Chapters 71

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Where Aboro was still lying on the ground he began to cough and Rira jumped to her feet. She was happy that at least he was not dead but had woken up. "What happened to you Aboro. What happened to you? I was beginning to think that something terrible had happened. I had to ask myself several questions at a time, wondering why you would be dead at this time when you are needed most in this world, at a time when you are greatly needed. I would have said to myself, where would I go from here, to where will I go to from here, who will take me in, who will understand me, who will assure me that I will be safe, who will make me to understand that the world has not ended. Aboro I had to think of many things at the same time, asking myself several questions and wondering what it meant to have so much to leave behind. Me that saw that my people are now going to die for what they do not know about. I have put them in a situation whereby their lives will be lost. I have done something terrible that I know but please do not leave me just yet because if you do I am not sure if I will be able to escape the kind of pains that will come to me. I have found peace and that peace I would not want to loose it. In the past I did not want to think about the gods because I had always thought that they had nothing to offer, my heart towards them melting each day when I have to pass through alot. But with you the world stands a chance of becoming saved once again and I have promised to stand with you till the end." .Aboro rose to his feet and looked at the lady Rira once again and then said to her, "I can understand your fears Rira. I know that you have so much guilt to feel in your heart regarding what happened in the dungeon of the palace of the king of Agori. I want you to know one thing; Despite the fact that it was your fault I am not entirely against you or against what you did because what you did you did in order to escape what seemed to be a dangerous situation. I am not against you entirely. Please do not think that I am because I am not. Infact I commend you. You could not think straight and now that you do you left nothing else to think of and you have to think about your people, the people that you left behind in the palace of the king of Agori" He then dusted his cloth while she helped him to do it. When he was through he looked at her straight in the eyes and said, "Oh no" "What is it?" "I saw someone in my dream. I just remembered" said Aboro as he held his shoulder and then added, "I have never seen someone who is not in good terms with me in my dream to this extent in my dream. He was so against me that I had to beg for my life. I begged for my life in my dream for the first time. The most terrible thing about this dream is that I know the face of the one that came to me in my dream. I could have said that I am not sure if he was still the same person or some spirit using his face to come to hunt me in my dream I would have known because that had never happened before but what I saw was not exactly what I am saying now. The one that came to me in my dream is actually the very person that I witnessed in the past who was there and witnessed me kill his father. I know him, I mean I know his face" At that moment Rira did not know what else to say but one thing that she was sure of was the fact that Aboro would not be saying something with so much seriousness if he did not meant it. Infact if there was anything that he meant it would be what he was saying with a frown on his face. Rira wanted to hold his face but he dodged her hand and looked elsewhere. Rira did not know what to say to him in order to make him understand that she was with him and that she would appreciate it the most of only he would be more open to her and explain what he meant. When she found out that she was unable to make him explain to her she then decided to talk about something else entirely. "What are we going to right now? As it stands now we have nothing else to loose except that we need to focus on the right thing that we are after. Let us go to the East?" asked Rira but Aboro looked at her and shook his head. "I told you already of where we are going to head to and I meant it. We are heading to the land of Abah. I can not go back to the land of Agori even if your people are going to suffer in the hands of the king of Agori. The truth is that he is going to come at us with so much anger in him. What we are required to do is to stay away from him. Listen Rira, I plead with the gods at all times in my heart, I beg them every second that they may not bring me shame or give me cause to return to whom I used to be. You see my dear I really do not want to go back to whom I used to be and that is why I keep praying to the gods of the land where I come from; the gods of Agori land" Rira did not need to continue to pressurize him to accept that they look for somewhere else where they would nest because already she believed that there was no way that he would be able to change his mind. She then said to him, "I have begun to notice that despite our diverse reasons we have one thing in common and that one thing that we have in common is that we are all searching for a way, for a route to survive. I am with you Aboro" The two of then decided to head straight to the land of Abah, after Rira told him that she had nothing to say concerning the dream that he said he had during the time they he fell down and became unconscious. Having said that they decided to go to the land of Abah. In the land of Agori the king of Agori was so bitter that he found it hard to eat his food. He called his general and told him to bring out the whole people that Rira had come to his land with and that he would want them all executed at once. The general did as he was told and soon they brought out the elders that Rira brought with her from the land of Zinu and lined them up at the execution center near the palace. The king and some of his officials were there to give the final judgment. Their deaths was recorded in the history books of the land of Agori. ***** Edu woke up from his dream, having known that he had been dreaming decided to have a rethink concerning what he would want and what he would not want. He rose on his feet and headed straight to a tree and when he had reached there he sat under it. He was still there until one of the watchers of Abah appeared to him. "You have been dreaming again have you not?" asked the watcher. Edu sprang to his feet and did not know what to say. The watcher continued, "Very well. What you did, what you helped us to do has yielded a result and that is why I came here to inform you. You have been told that if you helped us to do what we have just done you will be given what you never thought that you would have and that is what I have come here this time to offer you" He handed him a wrapped object and said, "The king of Abah wants you to have this and he wants you to find a house of your choice in Abah or outside Abah land, buy it and own it, stay in it and build your life with the remaining money. He wants you to stay away from the palace and always refer to the king of Akuzu as your king and not have to appear before him or before anyone that appears before him" The watcher waited