Chapter 69

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When the king of Abah asked Adere this question he waited because he did not know what game the king of Abah was trying to already playing. He looked at him direct in the eyes and said, "Very well then. I would like to see my mother and also the lady that she is with" "There is no problem. You will be taken to where she is. Do not sound as if we kidnapped her. She will let you know that we have not harmed her in any way and the lady by name Mori who is with her will confirm it to you too. Now I will tell the servants to take you to him" The king then sat down and shortly the two servants standing by the door signaled Adere to come forward. Then Adere followed them while the king's eyes stood at him. When Adere was closing on the door he looked out of the window and saw that the rain was dying down. He stopped and said to the servants, "Where re you taking me to?" "You said you wanted to see your mother and the lady that is with her, ofcourse that is where we are taking you to, so that you can go and see her" At that moment Adere shook his head and looked back towards the door that led to where the king was seated. "I would love to see the king first. Let us go back" The servants were not sure what it was that made him to change his mind but somehow they did not want to be the ones that would bring their own punishment by their own hands. They followed him at once and before long they came face to face with the king of Abah. The king did not know why on Earth they would return so soon. "I believe that you are not lying to me. Meanwhile I would have wanted to see my mother but I can tell that I was not comfortable with the way things have become. I would love to have my mother brought to me instead" The king did not know why he would say that but whatever the case might be there was nothing wrong with the way things had become..He walked straight to the door and then said to the servants, "When we need someone we do whatever it takes right? Then go on and bring his mother and the lady Mori to him here. I will be in my chamber waiting" He then walked away. The servants went to the room where Adere's mother was with Mori and informed her that Adere wanted to see her first before having an official meeting with the king of Abah. "He made the right decision" said Mori and Adere's mother stood up and said to the servants, "Where is he now?" They asked her to follow them and she and Mori did at once. Before long the door of the chamber where Adere was seated opened and then Adere stood up to hug his mother. He nearly carried her shoulder high. Mori stood and watched mother and son with so much excitement in her face. Shortly Adere walked up to her and without a word gave her a warm hug. Just then the mother made a speech. "Where is Edu, Renu and the rest?" "Renu is with me but not in this chamber, they found her a separate place before we entered the palace building but we will go and see her after my meeting with the king of Abah. Meanwhile do not ask of the rest for I can not tell what must have happened to them. Mother I would like to know something first; were you kidnapped by the king's watchers, that is the watchers of this land or you came here with Mori by yourself?" Adere's mother wanted a reply him but did not know what to say, suddenly she started laughing out loud. Adere did not know what it was that was going to happen to her or why she was laughing the way that she was laughing. "Adere my son I know that the battles of life must have dealt with you and the rest but then let it be brought to your knowledge that I have what you are looking for, that peace which you lack I have it and I am willing to share it with you. I do not want you to have so many doubts in your mind. I came here with Mori because when you and the others started to worship the god of the mountains of Akuzu we did not want to be part of it and that was why we had to leave. We wanted to be out of it because we did not have anything to say about it. Kindly do what you are supposed to do so that things will work out the way that they are supposed to work out. I have not decided already that there are things that are going to be done but let it go as planned already. I have begun to have nothing against anything except the fact that there are those who are already going to allow others to have the same measure. The king of Abah may have done the things that people saw as evil and placed some bad names on him but if truth must be told there is nothing like a man who despite his evil acts still wants to bring peace to a land that has suffered from pains for many years. You know about the ancient beast and you know that the king of Agori through the help of Aboro sacked us from our own land, you know quite alright that we surely need to do what we are supposed to do in order to take back what belongs to us. I am now appealing to you to take heed of what Mori is going to say to you now because what she is going to say will help you make your decisions" Adere could not still believe Immediately that the person that had been speaking all the while was the mother that bore him. He did not expect to hear that from her and so he asked her further, "Mother I am going to be plain with you and I mean what I have just said, there is a way that I have been trying to make amends with everything but if truth must be told let other things that go well with us continue to go well with us. Let us not go on and do the things we do because we want to do them but because we have see what it is that we are going to do. Tell me the truth mother, were you and Mori forced to this place, to this land or you came here to this palace on your own?" Adere's mother looked at Mori and Mori thought it was time for her to say something,"Adere you have to listen to what your mother is saying to you. Your mother would not lie to you would she? Now what we are saying is that we came here on our own because we had thought for sometimes and asked ourselves for sometimes, wondering how on Earth we would be able to escape the very reason we have decided to go ahead. Your mother and myself did not want to worship the mountain god with you and the rest but we did not intend to keep relying on a force hope, believing that it was actually something that has to do with anything or that we are going to survive the attack from those who might come looking for our heads on the mountains. We left to be able to find another better alternative to survive and that was how we landed in this place. We had to discuss with the king of Abah and somehow he has begun to request of you, saying that he was told something about you, something that is not new in your ears. He would love to make you an offer because you are going to have to make him an offer" Adere looked at his mother still wanting more clarifications, "Mother, I can understand where Mori is coming from but the truth be told I have no knowledge about anything that concerns this. What I do know is that I have the skill of a fighter but aside that I have nothing else to prove to anyone. Please and please allow me to do what I have to do" "My son, do not talk like that. You have to go and see the king first. After you are done seeing him you can then decide on what you want to do" said the mother and Adere then said, "You asked of the rest but we do not know. I only came here with someone that my mind tells me will be of great help, Renu. I do not know about Edu but he must be somewhere" The mother was not moved by those words of his but he was ready to tell him that she was so much interested in him meeting with the king to hear what he had to say, "Do you not know my son that the king of Abah can actually help us take back what Aboro, what the king of Agori took from us?" This last words from the woman was not yet necessary according to Adere as he said to his mother, "I have heard you and right now I am going to have to meet with the king. Renu will join us shortly" He then looked at Mori to see if she was going to say anything to him and yes she did have something to say to him, "Do well to become the hero that you have always been destined to be and do not do anything outside what you have been programmed to do by the gods. Always pay attention to their leading and you will not miss your way at all as you embark on this journey. We will be here waiting for you until you return to us" Adere and the king of Abah were now seated and ready to discuss. Adere was sure that the major reason the king would want to have a word with him so desperately had to do with something that he wanted from him so desperately. He waited to hear it. "Have you met with your mother? If you have met with her have you also seen that we did not kidnap her, instead we welcomed her and by welcoming her we believed that the gods of this great land had decided to bring to us the mother of the saviour of the land of Abah. The watchers of my land confirmed it and I had to embark on ensuring that they were taken good care of and so that they agree that you be brought here in your own will. Now that you are here is there anything that you have to complain about concerning the things you must have seen with your mother and the lady with her since you came?" Adere shook his head. "Very well then" continued the king, "Now I am certain that you are willing and so eager to know the reason why I have decided to call you to this place. it is not that I would not have any of my soldiers of even a battalion do what I would have you do for me but because the thing I would have you do for me is not ordinary and so only extraordinary person can get it done. The reason I am so eager to have you here is because of the evil that exists in this land. You know of the evil that I speak.
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