
An Alpha's Love And Fire


“How can you know that when you haven’t even tried?” I questioned.

She sighed and glanced at the ground for a moment before meeting my gaze again, pain evident in her eyes. How broken she appeared. Despite having her mark removed, she had lost herself.

“I pour my heart into everything I do,” she confessed. “I pour my soul into it, and I can’t take that risk because I know the outcome.”

“You don’t know,” I insisted.

“But I do. I do know.”

“Cecilia...” I began.

“Don’t... Don’t give me some long speech about why I should give this a chance,” she interrupted. “I can’t...”

“Why?” I implored.

“Because I’ll fall in love with you,” she admitted.

I stood there stunned, surprised to hear her say those words. It was everything I desired—her love. I wanted her to fall in love with me, and I knew she saw it in my eyes. She knew I wanted her to.

Okay, forget dinner. We’re taking her straight to the bedroom. No, wait... Forget the bedroom. Use the wall, the floor. She can be on top, so she doesn’t have to lie on it! We’re going to make her fall in love with us right now!

I almost wanted to laugh because I felt so elated, knowing without a doubt my mate would fall in love with me. But Cecilia didn’t look happy. She appeared scared, or... terrified.


Lucian has long yearned to find his mate, but it seems the Goddess has other plans. Despite his hopes that Angela might be the one, bringing a flicker of light into his life overshadowed by tragedy and his uncle's dark secrets, it was not to be. Numbing his pain through fleeting connections, Lucian never expected an ordinary day to change everything. When a mysterious stranger enters his life, he realizes she may not be a stranger at all.

Cecilia knows the agony of having her heart ripped from her chest—quite literally. Determined never to feel such pain again, she buries herself in work. Yet, when her luna, Lara, invites her to the castle, she meets Lucian, her second chance. Despite her resistance, she finds herself unable to reject him, but Lucian is not one to give up easily.

Can Cecilia overcome her fears and let love in once more? And what will happen when Lucian's dark past refuses to stay buried?

*Book Thirteen*

Recommended to first read: A Bite From An Alpha King, A Beta's Undying Love, A Second Chance Mate, A Luna's Broken Heart, An Alpha's Choice, An Alpha's Dark Secret, A Luna's Power, An Alpha's Favor, A Beta's Half-Blood, A Spiritual's Mark, A Queen's Dark Prison, and An Alpha King's Revenge.

