
Hi, I'm Sorry

friends to lovers

A girl being volunteered to go to a monster school to try and bring humanity and monsters together, or just to get ride of her. Watch as this girl was ignored by most of her family, go through highschool, where she meets different kinds of monsters. Will she find love or her first friend

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First Day, First Panic
Early in the morning the sun barely peeking over the hills. A four story school building, with a basement, a school with high wallsnavigate to close in my entrance to keep all students inside when school is in session. A big track and field race track and on the other side a deep pool that goes in the ground at least one and a half stories for monsters who need to breathe underwater. With two locker rooms you on each side of the pool for both female and male students. In before corner of the school property a small little building clearly abandoned, no one ever goes there cuz no one ever needs to go there because that was the original School and so they just kept it there for historial events but no one really cares about it. The kids that do go over there or normally hiding over there because they're doing some bad stuff, like smoking. A bell ringing signaling that the school day is about to begin. Kids of all kind of monsters both walking and running in. Some of them were messing around with each other, pushing, and shoving each other. Some are just talking with each other, or texting each other, or even on the phone with each other. All of them talking about their summer break or how it was so early, or that they wish the they could sleep more, or why does school start so early. All at least happy to see their friends. On the top floor alot of monsters gathered all of them were first year, for the top floor was for first years. in one of the rooms wear a bunch of teens none of them were an animal of some kind six of them were robots five of them were an insect of some kind and five of them were skeletons. The first bell rings, everybody rushes to their seats. The teacher came in, she was a white goat with a blue skirt, a yellow shirt, and a yellow Daisy around one of her horns. she smiled across the classroom at all the students "hello and welcome to the first day of your first year of high school I am Mrs. Pearson" she said but then her sweat smile suddenly turned into a fake smile. "and I know all of you were warned but I am going to remind you. That this year we are going to have a new student, not that all of you are not new, but this student is, well a human student." she said and gestures towards the door for a girl to walk in. The girl walked in she had brown hair but you could not tell the length of her hair because a pink old scarf was covering it. She wore a baby blue shirt and a light pink skirt. She wore pitch black bulky glasses it covered all of her eyes including the sides you could not tell what color her eyes were. She had two backpacks one on her back and one hand held bag in her hands. The teacher smiled and looked around the room "this will be an experimental four years. Considering this is the first human that has ever been in the school, please treat her kindly and respect." She said looking across the room at everyone. The back of the human she leaned a little bit to try to look in her eyes but her glasses would not her see her eyes so she gave up. "Would you care to introduce yourself to the class?" she asked. The girl stood there like a statue the only thing moving on her was her hands fuddling with her handheld back. The teacher sighed giving up really quickly with a quiet 'ok' and looked around a room, "Ah there is a spot right over there in the back right next to that gentleman in the black jacket" she said. The girl quietly and quickly made her way over to the desk. The guy was a skeleton he had red eyes of red shirt black jeans and a black jacket on. He looked up from his phone just to look at her briefly once she pulled the chair out, then just went back to his phone not giving her any attention, like he didn't care she was there. The day continued, as kids whispered about the human in the class. The class began as quickly as they slowly ended then lunch came around. The girl sat there working on her homework that they already got on the very first day. Then two other skeleton boys walked up, she started freaking out in our mind, but on the outside remained calm. Focusing on our homework trying to pay attention to them. They walked up, and surprisingly they were not there for her. One of them said "hey Red" talking to the boy next to her like it was some kind of code name for him I mean it fit because he wore a lot of red. the one talking had a really old gray zombie horror movie shirt and a blue dirty jacket. The other one had a gray hoodie and a black leather jacket. The guy in the zombie shirt chucked "Are you going to introduce her to your new friend?" he asked. Got no answers from either one of them. the guy in the zombie shirt squatted down to his eyes could look up at her eyes, trying to get her to either acknowledge him or look at him. After a minute he crossed his arms over her desk to get a little bit closer to her because he could not tell