Chapter 4 Meeting Ember

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Ronan's POV I watch the waitress named Nikki, walk away as I look over at Sean and Roary. I think that waitress may be Brendan's mate because why else would he come in here every single day to see one woman and obviously she was in a bad relationship so maybe thats why.. but if I'm correct that f*#ks s**t up for me and my mate. I explain to them as they both nod knowing that I'm in a pickle for sure. But we have known that for a while hence why we are here. I thought you said you didn't want a mate anyways so isn't this better somehow? With her not being werewolf she won't even know your her mate. Sean explains to me as I nod and continue to watch my mate across the room. She is stunningly beautiful to say the least. Her eyes are bright and green like apples and they pop out even more with her long red hair. I notice she has tattoos on her arms but with her sleeves they are hard to see since they are mostly covered up.. but the one tattoo I can kind of see looks like a wild life scene and maybe an animal in the middle of it but it's on her side and mostly under her shirt covering the masterpiece up. I want to take a look at that.. it's intriguing for sure. How could you even consider having Rose over her, she is mesmerizing and the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Cormac says in my head and I can't argue with that because he is correct. She is so amazingly beautiful to say the least but it's my duty to marry Rose if I can't get Brendon to. I try to explain to him but he just huffs getting mad at me once again, hating the idea of that and sadly enough so am I.. not at the fact of having Rose or being King now.. but suprisingly enough about the fact that I can't have my mate.. I want her and I want her bad and that's a complete understatement. I watch my mate walk over to the table putting her hands to each side of the table asking, "Who is ready for another session.. of practice." She says playfully to the guys as she slaps money down on the table top and sliding her hips back and forth in her tiny ripped up jean shorts making me feel like I'm in a trance staring at her voluptuous curves. I stand up and before I even know what I'm doing. I'm right behind her and I take a grip, fully grasping her bubble butt of an ass.. It's so yummy I want to take a straight bite out of that or use it as a pillow.. yes a pillow. But she quickly grabs my hand and turning it all the way back and around until it's almost to the point of breaking it. But somehow I'm not scared. She locks me into a seriously stern look, securing me into a gaze with those already hypnotizing green orbs. "Now now, We don't touch things that aren't ours... so I don't know where you're from, but around here we only give respect to people who earn it by giving respect first.. and grabbing what isn't yours is very disrespectful. So before I break your hand you better learn to keep your hands to yourself.. unless given permission of course." She says to me as I'm in some sort of shock loving the tingling shocks she is sending through my hand and arm, just by touching skin to skin. She notices this too as she keeps staring curiously at our hands and then back to my eyes. "Do you need us to get rid of him Ember?" The guys ask from behind her as she stares at me for a moment. "No, thank you guys.. I'm hoping that he has a brain under this beautiful head of hair and hopefully learns from his mistakes.. So this is your one and only warning Irishman, keep your hands to yourself, if I wanted them on me you would know." She says staring up at me in the most intense locked gaze of my life just taking my breathe away. "So why do they call you Ember?" I ask curiously in such close proximity. She steps closer putting her hand to my chest gently before replying, "It's because I'm a very hot fire that burns so bright, that if you get to close you're going to get burned." She says in the sexiest tone I have ever heard that makes me rock hard as I watch her lips move so sensually saying that to me. I don't know what to say as my mouth opens and shuts in shock as she giggles and says playfully, "But they mostly call me Ember because that's my name." The guys around her laugh at that part of the comment as she takes her money off of the table and says, "Nikki I'm going out for a sec, I'll be right back." She turns and walks away from me and out the back door. I slowly trail across the room and back to the table, sitting down abruptly as my guys laugh at me. "Well that went well huh? How does it feel to have every woman under your thumb except for the one woman you want?" Roary asks humorously as I flip him off. "So you do want her?" Sean asks as I quietly nod. "Well we need to talk to your brother and your mother, I think she is your best bet on getting your father to cancel the proposal so you can be with your mate." Sean states as I groan and nod. "She is human, things are different it's not like our world where I can just