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Chapter 1: An Invite
Note: This series is a darker werewolf series not following the usual "plot" of fated mates. Be aware of darker elements such a described violence, k*dnapping, death, cheating (not between main characters) and death. -Cecilia- It was drizzling lightly as I began my morning run, but I paid no mind to it. I consistently rose early for my routine jog. The sun had barely risen as I navigated through the woods, relishing the gentle summer breeze caressing my warm skin, keeping me refreshed as I pushed my limits. Ascending a small hill, I came to a halt, feeling my heart racing within my chest. Oddly, it was in these moments that I felt somewhat alive. I had anticipated a sense of liberation upon severing ties with my former mate, yet I found myself confronted with an emptiness. That was why I had returned. That was why I had stopped travelling around the world. Nothing seemed capable of filling the void… nothing except one thing, and I was resolved never to revisit that path again. Never again would I permit someone to shatter my heart and soul, and I knew I could expect no aid from the Spirituals. Since Selene’s incident, they had ceased their assistance. I had heard they had facilitated Kate’s reunion with her mate, but it did not unfold as anticipated. Instead of drawing Chris to her, she was transported to the other realm. It was unjust… Yet, at least there was peace now. However, no one triumphed in a war, unfortunately. It always exacted its toll, but with Connor’s absence, things had quieted down. It had only been a few months. It was mid-August, and it felt serene. Finally, one could draw a deep breath without the fear of betrayal lurking. However, being the beta, I couldn’t afford much relaxation. With Lara consumed by work, I found myself equally engrossed... albeit with some changes. Since Lara reconciled with James, she had become more adept at balancing her priorities, not solely fixated on work. Now, I toiled almost as much as she did. I couldn’t comprehend how she could forgive him. I, more than anyone, understood the anguish of never being someone’s primary choice, despite being true mates. How could she simply take him back?! I couldn’t fathom it, and I actively avoided James whenever possible, for just his presence ignited a fury within me, and he was, after all, the alpha. I couldn’t risk provoking him, given my inability to temper my words. I sighed softly as I observed the sunrise. It was a breathtaking sight, its warm rays instantly soothing my skin as the rain gradually abated. I knew it was time to return. There were tasks awaiting me. I turned on my heel and headed back to the house. I knew most people were still asleep. Some pack members resided beyond our territory, which had become quite common these days, given the dwindling forest and our departure from our former primitive ways. Hence, they often came to the house, seeking companionship. It felt good to be part of a pack again. I had found acceptance in one when I discovered my other mate. Prior to that, I lived as a lone wolf, akin to my mother. She had borne a child with my father, a beta, who had never truly acknowledged either of us. Like me, my mother lacked the requisite status, but this time, I belonged to a pack I genuinely cherished. I made my way to my room, swiftly showered, donned a pair of blue jeans and a dark t-shirt, then slipped into sneakers before heading to Lara’s office. She had yet to rise, which struck me as odd, until I noticed two glasses on her desk, indicating James’s presence. So, that explained her tardiness. Whenever her mate was around, she tended to stay up late and sleep in. They tried to spend as much time together as possible, especially now that James’s commitments to the king had eased with Connor’s departure. Things were running more smoothly, affording him more leisure time. I tidied up her desk before settling in front of my computer, occupying her vacant seat, and commencing my work. *** “Cecilia?” I turned towards the sound, finding Lara standing beside me. I wasn’t sure how much time had elapsed, but I realized I had zoned out. It happened frequently, and I swiftly redirected my attention to my computer. “Good morning, Luna,” I greeted, returning to my typing. “When did you wake up?” Lara inquired, taking a seat. “Around 3:30, as usual,” I replied. “A bit later during winter.” “Remember to get some rest, okay?” she urged. I nodded. “Certainly.” I glanced up from my screen to find her studying me. “Is something the matter?” I inquired. Lara tapped her finger against the desk before shaking her head. “Nothing’s wrong. I just want to ensure you remember to rest as well.” “I do, Luna,” I assured her. “I always thought I rose early,” she remarked. “Well, you had a visitor,” I pointed out. Lara’s smile widened, and I witnessed a transformation before me. While she typically exuded control and a tough demeanor, the mere mention of James seemed to fill her with a giddy joy. I struggled to comprehend the depth of her affection for him, considering how he had disappointed her. How could she trust him? “Yeah, he stopped by late,” she confirmed. “So, you likely stayed up late,” I pointed out, keeping my focus on the computer screen. “Yeah,” she acknowledged. I sensed the unspoken sentiment in her voice. We both understood why they had lingered late into the night, but I saw no need to address it. We weren’t “girlfriends” who shared every detail of our lives. We were simply a beta and luna working together. Nothing more. I didn’t have many friends, and I was content with that. I preferred solitude. “So, any plans for tonight?” Lara inquired. “Are your father and brothers coming over?” I asked, assuming she might invite me to join them for a meal. I had declined a few times before. While her family was pleasant, I preferred being on my own, especially considering her brothers’ tendency to be flirtatious. I had no desire to be the object of their affections. “No,” she replied. “I’m heading to the castle.” “Oh… Need me to take care of anything?” I continued working without even glancing at her. “I thought perhaps you might like to come,” she suggested. My fingers halted, and I slowly looked up, finding Lara watching me with a faint smile. “Why?” I questioned. I had only been to the castle, perhaps twice before, and only on occasions of great importance when the king and Lara needed to discuss matters. The most recent visit had been a few weeks after the war ended. Apart from Selene, I didn’t know any of the other residents there. Everyone else remained a stranger to me, some I hadn’t even crossed paths with. “Because I believe you should join,” she insisted. “Why?” I persisted. Her smile widened slightly. “So you don’t have to spend your time alone,” she replied. “I’m fine,” I reiterated. “Come on, Cecilia. It’s great there. It’s really quite fun, and it’s just dinner,” she urged. “I don’t see why I should come. I don’t know them,” I argued. “But you could get to know them,” she countered. I shook my head. “I think I’ll pass.” “Why? Why would you prefer to be alone? What’s enjoyable about that?” she prodded. I sighed and closed my eyes briefly, unsure of how to explain it to her. She couldn’t possibly understand what it felt like. I had thought I was liberated when my mark was removed, but gradually, a sense of emptiness engulfed me, and I became numb. I knew a part of me was missing, one I couldn’t reclaim without risking my heart again. “Because that’s how I like it,” I replied, meeting her gaze. “I don’t want you to be alone and work,” she insisted. “I want you to come with me and meet the others.” “Why is this suddenly so important to you?” I questioned. She shrugged. “Perhaps because there’s finally peace,” she suggested. “Finally, we can relax a little and have some fun. Come with me tonight. Just once. Give it a try, and if you don’t enjoy it, I won’t ask again.” “Never?” I clarified. “Never again,” she affirmed, smiling. I sighed in resignation. “Fine, but only this once.” Lara nodded happily, and then we returned to our work.

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