Chapter 10: On the Run

1782 Words
Madeline's POV I stared at the ceiling waiting for time to pass by. I just needed the perfect moment to escape. One mistake and he might send me back to the scary, dark room or even try to hurt me again. I tilted my head to the side and watched Tamir's mouth open slightly. He was starting to fall asleep. I smiled mischievously. Just a few more minutes and he won't hear a thing.  As the minutes passed by which felt like hours, I noticed that he was deep asleep. I slowly pulled the covers off while watching him cautiously.  My feet came off the bed in turtle pace and then went my legs. I slowly pulled myself off and froze when he moved. "What are you doing?" he asked groggily  his hair sticking up in all directions.  I pretended to sound fake sleepy, "Just going to the bathroom." "Oh. You better be by my side," he said again his voice hoarse. It sounded sexy but that's not the point. I didn't reply. I walked towards the bathroom and glanced back to see him fall back asleep. I saw a window in the bathroom and thought about escaping from there but I know it would make too much noise. I would have to escape from the bedroom door. I stood in front of the bathroom door staring at the door. I looked at the bed, the door then back at the bed. I watched him when I made my first step. Then, my second and third and next thing I knew I was holding on to the knob with my palms sweaty. Run! I opened the door and closed it lightly behind me. As much as I wanted to run away, I had to be careful and quiet. I'd do all the running and happy yelling once I left. I stepped on to the cold, white marble floor and looked in front of me as the big, white staircase descended down into expensive rug. I quickly rushed down the stairs without looking back.  Marcos's POV I moved Azaria's dark curls away from my face and let go of her hip. "Where are you going?" she asked. I looked into her big, hazel eyes as she fake pouted. "I just need to ask Jayson a question," I said putting on my shirt.  She gave me a look and then laid back on the bed. I walked out of the room and as I walked down the hallway, I felt a sudden wave of fear. I stopped.  What was wrong with me? There was absolutely no way I was scared for no reason so why was I feeling like this? I turned around to head back to the room. "What's wrong? Why are you scared?" I asked Azaria crouching down to bed level. "What? I'm not scared," she said. I looked at her in confusion. Only way I could feel the exact fear of somebody was if I was near them or they were my mate but in this case I wasn't near Azaria. "Find your mate now! She's scared and looking for you," my wolf growled. "Who is it? Could she be here?" I asked my wolf.  "Look around downstairs," he said. I quickly left the room. "Hey what's wrong?" I could hear Azaria call out behind me. I stopped and looked around because she was half-dressed. "Zari, get back in the room. I'll tell you later." She came closer to me and pressed her lips against mine. "Okay papi," she said and smiled. I smiled back and let out a little snort from the nickname she just called me. I finally walked away and was met with the booming sound of music and smell of alcohol. "Partay! Whooooo!" I could hear Jayson yell. I looked around everywhere bumping into crowded people as some looked up realizing who I was. I looked at the glass door and felt like the one person I was looking for wasn't there. I made my way towards Kat and her group of friends. "Hey, where is your little friend?" I asked. "Which one?" "Blonde hair nice eyes?" I said hoping she would recognize. "Oh, Maddy!" I don't know where she is. I've been looking for her everywhere. I saw her talking to some hot dude though," she said. "Who?" I demanded strangely jealous. "I don't know. He looked foreign. I think he was Arab." I froze. There was a only one name that I could think of but there was no way. I looked around for Jayson and found him near the drinks. I walked to him and grabbed him by the shirt.  Everybody stopped and looked up. Kat looked at me confused. "I need you Kat. Only you," I said as Jayson struggled with his shirt. I opened the door, slammed it behind me and threw Jayson on the grass. He quickly got up and cleaned the dirt off his shirt angrily. "Dude!" he said his eyes black. He charged towards me and I grabbed his neck.  "Jayson, stop fighting back!" Kat warned. She glanced at me pleadingly. I let go of him and he walked a few steps away from me. "How could you let him in?" I said raging. "Let who in?" Kat and Jayson said simultaneously. "Tamir." They both looked at each other and Jayson's eyes widened. "I should've known when I saw him! I'm so dumb," Kat said. "This is why you need to stop drinking," Jayson said pointing to her as he came closer to her. "You're drunk too i***t. This was all your idea," she said and he turned back around to look at me. "It's all my fault. I should've kept my eyes on her," I said. Jayson looked at me then at his sister. "Who?" "Madeline," I said. "He has her? I will kill that bastard! Dude, what if he has her because of what happened with his mate?" Jayson said. "You know that was an accident Jay," I said swallowing my nerves. "What are we going to do?" Kat said. "His house is far but I don't care. When I get there I swear I will rip him up," I said. "How did he even get to take her?" Jayson mused. Kat shrugged. "Are you bringing Azaria? She might want to know what's going on," she said as she looked up at the window. I followed her eyes and saw that Azaria was standing in front of the window listening. "Hey," Jayson said looking at her in admiration. "Holy s**t, she's half naked," he whispered to Kat. "Hi, Jayson" she smiled.  Kat rolled her eyes. "She will never want you buddy," Kat said. Jayson's smile faded. "Zari," I called out. She looked at me, "put your clothes on we're looking for somebody." "I know. I heard. Just bring her back. I don't want to go," she said. I could hear the jealousy in her tone. "If you don't come with me, then you're not sleeping at my house." She rolled her eyes. "Fine." Madeline's POV "Thank you, thank you, thank you," I repeated over and over as I ran down the road barefoot. I'd have to find the nearest gas station because I saw one near Tamir's house. I watched my feet in case I stepped on something sharp. Looking at the woods, I realized how dark and scary it was to be walking around like this at probably 3 AM. I heard the faint sound of an owl and the trees moving back and forth in the wind. Then, I heard that low growl of an animal I never thought I would encounter. My head snapped towards the woods and I saw big, red eyes. A small black wolf sauntered towards me and I took steps back. I froze where I was hoping the animal did nothing to me. It came so close that I could feet the heat coming out of it's snout on my leg. The wolf stepped back and whined like a dog crying. How is this thing not biting me? Instead it's walking away. I looked at the animal strangely and it walked away from me. Did it decide to not do anything to me? I slowly walked away from the wolf, now jogging down the road. It's been almost an hour since I left that evil house. I saw the old, little gas station come into view and my heartbeat increased. Finally! Somwhere safer than where I was before. I dashed towards the store and pulled open the door. The person in the front desk looked at me weirdly. "Do you have a bathroom?" I asked him. The man in his late 40s nodded and pointed to the back. Before I was about to go, I asked him one more thing. "Where am I?"  "Hasar Bec Province," he said. "Huh?" "A bunch of rich Arabians and whites," he said. I nodded and walked off towards the girls bathroom. I walked into the bathroom and it smelled like toilet paper and old wood. I looked in the mirror seeing that the wounds on my face were still there. Many minutes passed by and I was still staring at myself in the mirror, not sure what to do. I walked into a stall and when I was about to use it, somebody walked in. I heard the sound of a girl. I finished up and opened the door looking at the girl in front of me. She had long, black hair and hazel eyes. Her face was so familiar but I couldn't recognize who it was. Then it hit me. "Azaria," I said and came closer to her. She turned around and stared at me. "Azaria please help me. Is your car with you?" I asked. "Nope, I magically walked here." I was taken back at her smart remark and realized that she probably didn't like me. "I'm serious. Please there's this guy who had me locked up! Where's Marcos? Is he here?" I rushed. "Shut up. He's not here. There's nothing I could do, sorry," she said and quickly walked away. The door closed and I stood frozen at my spot. Go after her! I opened the door and looked to follow her but she ran out the door already. I rushed outside and saw a black car pulling away. It was Marcos's car. She lied!  I watched as the car speed-ed to the direction that I came from. To the exact place where I was locked up. Tamir's house. My lips parted and I hadn't noticed how betrayed I felt until I started crying. I felt like a little, lost girl. 
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