to hear what Edu had to say. Edu could not believe his ears. He found it so hard to believe that already the king of Abah was talking to him in that manner, the now wanted to chase him away after he had finished helping them..This got him so angry and he said to the watcher, "You want me to take this money and use it and establish myself? Is that how you men of Abah do? This is not right, this is not right at all. I have never seen such a thing like it but one thing that I have in mind is that I have begun to have a rethink. I will not allow myself to be used and dumped!" he threw the bundle of money back to the washer and said, "Take back your filthy offer and I will go my way but remember that if am not taking this offer, if I have decided not to take this offer it is because I do not want anything that has to do with your offer which means I am not tied to your offer but I am tied to the promises that were made to me. You and your king made promises, promises that you must fulfil. I do not care how long you and your king keep thinking of my foolishness or my ignorance but I will have to prove it to you that I am neither foolish nor ignorant" He tried to walk away on the watcher and the watcher started speaking, "Listen to me boy, you have not actually understood the reason for my coming here. I came here to offer you something but you have rejected my offer, which means you have rejected the offer from the king of Abah. Well, I was told that you must take the offer" "If I refuse to take the offer?"asked Edu. "If you refuse to take the offer it means you are still tied to us by divine law which can not be possible because our king has always more serious issues to settle and will not have himself put in a corner with you. So what this means is that you will not only be expected to take the offer but if you refuse to take it you will be forced to take it by me. This is why I came here personally, this is why they had to send me to you. So bend down right now and take back that money that I have just offered you and when you take it you look elsewhere and go where you need to go. I will not repeat myself on this issue. You have to do what I have just told you and stop being foolish. Is that understood?" "Not understood. It is vital that you also understand where I am coming from, I'm coming from the land of Akuzu and from where I come from I have a father and he is a man who would want me to do what is right..You yourself have said before now that the land of Akuzu is known for their strong-headedness. Well that is what it is and I am not taking this money" He tried to walk away once again but this time he was struck by a thunder from the staff of the watcher and he fell flat on the ground and stopped breathing. The watcher then spoke, "You could have just taken the money and gone your way but no, you decided to be so smart. The king of Abah already have the ancient beast to deal with and you cannot continue to be on his way" The watcher then disappeared at once. When he had disappeared there was already a thing or two that happened. He looked up to the sky after having a drop of water on his head and then said to the sky, "If you are going to rain once again you are only going to unleash a beast that the whole world fears. What am I going to do in this case?" He sighed so badly before he disappeared into thin air. After he had disappeared Edu remained on the ground where he had fallen. **** In the land of Abah Adere had gone back to where his mother and Mori were and had sat down without saying a word. The two women wanted to eagerly know what was happening to him and so they grabbed him by the hands and continued to pester him to tell them what was the outcome of his meeting with the king of Abah. "What is there to sound new to your ears already mother, you already know what he was going to say because already he had told you everything before I came. I just hope mother that this worth it?" "It worth it. Yes it does. Have you not been listening to me all the while we have been traveling from one place to another, from one forest to another? Listen to me Adere, your mother had had to allow me tell her the things that she believes in and then we both believe in you. We believe that you are going to bring to us a lasting solution to the problem of the world; the problem of the existence of the Ancient Beast. When you must have allowed the god given gift in you to have the ancient beast killed there is nothing else that anyone will do about it but to reward you. You will be rewarded from one corner of the earth to another. All you have to do is to have it killed" said Mori. "You are not understanding are you?You are sounding as if you have not been listening to the king..Well maybe he has been speaking with only my mother. We know how dangerous it can be to have the ancient beast tamed instead of killed. If we go ahead and have the ancient beast tamed for the king it is going to be dangerous. We do not need to tame the beast and that is if we are ever going to be able to tame it. If we finally succeed in having it tamed what makes us believe that the king of Abah would not use it to make himself a beast king? This is what makes me scared because already the king has begun to talk about what I am telling us here now. He intends to have me tame the beast instead and I am not happy with the arrangement" "Is that not what he said he wants; But that is against what we want. Who has the power to kill the beast, Is it not you? when you have found out that you can actually tame of kill the ancient beast all you have to do is to kill it. When you kill it you have saved a generation. I want you to know this to be a fact" Said Mori. Adere sighed and decided that she had to work with Mori in order to better understand what his destiny entailed. He did not know much about himself and he needed that training, he needed that polishing, that clear revelation of who he was so that he would be able to define himself and what he was called to do. "You see Mori, I have been listening to all that you have been saying and I have come to understand that there is always a thing or two which causes men to have it in their minds. What it means is that when things go out plan it only takes two or more people to have then secure. Let me have more knowledge of myself through you. From now on while we stay in this palace until the time we go to face the ancient beast you will have to put me through the basic needs of my destiny. I want to know more about myself, I want to know more about what I can do, what I can become, where I can go and how I can go about accomplishing what I have been called into this universe to accomplish" Mori did not need to think about it before she nodded. Adere's mother was happy and then she walked t a corner and sat down there. Even though that she was filled with happiness that finally her son had accepted to work towards his destiny she was still disturbed that it would be a disastrous thing for her if anything was to happen to her son in the cause of trying to tame or kill the ancient beast. She would not be able to stop blaming herself till she dies if anything was to happen to Adere. Mori knew what she was thinking and so walked up to her and sat down with her.
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