Chapter 32

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They entered the land of Akuzu; the group from the forest; that was Mori, Adere, Adere's mother with Renu and Edu with the rest and they headed to the place where Edu had said that they would be staying to conceal themselves from the full glare of the people of Akuzu until whenever they were sure that they would be able to stay either in the land of Akuzu permanently or shortly before looking for another place. As this went on to happen it downed on one of them who happened not to have a name as he said "I still do not feel alright with the fact that we are coming to this place. I mean it does not make any sense to me. if we want to to a place where we would be staying would it not be better if we had gone to a place where we would nest for the whole time of our life. I am not really comfortable with this idea of going to Akuzu and then staying there to conceal ourselves from the full glare of people. What will we be doing this kind of things happening the way that they are happening? I am not going to say that it does not make any sense again but then even if it makes any sense to us I would suggest that we go ahead and do what is most necessary" His words did not mean anything to the rest for they believed that edu was making the right decision for them. "You do not need to complain of what we are doing now. you already know without being told that there is no way we will be able to find a way to save these old people with us. you do not know that back in the land of Zinu there were still those that could not escape the land of Zinu with us and we are not talking about going back to know if there is a way we can be able to find them and help them to escape fully. Well having said this I am only going to allow others to know this but for you you do not need me to keep telling you every now and then, this is something that you should know and should have known before now. We are going to have to allow up with what Edu is saying that we should do and not allow ourselves to be decieved by the fact that we are now all recovered from our wounds and because of that we are no longer in need of his aid. We are still in need of his aid an we will continue to need it from now till the day we are all dead, as also he will be needing our help in some occasions" the person that said this was Adere and Adere's mother nodded his head in understanding. There was something which she was aware but it did not go down well with the rest. ""Adere, I am in support with what you have been saying. We all know before now that who made our lives possible to see the days that have all passed since the time with left the land of Zinu is Edu. we are going to have to continue to trust him, especially when we have all seen that you love him so much, especially we that have seen that you are his friend right from time. We are not going to continue to make it look like we are not interested with the way things are going. Having said this i must appreciate you two, yes, you and Edu for the help so far. I am so much in good health and i know for sure that i have only thing to ensure that things worked out the way that they are supposed to work out. Who am I to know these things if I am not going to allow things to flow up the way that they are supposed to flow up" Adere was pleased with what Renu had said but one thing he did not know was the mind of his mother and that of Mori for both of them looked closer and always quite and disconnected from the rest, always discussing in low tones. He moved back a bit and said to his mother, "Mother you and your new found daughter are mostly disconnected from the rest of us and I keep wondering why is that. I am forced to ask you to know if there is something that i am missing and I need to be carried along as soon as possible" he laughed and his mother held him by the shoulder and said, "You are talking in tones that can make someone laugh but I am not going to laugh son because laughing has always made me to loose my voice. You know that i have special interest in Mori for a reason best known to me. You have developed this same relationship with Renu and Edu, am I not permitted to have the same joy that you too have acquired?" At this point Adere laughed and then same with his mother and Mori. Mori in the other hand did not laugh but niggled. Adere looked at her and then said to his mother, "Very well then, since you have called my togetherness with the rest selfish I will leave you with your friend already and go back to the front side where I will be working with the rest" Just then he walked to the front where he continued to discuss with Edu and the rest. Adere's mother appeared worried immediately and Mori smiled and said. "You can not even hide your fear while he is with you and he sees these things you know. If he says he is not seeing them then he is lying because I can tell you that he is seeing it. You already know without being told that I have a story that I am not done telling you about and I know that you would want to know much about it" "Yes my daughter there is something that keeps drawing me to knowing you the more because i feel that you have this wonderful and import role to play in the life of my son. You may not make out anything from what I have just said but in my heart I know without having to be told by a diviner of a Seer that both of you will have something to do in this world. My prayer and what has always been my prayer is to make sure that I do not get on doing what I am not supposed to be doing during that time, my daughter it is clear that my walk on this earth is laced to have something to do with my son's destiny, not just how his future will look like but now his past has looked like. I am so much in love with it and all that I want to do is to help him and continue to help him till the day that I draw my last breath" Mori was just looking at her face as she said those words. She was about to say something but already they were already being addressed by Edu. "So here I am going to have to tell you all to stay behind and rest while me, Adere and Renu, if there is anyone else that would like to join us so that we go over to the mountain side to check if there is anyone there that is actually in the full glare of it. If we go there and it happens that the place is clear enough we will then return here to inform you all that it is time for us to move. I know quite alright what it means to have you all waiting here, hoping that we return alive but I must assure that the land of Akuzu is my home town and I was born and raised here. There is no way that I will allow anyone to have anything to do with our safety, I will make sure of that, so none of you should be filled with fear instead let all of you wait here and expect us to return" This was how Edu, Adere and Renu with two more others decided to go and check the mountains but before they left this had already been troubling the mother to Adere and she walked up to her son and standing before him she said, "You know how long it took me and the rest to find you and the others. You all know how it feels to be a mother and then look for your son and then you are told that he is missing. I do not want to look for you and not find you my son. This is why I am telling you this, to ensure that you do what you are required to do and to ensure that you do it fast. I have never seen someone who is not going to go far in life. This simply tells me to trust you at all times and to trust you in such a way that it will go down well with me. I trust you my lovely son and I know that you will not put me in confusion again instead you will come to me and to the rest of us that you and the rest of you will be leaving behind here to the mountains. This is what I so much desire, I desire that most times what will happen to us will be happening to us because we want them to happen to us. If we are not told we will not know. This is why I have decided to make sure that you promise me right here and now that you will be coming back. Are you making me that promise now?" The son just looked at his mother for sometimes and then said to her, "What other mother do I have if not just you? I mean I have looked back and forth and I have come to realise that you will always be the best mum in the whole wide world and I will never joke with you. I have also come to understand that most times when it would seem like there is nothing else fr me to believe in or hope on I remember you, I remember your face and your smiles and how you have tried so hard to always keep me up and I realised that your love for me has kept me going to this point. It was because of you that I refused to give up searching for you and while we were searching for you destiny had it that I must meet again with my friend, a friend whom I had thought I would never get to meet again. As you can see that he is my friend and despite that you have something that you are doubtful about he will make sure that we are safe in this land where he comes from just the same way that he made sure that we were able to leave the land of Zinu alive with the rest of us. What this means mother is that you have to first trust me before you try to trust any other person. You have to believe in me because I am the one that will be going to do what is supposed to be done. When you look on me I will then look on another. When you believe in me I will have nothing else to disbelieve and I will be given the full confidence to know those that I am dealing with please mother, do me this one favour" he begged her.
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