Chapter 3 :: Leaving a part of life behind

935 Words
In present Ughh! I'm running late again f*** Damn!...why am i always so sleepy and bloody lazy all the time wearing my pencil skirt and checkered shirt and fisting my hair up in a pony, i ran out of my room taking my file and car keys,.......straight to my car. when i arrived at my office, my eyes instantly turned to my watch, holly s**t! I was running 20 minuets late!!! Boss would so upset. muttering some very unladylike curses i went to my cabin with my head down praying no one would notice me at all!!..... and next none did, Thanks to my not so happening look PHEWW!.. thank god she didn't see me coming this late...... ---------- So,.....time ran fast and it's 4pm already! After completing my assigned work of today i started working on my next scheduled works when i leave this company at least they'll have little time to choose secretary and work won't be pending so nobody suffers. Yeah! you heard me right.....I'm leaving this job! It's just too much pressure right now......Ma often complained and yesterday morning even Farhana did. But I'll not be leaving for that nope, it's just I'm simply bored, I'll look for something else..... somewhere else, when my work was done, it was almost 8. Usually my time's up at 7,....And today ma will be furious Locking all my works in my drawers, i switched of the lights and then i locked my cabin before i went straight to my boss's office. To talk about for my RESIGNATION my heartbeat skyrocketed...... relax Mayur! it's just a resignation.....she'll not eat you alive, right! with a straight spine and confidence, i walked towards her chamber, knocked on the door and waited for her reply. "come in" Her faint voice answered I went inside,.....She was sitting in front of the computer typing something. when i didn't say anything she gave me a questioning look! "Uh! Good morning boss" I said in a overly cheering voice She just raised an eyebrow, while looking behind me at the wall clock!.... And i followed her eyes too.. Errrr.... It was 7:50 P.M.! what is wrong with you Mayur. where my boss is looking at me with amused face! Oh! "Done talking to yourself!???" She asked, her full attention was on me this time "Err....good evening boss! How are you today!" "I'm tell me! you didn't go home, what are you here for ?" She asked "umm... I want to resign" I whispered with my head down. Damn, my nails are really pretty,.....Yes! the half eaten baby nails very interesting looking! I waited for her to reply but nothing came!!! slowly i craned my neck up to see a shocked and worried expression on her face "why!" She asked "Did something happened ?" She asked further! "NO! umm nothing happened!" My voice came out in squeak Gosh! how to explain this! "yes! I'm listening" she said encouragingly "Iamgettingmarried" I said in one breath....only to realise that what i said was wrong "What" "Err....i mean! My cousin....My cousin is getting married" "Yeah!? And ?" She asked again frowning "Oh! Umm actually it's in India, you see!.... We're going back to our home and i don't know when will we be returning..... So! There'll be lots of people, and ummm.. Functions, and we'll be travelling a lot.....I guess It'll take at least a month! So! i _ "you are bored" She stated with a deadpanned look i knew it, that's exactly what i was worried about......she'll catch me! "Yeah! i want to resign because of that" I huffed and said "And don't worry,..I've completed next weeks work too so that will not be a burden on company.....but it's true we are going to India" I rushed out and she let out a relived huff and genuine yet half hearted smile "alright, if that is what you want and Thank you, you have no idea how much it meant for me....but are you sure" She said with a sigh and a soft smile "I __i don't’s just.....um____never you mind" I couldn’t finish my sentence and a sigh left my mouth Emmy hart, my boss a beautiful black woman in nearly her 50, but when see her you wouldn’t believe that for how beautiful and fit she looks.......a tough lady who really got close to me since i started here and I'm glad that i did.... she was nothing but patient and kind and compassionate to me. She chose me knowing fully well that i had no experience at all yet she trusted me....... "Ok then bye! I'll submit my resignation Tomorrow" I said while getting out of her cabin I was about to go when she stopped me.... "wait at least give your ex boss a final good bye hug" She said spreading her arms. And i melted... I walked right into her arm taking her bear hug "and I'm gonna miss know that ?" She said rocking me into her hug "Yep.....not everybody can cope with your moods" I chuckled mischievously "shut uuuppp" She playfully swatted "by then" "" and when I left for my home, i was already late...It is already 9 pm. Ma would kill me with her talks........beta why are you late, why don't you come home in time, what did you eat in the morning, how was work, why don't you work with your dad and dee.....ughhh! damn it I'm in no mood her chikchik yaaar! i don't know how am i supposed to tell her that i have never_____ "Damn it"
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