Chapter 11: Devil in Disguise

1109 Words
Madeline's POV Now I didn't know what to do so I turned around and walked back into the store wiping my cheeks. The man looked up at me. "What's wrong hun?" he asked. "Nothing. Can I use your phone?" I asked. The guy pulled out a phone from his back pocket and handed it to me. "Where do you live? You look very lost," he said. "I live in Connors Hill," I said. "Well that's far. What are you doing here?" "Some crazy guy named Tamir kidnapped me," I said. "That's my step cousin," he said, "don't worry though. I don't like him so you are safe with me." All my senses relaxed. I dialed David's number hoping he was still awake eating or doing something in the kitchen. It kept ringing and ringing and then I finally heard his voice. "Hello?" he said chewing on something. "David! You're still awake?" I asked. "Yeah, I can't stop watching this TV show. What's wrong?" he asked. "I'm lost in Hasar Bec Province. Do you think you could pick me up?" I asked. He paused on the other line. "Hello?" "What in the world are you doing all the way there? If your mother knew, she would freak out Maddy." "She would not freak out unless you don't tell her," I said. "Okay. I'll be there as fast as I can," he said. I thanked him and hung up. "You're leaving?" asked the guy. "Want something from the store before you leave? It's free, don't worry. You look like you don't have any money on you," he smiled. "The microwave is behind me." I walked up and down the aisles and finally found some Mac & Cheese. I went back to the guy. I put the snack in the microwave and took a seat while eating cookies. I had not realized how hungry I was until now. "So how did you meet Tamir?" the guy asked, "by the way my name is Mohammed." I nodded. "He walked up to me at my friend's house party and asked me if I wanted ice cream. I don't know what he wants from me but he told me that I was something special to Marcos," I said. "Oh, I'm guessing he's talking about Alpha Marcos. Marcos is a good guy but can defintely put up a fight when he's angry," Mohammed said. "What's up with everyone using the word Alpha?" I asked weirdly. The microwave beeped. "You don't know what that is?" Mohammed asked skeptically. I peeled the hot cover off and looked at him. "You're human," he said like he just concluded something. "Yeah. I'm human. Just like you," I said. "No," he paused, "I mean yes." "Are you drunk buddy? We're both human. Not something supernatural," I laughed. "Maybe you should have a talk with your friends from Connors Hill," he said. "I sure will," I said and stuffed my mouth with the cheesy heaven. Mohammed turned the TV on for me to watch and then started counting money. A few minutes later, he looked up outside the window. "What?" I said peeking to see. There was a black car stationed outside. "That's Tamir. Go hide in the back hurry," Mohammed said and I ran into the door behind me. He closed it and locked it. The room was dark but I tried to hide the best that I could. "Where is she?" I heard Tamir's angry voice roar. My heart beat increased and I was so afraid to even breathe. "A young girl came into my store asking for my phone but she left half an hour ago. She still might be walking down the road or her mother might have picked her up." Tamir swore. "Try looking. I wish you luck," Mohammed said but little did he know I was hiding behind a door. "Thank you cousin," Tamir said and I heard silence. He must've left right? I tip-toed towards the door and pressed my ear on the door. It was silent. Where was Mohammed? "Don't go," my conscience told me. I shook my head. I have to go! I slowly opened the door and looked up. My heart stopped. Tamir was holding a gun to Mohammed's head and he looked at me angrily. Black pits swirling in his eyes. My palms became sweaty and I thought I would faint at any moment. "Mohammed, you thought you could get away with it?" Tamir spat. I searched Mohammed's eyes and saw pity and sadness. "Let him go and you can have me," I said trembling. "Tamir, you're dishonoring our family," Mohammed said in a low voice. "I don't give a f**k. You guys never cared about me anyways. I should kill you, you know that right?" Tamir said pressing the gun on his ear. "Stop it!" I said. Tamir's head snapped back to me and he looked at me in disgust. His eyes bored into mine and I felt bad for Mohammed by the second. Tamir's eyes trailed lower and my eyes watered. With a loud thud, Mohammed fell to the floor and and I then noticed that Tamir had hit his head with the gun. "Come over here," he demanded. "No." "Here or I'll shoot," Tamir warned leveling the gun up again. I slowly walked towards him and then felt a pull on my hair. "Ow!" I cried out. "I'm going to leave you in the cold, dark room you stupid bitch." I closed my eyes and ripped his hands away from me. "Do not touch me," I warned. Tamir grabbed my arm roughly and pushed me in front of him. I forced my legs to move towards the exit door. I was hoping that David magically popped up out of nowhere and killed Tamir but I knew that was just a silly thought. I opened the door into the cool night. The moonlight was shining bright over the gas station. "Oh moon goddess," Tamir said. I rolled my eyes. Now he thinks he's a werewolf too? I laughed. "What's so funny?" Tamir asked and I looked up at his black car. "You're acting like you're some type of werewolf or something talking to the moon goddess," I said quoting the last two words. "Wake up buddy, it's the real world." "Real world, huh?" Tamir said backing up and leaving me standing near the  car. "Wait, what are you doing?" "I'm showing you the real world," Tamir said taking his belt off. "Wait, you actually think you're a werewolf?" I said almost choking. "Wow. You really don't believe in supernaturals, do you?" Tamir said. "I don't care." "Ready?" He asked.
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