being an orphan, making ends meets to a completely happy life. She was raised by adoptative parents untill she decided to become an independent woman. Be warned; The events that take place are going to thrill you.

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The most annoying sound woke me up! My 8pm alarm! Most people's alarms go on at 5 or 6am yet my day starts at 8pm. I woke up and got dressed putting on my uniform and a black long coat ontop. Packed my make up bag and all my necessary props for the night.  Me: Venes! Venes: Mmmmh Me: I'm off, see you in the morning. I waited for the uber and it took me to work. Work, it's one job I'm not proud of but it puts food on my table and I am able to send some money home. I got to my changing room and took off my coat then fixed my make up. Gena: Looking good Cleo. Cleo, Cleopatra in full. That's what they call me here but my name is Nasiphi Amahle Dlamini and I'm a exotic dancer yet most refer to it as a stripper. I've danced for almost 8years now. Life has been hard, so hard that I ended up as a stripper. The money I make has been able to pay for my high schools fees and university fees. I started dancing when I was 17years old doing grade 11, my mother thought I was working at a restaurant where I get 5% everyday on each of the orders I take so getting paid after a month it was alot of money and I was able to save up and pay for my fees. My mother, she's my world. Although she's not my biological mother, I don't know my biological parents.  My adoptive parents adopted me when I was just a year old and they raised me together until I was 14 where my mother had to stop working because she was sick. My father not being a kind and loving man that I thought he was, left when my mother had stroke when I was 15 and he left us with nothing but divorce papers and my moms suitcase with clothes enough for just a week. My mother was able to get us a small place to stay, it was enough just for the both of us. Most of the money she had got used up paying hospital fees for her treatment. I started working and being able to assist her in financially, It was hard juggling work and school but I had to.  Most people didn't think I'd pass matric but I proved them wrong, I got A's in all my subjects including mathematics and physical sciences. I applied for bursaries, scholarships etc yet I was unlucky. I applied at the University of KwaZulu Natal and was accepted, I've had to hustle since then to pay for my fees, studying medicine. I graduated passing with 90% and above in all modules yet still, luck wasn't on my side. Getting a proper job with my degree and all my qualifications of being acardiologist has been hard for the past few months thats why I'm still a stripper. I'm 25 years of age soon to be 26 in November the 11th. I've always found it so strange how I don't get a job, there is a crucial need for Cardiologists in South Africa yet I have not been able to get a job, not many people take this career stream and my results are very good, I guess bad luck is just my middle name. I put on my mask, that's what I love about this job, the customers don't get to see our faces so nobody runs into me in the street and says there's that stripper from club 411. I looked at myself in the mirrior once more, each time I do this I get reminded of how much I hate what I do but its a must. People will judge yes, but they don't know the struggle of not finding any job at all. I fixed my stockings, I'm wearing black lingerie and black stiletto heels. God knew what he was doing when he created me, he took his time. I'm gifted in all the right places, growing up I was just always the fat kid yet when I was in grade 10, my body started to just shape itself into a fit curvious body. I fixed myself once more and walked to my table. It's a Friday, my best clients are here. These people really have money so it will help, I'll be sending money home tomorrow. I got onto my podium and danced. Doing Gymnastics in secondary school really helped, my body is really flexible so the pole and I are best friends. There's this old man with a huge potbelly who always wants to take me home, he's so stupid, yes he does have money but I'd just never go home with him. I never go home with anyone, I dance, make money and go to my own home. This club doesn't allow p**********n yet some girls do that out of the club just to make extra cash. The money Imake satisfies me and I don't need to do all that to make enough money to pay for my bills. There's some new guys I'm spotting here, the other two are also becoming regulars on my table.  Well they've showed up for the past two Fridays. I didn't really believe that woman do go to strip clubs until I started working here, they actually do also spend money here. After two hours I changed tobanother table, strangely these two guys followed me to my next table and they didn't stop splashing their money on me. Weird, but I'm not complaining, as long as the money keeps rolling in. Around 1am, I went back to my changing room and wore my coat. My boss came to my room and he was very impressed. I made alot of money, every night I get 50% of the money I make, I work three nights in a week. He gave me an envelope full of money and I walked out the club. While walking in down the streets I heard footsteps behind me. The streets of Durban aren't safe at all, especially at this time. I walked faster yet the footsteps got closer and closer. Breathe in, Breathe out Nasi. Okay I'm going to scream! I felt someone grab me from the back forcefully and pinned me to the wall. Me: I don't wanna die, just take whatever you want just don't kill me. Guy: I won't kill you if you do as I say. You're not going to scream but you're going to follow me to the car and we'll leave peacefully, understood?? I nodded and started walking slowly next to him. He seemed very scary so I wasn't going to do anything stupid that will risk my life. Just as we were about to reach his car another man came walking towards us. Guy2: Leave her alone. Guy1: Or what? Guy2:(Giggles) You're questioning me? You're signing your Death wish. He laughed a bit and his face just turned instantly and he was just different. He looked at me and told me to walk away, I chose to trust this stranger and walked away with my heart beating fast. What if this other man does something to me as I walk away? After a few seconds I heard a car drive off, what if the guy who just saved me is the one that just drove off living me with a guy that's about to kill me.  Voice: Begging someone not to kill you is just a low move, you showed him that you fear death so he used it to threaten you. Be smart. I turned, Its the guy that saved me. Funny how I didn't notice that he's drunk, or the alcohol went away for a few minutes and it just came back?   Me: I won't do it next time and thank you. Guy: You have beautiful eyes, I would be complementing your beauty but all I see is a mask. Mask? Oooh! I was still wearing my mask. I forgot to take it off, anyways, I'll take it off once I get home. This guy was standing next to me and staring into my eyes which was a bit creepy.   Guy: Your eyes, they sparkle in the dark Me: Really? You're using a Shekinah line on me? Douche He laughed a bit and looked at me for a few seconds. He's just getting creepy and he.... no! No! No way! Me: Aaah!! Really! On me!! Dude!! Nooo!!! The way I screamed I swear everyone who stays on this block just woke up. He vomited on me! It's going down all over my clothes! He burped and walked away. Argh! Disgusting son of a!!! Argh! I got home after a few minutes,I was so damn irritated and angry. Like who does that! He didn't even say sorry, he just walked away! Nxx! I took a long warm shower and changed into my pyjamas. I soaked my clothes and left them. This night has just been a bad night, the only good thing out of it was the money I made. Argh let me just sleep before it gets any worse.  Hope you enjoy☺ Please like and comment.

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