Chapter 33

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The mother looked at her son for a while and then held his both hands and said to him, "I have heard what you said and having known what inspires this fear in me, having witnessed the last time your father spoke to me and knowing that he was going to face what would kill him has made me right from that time to this moment to so be so scared of the way things happened. I am quite sure that these things happen this way and it is almost always like it is not in line with what we have asked for all these while. What you need to know my son is that we have reached the stage where we are supposed to know exactly what we are after and also to know for sure what has become part of us. We are also have to know before now that things do not just happen but they happen because they are programed by some thing bigger. So my son each time you see me act the way that I do do not blame me, instead have it in mind that all I know is that you love me and that I know that you know that I love you too. My heart and my mind are with you and I can not just take them off you. Have it in your mind that my heart is certain where you are and I hope to make things work out the way that they are supposed to work out. I have heard what you have said and I have seen that you truly trust your friend and you would want to make sure that both of you find a way to make things better. What else am I supposed to do; if the gods have brought both of you together then I have nothing to do except to keep praying those gods to help this group of ours to accomplish many great things in anywhere that we find ourselves into. Go on my son, we will be here waiting for you all" The mother to Adere went to Renu and Renu hugged her and then Edu hugged her too and said, "This already looking teary and I begin to wonder if we are going to die, if this is why it is the way that it is. Well we are not going to die mother and we will return safe and sound to take you all with us to the mountains where we are going to hear and be safe. Okay?" Adere's mother nodded his head and then decided that it was time for things like that to happen. She let them go and Adere, with Edu, Renu and the two others that came out to follow them began to make their way to the mountains of Akuzu land. Adere's mother sat on a log of wood and there she sighed heavily and shook her head. Mori sat near her and kept looking towards the path that Adere and the rest had taken. "I know that the reason he did not mention that I should follow them was because he needed to be to around you" said Mori. "Yes, he knows that I like being with you. In as much as it is obvious the things that are happening it is quite certain that things like his will never continue simply because we are not certain yet. Being beside me makes me know you the more and it makes me have this hope and this conviction that things are going to be in good shape. Thank you my daughter for sticking with me" "I should be the one to thank you mother for you have shown me kindness right from the time that you showed me that sickness was not going to be the end of me. Thank you so much for this mother" said Mori and Adere's mother sighed again and then added, "Why not go on telling me the story of how it all began with you and how you managed to reach this point in your life? I mean if you look at it carefully the way that it is supposed to be I am not yet supposed to be obscured from knowing the outcome of your story and how you were able to escape the raging storm of death in the hands of that man that is called the diviner. I am so much engrossed with the story because I really would like to know you and what you are. It will please me to know you deeper than I already knew you and having known this fact it will interest me to bring it to your knowledge that I am so much happy that this is happening. Kindly tell me the end of that story so that my anxiety will be put to rest" Mori then decided to continue with her story with the diviner. The diviner decided to take Mori to a land called the Aboti. In the land of Aboti the people that lived there were only dwarfs. The dwarfs of the land of Aboti were known to the most dangerous beings that had ever walked the earth. It was said that they could shut the door of the gods and prevent the wills of the gods from coming to pass. Although it would seem like it was not true in one or many other occasions the dwarfs of the land of Aboti had proved this to be true and many who witnessed their great powers were wowed by them. It was in this land that the diviner was talking the one that had the gift of conversing with the gods and had the powers to shut down the operation of the gods. On their way to that place Mori whose mouth was still sealed shook her head and the man said to her, "I am going to have to remove the seal from your mouth but you have to promise me that you are not going to shout if I should remove the seal from your mouth. If you re not going to shout what I want you to do for me now is to shake your head in order that I may know that you are in understanding and in agreement of what I have just said" Mori hesitated before nodding her head. When she nodded her head the man then removed the seal from her mouth. Mori kept looking at him and not saying anything. The diviner rolled his eyes and did not want to be the one to start up a conversation but he was surprised that Mori was not about to say anything either, instead she looked away from him and continued to stare far into the distance. The diviner then cleared his throat and asked, "Are you not going to say a word?" he was forced to ask her. "You yourself told me not to say anything. So I keep wondering what exactly you are trying to say to me" said Mori. "I don't remember telling you not to say anything. I said you should not shout not that you should not say anything, there is a big difference" he said but did not get any response from her as Mori had removed her face from him as well. "I am sorry that I have to do this to you but it is for your own good and for the good of the people. You are aware already the kind of power that you are wielding and it is not advisable that you continue to live with such a power. You should know that such powers being with you will only make things more difficult for you and for others. This is why I am telling you now to ensure that you make what it is that you are supposed to make and do not go about making things more difficult for yourself. What I am saying is that it is better that things work out the way that they are supposed to work out and not the way that you would want them to work out" "You have no right to tell me these things and you know it. You have no right to tell me what is good for me and what is not good for me. You are not my father and so I see no reason you should be the one to decide for me what is good for me. You have no such right and I will prove it to you soon. You think that by taking me hostage this way I will compromise my stand with the gods and willingly give in and thereby giving you the gods given gifts to me. That is never going to happen and it is better that I tell you now so that you will know this that I am telling you. You can not force me to do this and you can not force me to accept this. It is when you realise this simple fact that you will be able to understand deeper the things of the spirit because by the way you are going about these things it is a prove to me that you do not know anything about spiritual matters. You do not know and you will never know. You will see for yourself soon just how much you have fooled yourself and it may not be that will make you see it but others you have never imagined in your entire life"
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