pick her up, flip her over my shoulder and take her with me to a whole new life. I have to win her over, but that's if I can, you see how she is towards me.. maybe she doesn't even want me.. it's been known for mates to not want each other and reject them." I explain as Sean states. "Well maybe in this week here, we can look for your brother and try to take care of that while you try to win your mate over and if she rejects you, you still have the proposal to fall back on.. like a back up plan." I nod at that but this will be easier said than done for sure. I watch the door swing open and in comes the one person we have been looking for.. my brother. I think he smells me because he instantly locks his gaze on mine. "Ro!" He says in his booming voice as I quickly stand and he pulls me into his comforting brotherly embrace. We both hug each other tight really missing each other. "Ro what are you doing here?!" He asks me with so much shock in his voice. I pat the seat next to me as he sees who I'm with and hugs Sean and Roary. He takes the seat at the next table but not at ours curiously. "Sorry but Nikki has to be my waitress and this is Ember's table." He explains to us as Nikki walks up to us and Brendan turns around excitedly staring at her. "Hey Nikki looking absolutely stunning as usual.. when are you going to dump that abusive drunk and give me a chance? You deserve better than his beatings." He says so protectively over her as she smiles big and responds, "Ember almost chopped off his balls earlier when he came in here today grabbing me so hopefully he is gone for sure now.. since he wouldn't leave when I wanted him to." She explains to him. He nods in understanding as he says back, "I told you I would get rid of him for you just because of the fact that he hit you of course." He says even more defensively to her as she smiles bigger. "I know you're just so sweet and I wouldn't want to drag you into my chaos of a life.. but since he is finally gone now.. um.. maybe we can try this... you know see where it goes." She says sweetly to him as his eyes light up like a kid in a candy shop. "I would love that!" He exclaims to her as she giggles and says, "I'll get you your usual Brendan." "You're perfect thank you." He says to her as she walks away then smiling back at us. "So the big bad wolf found his mate?" I ask as he vigorously nods his head still staring at her across the room. "So has Ronan." Sean says slapping my arm as I shake my head at him. "You have? Thats great! On our pack lands?" He asks as I shake my head. I can smell her amazing musk before I can even see her. "Hey guys here's your food just enjoy and let me know if you need anything.. don't hesitate to ask." Ember says to us gaining our full attention as the guys nod and I say, "Thank you so much Ember. This looks amazing." She winks down at me, then walks away. "Ember is your mate?!" Brendan asks with so much shock. "Shhh I haven't said anything to her yet, I just figured it out. looking for your ass.. and all she is doing is making things more complicated on me. So I don't know what to do right now." I say to him as he looks more confused. Nikki brings back his drink as he winks at her and she smiles back, "So have you met my little brother Ronan? and his best friends Sean and Roary?" He asks her as she shakes our hands politely then responds, "He said he came to talk to you but I didn't know if he was lying or not about being your brother." She says to him as he smiles and states, "He wasn't lying he is my little brother." She smiles then says, "I'll be back I have to take care of my other tables but it was nice meeting you guys." We smile and nod at her as she leaves for the other tables. "So you're here to talk to me?" Brendan asks curiously as I let out a deep breath. "I'm here to see if you will come back and take your place as king so I don't have to.. but you found your mate so I'm sure that's not possible and I have found my mate so I don't know how I could even do this.. because I have to be King now that you don't want to.. So I don't have a choice.. but I hate Rose and don't want to be with her and goddess look at Ember she is gorgeous and doesn't take anyone's s**t and is such a challenge already." I say to no one in particular. "Yeah she is not giving into any of his hitting on her tactics that normally work, so she is really giving him a run for his money.. we don't even know if she wants him at this point." Roary says so playfully to my brother as he scoffs and says, "What the ladies man whisperer can't get this lady easily? How ironic. Good! You need someone to push your limits and give you a run.. go work for her and take her home with you to the pack. How can da deny you now that you actually have your mate? Or at least talk to ma first about it to get her on yer side. That will probably be ya best bet." Brendan explains as I scoff. "That's if she wants me and as of right now it sounds like she would reject me the first chance she got if she knew how." I say to them as