
The perfect wife

arranged marriage
Writing Academy

Moon white - a19 years old native girl. She lost her parents from her childhood. She is leave with our uncle and aunty. According to them she is just a burden nothing more. She is a have a cousin Elizabeth white. Who always bullying her. All of them treating her like a servant. She always done every household work to her uncle house. As usual they cannot take her education responsibility. But thanks to the Raymond night. Who treat her like his own grand daughter. He provide her education fees. He always sent money to uncle for her upbringing. But the money is shawoln by them. They never give her a single money which Raymond sent for her.


In the other hand William Knight who is the one and only grandson of Raymond night. He is the 25 years old billion. He take care all over the night Corporation. He is too much arrogant. Girls are only a f****** animal for him. She hate girls specially poor girls. Because of his mum who marry to his father , but after getting money c Run with another man and left him along with his father. After she left her father re-marry. The woman never love him. She always provoke his father to take him a boarding school. At the result is his grandfather took him Turkey with him. After that his grandfather take care him. He always treat him strictly. In his childhood he never got love to any woman. As the result is he always hate poor womens. According to him all the Womens are just a gold cracker.

But he always afraid of his grandfather.By the force of his grandfather he Mary Moon White. To the firstnight of their marriage he clearly said her that he her.

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Character sketch
Main  characters ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Moon White ---- ▪▪▪▪▪▪ A 19 years old native girl. She lost her parents from her childhood. She is leave with her uncle and aunty. Younger brother and his wife of her father). According to them she is just a burden nothing more. She is a have a cousin Elizabeth white. Who always bullying her. All of them treating her like a servant. She always done every household work to her uncle house. As usual they cannot take her education responsibility. But thanks to the Raymond Night. Who treat her like his own grand daughter. He provide her education fees. He always sent money to her uncle for her upbringing. But the money is shawoln by them. They never give her a single money which Raymond sent for her.  In the White family there was only her grandmother who love her very much. Because she is the one and only child of her elder son. Her mother is belong to India. And her father is belongs to Turkey. Her father is a normal service man. He is working in a night Corporation under Raymond Knight. But he always loved her and take care her very much. When her age was 4 years her father dead by accident. After that her mum started a nursing job in the knight family. She is a personal nurse of Raymond knight. She take care of him like her own father. Raimond also look her like his own daughter. But she is also lost her life for a brain tumor. Moon age is only eight this time. Police send her to her grandmother. But she lives with her younger son this time. Her uncle does not want to take her responsibility. But when Raymond said that he send the money for her upbringing they ready to pick her responsibility. They take her responsibility only for take the money from Raymond. Seen the childhood they always treat her badly. her grandmother always want to protect her but she is also helpless. after her husband death she is also the burden of her younger son head. The helpless grandmother only comfort her little granddaughter. She always told her that once a day her Prince Charming come and take her with him and treat all of them a good lesson who always Bully her. Little Moon always believe to her grandmother. When she grow up she also believe that once a day her dream boy come and all of a trouble of her shall be end. This day she told her uncle aunty and specially Elizabeth that what she is. She take all her Revenge of them. ●●●●●●●●●●●●●● In the other hand ,  William Knight  ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ who is the one and only grandson of Raymond night. He is the 25 years old billion. He take care all over the night Corporation. He is too much arrogant and dominating. He like to dominate everybody who are surrounded to him. Girls are only a f****** animal for him. She hate girls specially poor girls. Because of his mum who marry to his father , but after getting money she  Run with another man and left him along with his father. He is only 5 years old this time. All he remember that  he cry for  his mother  but his mother never  come to him.  After she left her father re-marry. Her stepmother never love him. Even she cannot tolerate him . Little William always want to call her mother but she never allow him. He always want to Grab her attention. But she is polite with him only in front of her husband. Otherwise she always treat him badly. Once a day he saw his stepmother  climb up with another man. After that he told this to his father but his father do not believe him. There was only his grandfather in the family who believe his word. But he does not want to interfere to his son personal life. After that day his stepmother always provoke his father to take him a boarding school. But Raymond never agree with this. At the result is his grandfather took him Turkey with him. After that his grandfather take care him. Taking care of a motherless  son  is a difficult job. Afraid that  he might be go in a wrong way Raymond always treat him strictly. In his childhood he never got love from any women. As the result is he always hate womens. According to him all the Womens are just a gold cracker. He always like that everyone submitted in front of him. But he always afraid of his grandfather. His grandfather is the only person who can control him. He never disrespect his grandfather. During to the years when he grown up to his grandfather house his father rarely come to meet him , this is the cause that he started hating to his father. ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●●● Supporting characters ▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪▪ Raymond Knight. ○○○○○○○○ The oldest master of Knight Corporation. In his life the one and only important person is William Knight. his one and only grandson. He knows that his grandson is becoming cruel and Heartless person. During to the betrayal of his parents. He believed that his grandson is a good hearted person. But the cruel atmosphere and life make him like this. He knows that one day a princess come to his grandson life and make him happy. He completely changed his grandson personality. Again start believing womens and love. And he knows the women who changed his grandson. The girl name is Moon White. She is the daughter of Lisa White. Who is Raymond personal nurse. Raymond always treat him like his daughter. She is so kind and pure hearted , hard working and the royal wife. She always love her husband , her family and take care all her responsibility. Moon is completely like her mother. Raymond believes that she is become a good wife and good grand daughter in law of him. He decided that he give William hand to Moon hand. He decided very early he just waited for the time when Moon is become adult.

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