if she was looking at him because of her glasses. So after not getting a response he stared at of her glasses and then lightly tapped it. Immediately when he did that the girl shot up moving away from him and her desk, grabbing her glasses like he was going to take them off her. The room went silent staring both at her and him. She could grab her hand held back and ran out the door. As soon as that door closed everyone started whispering and murdering what happened. The guy in the leather jacket stared at the door, then smacked the guy in a zombie shirt in the back of the head. Not breaking his focus from the door until the guy with the zombie shirt said "ow what was that for?" The guy in the zombie shirt glared at the leather jacket guy. The leather jacket guide glittered right back at him "nice going i***t you scared her off" He said. People in the classroom continue to murder about what just happened as the three skeleton guys got up and left for the lunchroom. The girls sat in an empty old art room. It look to be abandoned because it was dusty white sheets covered a lot of the equipment in there chairs were on desks and pushed up to side. She took a chair off one of the desks pulled the desk over to a window and open the window. She dusted off the desk and the chair in send in the chair, as a nice warm breeze flow through the room making a calm atmosphere. She pull her hand held back on the desk. She pulled out a laptop and drawing tablet and a drawing pen she turned on the tablet and turned on the computer. She put a password and pulled up an app on her computer that lets her draw. She was working on a piece, it was a lovely old lady sitting in a rocking chair on a porch and then the background and unfinished tree. She looks around the room mainly at the door making sure no one was near or looking like someone was to come in. she took off her classes and began to draw her bangs mainly covered her eyes, but was smiling like she was at peace working on her artwork. Time passes and the trees looking much better, but still unfinished because she got distracted by a flower that's the old lady now was holding. the bell rings marking the end of lunch. She quickly look at the time, moved your bangs out of her face to put her glasses back on then that the bangs fall on the glasses. She packed up her tablet laptop and pen and rushed back to the room. She opened the door just a little bit making sure no one was paying attention to her before she snuck back into her seat. Red looked at her and was about to say something before the teacher walked in and said "let's get started who can.." she said continuing on with the history lesson. She sat there taking notes looking up at the teacher every once in awhile never raised your hand and never was called on. The time goes on once again, classes begin they end and now the end of the day. She slowly packs her things before heading towards the door. She felt the eyes on her everyone watched her as she leaves the room, even more people watched her as she slowly walk down the stairs and out the main interest. Some kids parents pick them up and they would meet them on the side of the road. Other kids will just walked on home. She was one of the kids that walked home. She stopped looking back when she heard a kid yell "Red, we over here." this kid was halfway out of the van waving his arms in the air as well red and the two other kids with him walked up. "must you act the stupid" Red said with a grown before the three of them climbed in the back of the van. A faint woman's voice yell from the driver's side of the van say "don't say that to your brother" before they drove away. The girl watches the card for a boy and proceeded to walk to the grocery store. she turned her handheld bag into a satchel where she can wear it across her shoulders. She grabed a carry basket and went straight to the vegetables. She stared by grabbing a couple of vegetables and meat and some spaghetti noodles and proceeded to check out. She paid then she left. Sadly it was now raining outside so she had to walk home in the rain. She had her own apartment on the second floor. She went in she put the groceries down. She went to her room and change to get out of her wet clothes. She put the sweater that she was wearing in the dryer. Then proceed to unload the groceries. She clean the vegetable. She cut them up until tiny little squares, ground the meet up boiled the biscotti noodles, grab the sauce that she already had and made homemade spaghetti. She turned the TV on and started watching some random TV shows, that she could care less about just background noise. As she quietly worked on her homework as well. She finished her homework, finished her meal turned, off the TV. She cleaned the dishes humped in the shower and got ready for bed. she only had one mirror in the entire house and it was only in the bathroom and it was a small mirror. The only reason why she kept it is so she can tell for her hair is brush or not. Then went to bed. A couple days pass, same thing day after day. She was starting to avoid the two skeleton guys. After what happened with the glasses she thought that they might think that she was weird. A class began and the teacher came in "today you will