❂ Chapter 4 ❂

1120 Words
“Kylie, you’re lucky that you don’t have a younger sibling, literally it’s like my parents don’t know that I exist.” -Keely James August 07 Kylie wakes up to some knocking, really, really, loud knocking on the front door. So, she opens her bedroom door, and bumps into her mother. “Who the hell is banging on the door at 4 in the morning?” Kylie’s dad asks pissed off and half asleep. “Don’t know sweetie, let’s find out.” Kylie’s mother says while giving her old man a pat on the back and then walking towards the top of the staircase. Kylie’s father just gives the woman with a what the f**k expression plastered on his face.  But both father and daughter follow the woman down the stairs and to the front door, but Kylie sits near the end of the staircase on the steps and her parents box fix themselves up then Kylie’s dad turns on the porch light. “Hello sorry to wake you, but does Kylie Jacobson live here?” One of the two Police detectives asks the married couple. Both parents look at each other and then Kylie’s mom looks back at her daughter, wondering why the cops want her.  “She does, why do you want to speak with her?” Kylie’s mother asks the guys while crossing her arms over her chest. “We found Keely James’ car.” The other detective said. This makes Kylie stand up and walk towards the adults. “Oh, well come on in.” Kylie’s father tells them while stepping aside to let the detectives in. “Now, we found a 2015 dark red Kia Optima near Blue Lake.” One of the detectives starts explaining while everyone walks to the living room. “That’s Keely’s exact car.” Kylie explains with hope in her tone. Was Keely in the car? Is she in the hospital? Or safe back home? Are the three questions that are clouding Keely’s mind. “Yes, the license plate matched.” The other one says while they both sit down on the couch in the living room. “Well, what else is there? Was Keely there?” Kylie asks them a little too eagerly. The detective let out a sigh then stands up. “Can you call Keely’s parents? There’s more to this story.” He explains while cleaning his glasses. “Yes, I’ll call them right away.” Kylie’s mother tells them while rushing out of the living room.   ❂||❂||❂ “Okay, so once we found Keely’s car, the trunk of it was open, and the car keys were still in the ignition.” One detective explains once everyone got settled at the dining room table. Keely’s mother put both of her hands over her mouth and this makes Kylie’s mother give her a comforting back rub.  “Now, we didn’t find Keely, but don’t lose so much hope, now we have a lead and we go from there, cops are going to search the area in the morning.” The other tells everyone. “Is there anything else? And does the press know about this?” Keely’s well-put together father asks the detectives. “Um, yeah, this note was found in the trunk, set out to Kylie.” The detective says while taking out the neon green sticky note. After he slides the note faced down on the table towards Kylie, she then picks it up and then turns it around. “What does it say?” Keely’s father asks Kylie who is now reading the note. Kylie then puts a hand over her mouth. It feels like a horror movie now, and Kylie is the final girl. “Come on Kylie, read it to us.” Kylie’s mom urges her while holding Keely’s mom’s hand. “Kylie, Kyls, I’m so scared, I’m locked in my own truck, they’ve glued my mouth shut and yes it was painful, please help me if you get this please, it’s three guys, I-I think I’ve seen them before please help me! – Keels.” Kylie says while reading the note again. Kylie’s brother stopped coloring in his coloring book at the kitchen island and looked at everyone being dead silent. “I-I, I need to go.” The now upset mother says while standing up. She then ran out of the dining room sobbing. “Josie hold on!” Kylie’s mom yells standing up and then runs after her. Kylie’s and Keely’s fathers both stood up and Keely’s father had a look of disappointment on his face. “Thank you, please find her, my wife and I just want our daughter home.” Keely’s father tells the detectives while shaking their hands. “Of course, we’re doing everything that we can.” One of the detectives says.  “Thank you.” Keely’s father says to them yet again while picking up his son. The two men nodded at him and then made their way towards the front door. Kylie walks to the living room and then sits down on the couch while holding the note that Keely has left her. “Oh, Keely, what on Earth are you going through?” Kylie asks out loud while hugging her knees close to the couch. Just then, Kylie’s mom walks in the living room, and lets out a sigh. She just feels pity for her poor daughter, but she has an idea, so she then walks further in the living room and gives a brooding Kylie a smile. “Today you have to decorate your parking spot, want to go to Michael’s when they open then get a good spot?” Kylie’s mom asks her while sitting down on the ottoman facing her daughter. Kylie’s mother just wants her daughter to get her mind somewhere else then on what just happened. Kylie then looks up at her mother and gives her a grin. “Yeah, sure, I would like that a lot.” Kylie says while her grin is growing some more. Kylie’s mother then gives her daughter a grin as well.
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