Brendan looks at me like I'm stupid. "So what? I have been here for about 3 weeks straight every single day talking with Nikki and trying to win her over and I barely just got my foot in the door. You can work at getting your mate if you really want her." He says so knowingly to me as I think about it. "So there is no way your coming back to be king?" I ask him as he shakes his head. "You knew there was no chance when you came here.. but nice try.. I just finally got my chance with her and I'm not missing it. You know you would be a better king anyways I have never been good at any of that.. so now it's your turn to figure out what you want in life and work for it either way.. sorry little bro.. but Nikki is who I want in life, not a kingdom." He responds pretty quickly making me groan. "I did figure that.. but I also missed you man, I hate not having my brother around." I state to him as I hear, "Brendan's your brother?" from Ember as I can't help but just nod at her being always stunned by her beauty. "Yup Ember. This is my little bro Ronan!" Brendan says shuffling my hair around as I groan hitting his hand away. She giggles getting all of my attention at that melodic sound. "Besides the accent of course, I can see you both have similar facial features.. so I could believe it. But I like the beard way better than the clean cut no offense Brendan." She responds gently touching my beard and I let her.. as Brendan says, "Yes I could see that, but he is the lucky one for getting our ma's stunning sapphire blue eyes.. and I got our da's." "They are beautiful for sure and my favorite color too, but they remind me of someone." She says curiously. "Who?" I ask without hesitation. She lifts up the side of her shirt exposing the tattoo I was so curious about before.. Showing me a tattoo of a wolf that looks exactly like my wolf Cormac down to a T.. including the plain black fur with hints of gray through it and with my same sapphire blue eyes. I'm in complete shock that she would have a tattoo of my wolf on her whole side. Holy s**t that's me. She has me on her! Cormac yells in my head like an excited little puppy who heard he has a treat coming his way. "That's beautiful.. where did you get the idea?" I ask nervously as she shrugs and says, "It might sound weird but I have had the same dream since I can remember all my life and it always has him in it with me.. and I think he is beautiful so I drew this by memory and got it tattooed onto me." She says so casually as a guy gets her attention across the room. "Sorry please excuse me and I'll be back." She says to us as she walks away. Once she is put of range to hear us the guys looks at me with just as much shock on their faces. "She has Cormac as a tattoo on her hot body!" Sean states to me as if I didn't notice. "Yea she does.." I say thinking about this.. it keeps getting more and more complicated than what I ever thought. "So if that isn't proof you're meant to be together than I don't know what is. She loves beards and your eyes which ends up being her favorite color.. With a Cormac tattoo on her side because she dreams of him every single night." Brendan says in my ear as I feel my heart racing getting nervous at that idea alone. I don't know how I'm going to do this at all. "Ember is a badass for sure I have seen her kick so much ass in this place, that I think she would be the only human able to handle a werewolf pack if we can figure out how to convince da." Brendan says to me as I get a curious look on my face. "She knows how to fight? Wonder where she learned it.. wait WE? You're going to help me?" I ask him in shock as he nods his head. "I won't come back to be king.. you deserve that because I know you will be a better king than I could ever be.. but maybe we can figure out a way to get rid of this proposal for you to get your lady.. if she wants you of course. But I of course want a happy ending for my little Ro and I would love to see her kick your ass if she doesn't want you.." He states playfully as I scoff and elbow him in the gut pretty hard making him groan. "Now now, play nice handsome... if you don't, then I'll be forced to kick you out and we both know you don't want that right?" Ember says walking to my side as the guys laugh at that but I kinda want her to honestly. "Is that a threat or a promise?" I ask her as she leans in close to me and I can smell her intoxicating musk that just fills my senses and overwhelming them at how invigorating she makes me feel without doing anything at all, I can even smell some arousal mixed in there making Cormac go crazy. I stare at her lips as they say, "Both." I can feel myself purring as she smirks big at me and walks away to the other men again. "Holy f*#k that was amazing.. her smell is so intoxicating.. I just want to beat you all up and every man in this place, so she will beat me up and take me outside." I say to the guys as they all laugh at me.. they think I'm joking but I'm completely serious.
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