have a study period. So you will have this period to study for your test in one week. Please take and use this time to actually study." he said to them left the room. Obviously only if few listen to him, and then rest for goofing off and talking. The girl was one of them, two boys out of this next hers were talking, one of them was animal creature and the other was an insect. Then things got a little bit of control unknown of what started it but then to start getting into a fight the animal then proceeded to yell " knock it off you fucken freak!" the animal guy slammed the insect guy into both her and Red's desks. After that the girl's hands are shaking she was trying to remain calm but thet weren't helping. Obviously know nothing catching to the girl they are watching the fight. So the girl took this opportunity to rush out of their room. she went down a staircase that was hardly ever used because it was so far from the classes. She went straight down to the very bottom floor and hide underneath the staircase. The girl was violently shaking she dropped her knees holding herself. She started crying, the glasses were keeping the tears from dripping down her face she got frustrated grabbed her glasses and threw them against the opposite wall. She crafter head silently solving trying to make it to where no one could hear her. The only thing you can hear from her was her deep breathing like she was gasping for air. Then a voice came out from behind the stairs slowly walking up to her was one of the other skeleton boys from the class he was wearing a big white sweater from pants and a red hat. He picked up the glasses that she threw him on accident. Keeping a slight distance he slowly walked up. Giving about Six feet in between them. "Are you okay? Do you need to go to the nurse? Or perhaps call someone?" He asked his voice was very gentle and quiet. The girl's hands went from her head back down to her arms holding herself trying to get herself to stop shaking. "I-I'm fine" trying to get out in a normal voice but she was still stuttering and gasping for air. She made sure her hair covered her eyes. She didn't turn around to look at him just wished, and prayed he would go away. He sat down still six feet from her lean against the wall. "I know it can be scary here. Must be very scary to be the only human here being taken away from all your friends, being so far from your family." he said fiddling with her glasses he still had. "but hey some of us are nice. I'd like to say that I am extremely nice." he said with a small chuckle trying to calm her down "I know it probably won't help, but I would like to try to help you be more comfortable here, and to maybe be your friend." He said then lightly to have your shoulder with her glasses to hand it back to her.They we're broken because she threw him against the wall. The girl took the glasses and, then moved her hair to put it back on and then let the hair flops back on her glasses. she turned her head indicating that she was looking at him. She turn your body to her she was facing him lowered her head "I'm sorry I did not mean to throw my glasses at you" She said her voice still shaky her hand still shaking. "it was just a small episode of a panic there's no need to worry about me I am fine now." She said obviously lying. The guy was about to say something before she quickly got up and to quickly go back to the room, but was stopped by another skeleton boy standing up the foot of the staircase waiting for the other skeleton boy. This one was wearing all black, a black shirt, black hoodie, black pants, black shoes, wouldn't even be surprised if it socks were black. The guy with the white sweater walked up behind her. "They're still fighting in there. The teacher has been called it's going to be a while for it to be settled. So we can stay here, in silence if you want, until you calm down and feel comfortable going back. I'll make it up an excuse for the teacher so he won't get mad at all of us not being there." he said sweatly. The other one all in black pulled out some candy out of his hood pocket "I've got candy if you have a sweet tooth and that's all this for I can give you one talking talk to him I'll be here sucking on a sucker." he said handing the to the girl and plopped back down on the stairs "ow" he said cause he full weighted flop down. She look at the guy in white sweater because he chuckled at the man in black's pain. She back down on the opposite wall of the staircase and open a bag of chocolate dots. The white sweater sat in between them and ate heart candy's. " You know calling you human, or girl is kind of, um, how do I put it, um a little awkward." he sweater said. "Would you mind if I can get your name. I'll say mine first so it's less weird. I'm Kutsu, and this is my friend Rex." he said and Rex cleared his throat "you mean boyfriend?" he said like he was correcting him. Then Kutsu quickly glared at him like 'not the time for that'. Rex just winked at him. The girl looked at them and smiled a little bit, they were cute together. she looked at both of them and sat up "my name is Elaheh Roseheart" she said in a quiet voice "it's nice to meet you" she smiled at them

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