Chapter 70

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I want you to remember Adere that it was the king of Agori after he had sacked your land with the help of Aboro decided to take it for himself forgetting that there is a bigger threat, a threat so big we have everything to be afraid of. We are not only afraid of this threats but we are sure going forward to ensure that things did not go as planned. I have already begun to sense that there are things which even though we are not ready for we have to make ourselves ready for because life is all about what we have decided to do and done already not about what we have in mind to do. My dear let us get straight to the point before our long talks deprive us from talking about the major thing that I decided to have a talk with you; you see my dear, I have spoke about the ancient beast which everyone including you in the land of Zinu knew and knows about. I wanted that beast to be taken away to the land of the dead. I wanted it killed but today, before you came I had to rethink and what I came about in my thoughts was that It would not be good to have the ancient beast killed. Instead of having it killed I prefer we have it tamed" At a point when things already begun to look like there was nothing else to say the king of Abah decided to confined talking. "I know that you would be wondering how this would be possible; yes, with over a million men it would be impossible to subdue the ancient beast and bring it to control or to death which I no longer want but with you Adere, the one that was chosen long ago there is nothing that you would not be able to get done and that is why I am here with you now, this is why I chose to have you here, I chose to have you because already the watchers when they saw your mother noted that she was the one they had seen in the realm of the spirits as the one who have birth to the saviour of this land, the savior of this world. You are here now and this, this that I have just told you is exactly why you are here. Do what you have to do and let other things follow" "Do what I have to do? I already told you that I have nothing to do that I know of. I am just a simple man who witnessed his own father's death in the hands of Aboro and could do nothing. How on Earth do you believe now that I would be able to do what you are saying? What makes you think that I will be able to escape the wrath of the ancient beast If I am to near him. I can not be able to do that and you know it. Aside this I would like to ask you a question my lord if you would not mind" The king nodded in response. "Okay, I would like to know why you would want the beast tamed instead of killed?" To this the king had nothing to say, infact the king thought that the young man was going too deep with him and that he did not appreciate. He looked Adere in the eye and said to him, "I think what you will have to do is to stick to the very thing that I have asked you to do for me. When you have successfully subdued the strange and ancient beast what else are you interested in? If the ancient beast is tamed it is then left for the people of Abah to decide on what to do next with it" "The people of Abah or you in particular? You see why I ask this my lord is because you have nothing, you should have no need trying to tame such a creature. The creature that we are speaking of has lived for thousands of years, ofcourse such a creature has a magical power that preserves his life. Taming him will be dangerous. I suggest we have it killed instead" The king did not want to reply him just yet. He stood up and went to the window and there he saw again that the cloud were gathering and he knew that soon it would start to rain. This was not what he had prepared for but he was not going to shy away from the fact that there a re those who were going to do that day if the beast was to come attacking the kingdom of Abah. ***** Where Aboro was lying down in a small and broken hut, there Rira sat beside him and continued to think of what next that she must do in order to get things going. She was not sure if there was a thing that she had missed or if it was an attack from the spirits of Zinu who were angry with what she did. She had been told before them that if the spirits of Zinu wanted to punish someone for what they did they would first start punishing those that the person was connected to thereby making the person unable to find help and from being unable to find help to being stranded to a point of fainting and death. She rose from where she was seated and began to pace in the room. As she paced she kept talking in her mind, thinking loudly. ***** In the palace of Agori the king had been told that the men that had been sent after Aboro and Rira had returned without them and he pounced his hand on the seat before him and angrily requested that nothing was going to stop them from hunting them down. He then decided to punish the Zinu lady, Rira for what she did and called one of the soldiers and Instructed him to fetch the people that had come to the land of Agori, those who came with Rira from Zinu. The elders were brought in to stand before the king and the king whose anger was growing hotter said, "I am not going to have you all killed if only you can tell me what initial plan you had with Rira and Aboro before now. All I want is nothing but the truth. If you all fail to tell me the truth I am going to be forced to do what you both would not like. So I am going to ask you all again and what I demand is nothing but the truth. Before I ask again are you all willing to tell me what it is that I have asked of you. I am willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that things worked out for you all positively but you must be willing to tell me nothing but the truth" The elders of Zinu looked at one another and the elders among them who was very old said to the king of Agori, "A man as old as myself would not lie, if I am to lie I would not like for something as this but I would not lie for any reason. What I am saying is that what you are asking us we are not aware of. We are not aware of any plan by Rira. What you said that she did was not part of any plan we had with her. She was the one who promised us that Aboro was not going to harm us in the land of Zinu. she had to provide for us back there in the land of Zinu and I can tell that we ate and had enough. Aboro and his men became kind to us because of them. We were so much filled with comfort and that we cannot deny here but one thing we knew was that she had plans to ensure that we have you to understand what we believed was better for us, for your people and for everyone else. Aboro was ready to work with her to help her to achieve that and we were ready to work with her to make that happen. When we landed in this land she was there for us and the guards who discussed with her helped us make the right decisions of the kind of food we wanted. The only thing that bothered us was the fact that Aboro was suffering in your dungeon and we prayed earnestly that he came out. We never had any other plans aside this and we wanted to do what would benefit you and your people or atleast be part of those that will enforce that change. We are not standing here because we are guilty but because we are suspected" "Allow me to be the one who will determine if you are guilty or not. Meanwhile like I said I am not going to allow you all to go free simply because I have to believe that you all have nothing to do with what Rira and Aboro are doing right now. You all are going to pay for it and I am going to ensure that after paying for it you will no longer remain alive to confront Rira and Aboro for making a decision without considering what would become of your fate" The king then commanded that they be taken and locked up in a dungeon.
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